JForum version 2.1.8 suffers from cross site request forgery and cross site scripting vulnerabilities.
JForum 2.1.8 bookmarks CSRF & XSS
Advisory Information
Advisory ID: NGENUITY-2010-004
Date published: 2010-06-06
Vulnerability Information
Class: Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Software Description
Per jforum.net "JForum is a powerful and robust discussion board system
implemented in Java^tm . It provides an attractive interface, an
efficient forum engine, an easy to use administrative panel, an advanced
permission control system and much more."
Vulnerability Description
If the victim is authenticated then it is possible via a number of
methods to have the vicitim visit the below example url. A new bookmark
entry would be set and the XSS payload inserted and would be triggered
when the user visited their bookmarks page. It is also possible to
pre-load your own bookmarks page and if another user visits your
bookmarks then the payload would also be executed.
Note: the bookmarks module must be installed and activated for a
particular installation to be vulnerable / exploitable.
Technical Description
Example exploit URL to insert a bookmark. Replace <XSS> with your payload.
Discovery Timeline
2009-12-30 - Initial Discovery
2009-12-31 - Notified JForum through bug ticket submission
This vulnerability was discovered by Adam Baldwin
*Related Advisory:*
*Software download link: *http://jforum.net/download.jsp