SLAED CMS version 2.5 Lite suffers from a local file inclusion vulnerability.
# SLAED CMS 2.5 Lite Local file inclusion
# Script url
# Lets code in function/sources.php:
780: // Format language
781: function get_lang($module="") {
782: global $multilingual, $currentlang, $language, $user_cookie_t;
783: if (isset($_REQUEST['newlang']) && $multilingual == "1") {
784: if (file_exists("language/lang-".$_REQUEST['newlang'].".php")) {
785: setcookie("lang", $_REQUEST['newlang'], time() + intval($user_cookie_t));
786: require_once("language/lang-".$_REQUEST['newlang'].".php");
And in index.php:
9: require_once("function/function.php");
10: get_lang();
# As you can see variable newlang is not filtered, so, if magic_quotes_gpc turned off, we can use exploit:
# Bug discovered by The_HuliGun
# Greetz to: NaTka and all people who understand...
# See u soon!