The Joomla Rapid Recipe component suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability.
Joomla Component (com_rapidrecipe) SQL Injection Vulnerability
Author : Und3rGr0unD W4rri0rZ
title:Joomla Component (com_rapidrecipe) SQL Injection Vulnerability
Script : Joomla
Date : 05/07/2010
Dork : inurl:"com_rapidrecipe"
[ Vulnerable File ]
[path]/index.php?option=com_rapidrecipe&page=viewcategory&category_id=[ SQL ]
[ XpL ]
[ Demo]
# Und3rGr0unD W4rri0rZ :
# -HeaDShoT {pwz@hotmail.[choose any domain if you are lucky u will find me]}
# -M4MIM4N {pp8@live.[choose any domain if you are lucky u will find me]}
# -L363ND{a4z@live.[choose any domain if you are lucky u will find me]}
# my greetz to :
# ta3lab el maker
Hotmail : une messagerie fiable avec une protection anti-spam performante