The site at suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability. The owner of the site was notified and ignored the person reporting the vulnerability to them.
===================[¦¦¦¦ 2009 ¦¦¦¦]===================
===================[¦¦¦¦ Author: Gm0 ¦¦¦¦]===================
==============[¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦]==============
========[¦¦¦¦ SQL Injection Authentication bypass ¦¦¦¦]=======
A Site Note:
I don't usually post site-specific exploits, but due to the
fact that they have IGNORED all of our attempts to explain this
issue to them, I feel they would learn best if more people
showed them what a problem this could be.
Be nice... ;)
======================[¦¦¦¦ USAGE: ¦¦¦¦]======================
1) Fire up your favorite HTTP/HTTPS post/header editor
2) Supply valid email-address credentials and password (due
to client-side validation), or simply modify client side
validaton with firebug to accept "improper" email-address
3) Modify 'username' and 'password' parameter values to
' OR 1=1--
(simple, I know, which is why they should be informed)
4) Submit modified request
5) Click 'edit profile' link for proof of logged-in status
====================[¦¦¦¦ FINAL WORD ¦¦¦¦]====================
I _KNOW_ more can be done with this.
Explore, learn, have fun. (be responsible)
Maybe now they will take notice . . .
======================[¦¦¦¦ SHOUTZ ¦¦¦¦]======================
Everyone at TeamQuarantine
Including _YOU_ A.G.
But certainly not J.L.