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Posted Jan 8, 2004
Authored by James Bercegay | Site gulftech.org

PostNuke version 0.726, and possibly earlier releases, are open to SQL injection and cross site scripting attacks due to a lack of proper parameter sanitizing.

tags | advisory, xss, sql injection
SHA-256 | 307fc789ac7baf754c526ec507e9ec95ce669371ebffc34964b0347615a87b33


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<b style="font-size:15px; font-family: helvetica;">
Vulnerabilities In PostNuke 0.726 Phoenix
<div align="right" style="font-size: 12px; font-family: helvetica;">
January 03, 2004




<table align="left" width="100%">
<td class="content">Vendor</td>
<td class="content">: PostNuke</td>
<td class="content">URL</td>
<td class="content">
: <a href="http://www.postnuke.com" target="_blank">
<td class="content">Version</td>
<td class="content">: PostNuke 0.726 Phoenix && Older(??)</td>
<td class="content">Risk</td>
<td class="content">: SQL Injection && XSS</td>

<td class="content">BID</td>
<td class="content">
: <a href="http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/" target="_blank">

<td class="content" colspan="2">
PostNuke is a popular Open Source CMS (Content Management System) used
by millions of people all across the world.

<td class="content" colspan="2">
SQL Injection Vulnerability:<br>
SQL Injection is possible by passing unexpected data to the "sortby" variable
in the "members_list" module. This vulnerability may allow an attacker to
manipulate queries as well as view the full physical path of the PostNuke
installation. This is due to user input of the "sortby" variable not being
properly sanitized.

<td class="content" colspan="2">
Cross Site Scripting:<br>
XSS is possible via the download module by injecting HTML or Script into the
"ttitle" variable when viewing the details of an item for download. Example:
[VLID] = Should be the valid id number of a file for download. <br>
[CODE] = Any script or HTML etc.

<td class="content" colspan="2">
An update has been released regarding the SQL Injection vulnerability. The XSS
vuln however will not be fixed until future releases of PostNuke as it is really
not possible to Hijack a users PostNuke session using a stolen session ID, thus
limiting the chances of this being harmful to any users or administrators. Much
respect to the PostNuke Dev team and especially Andreas Krapohl aka larsneo for
being very prompt and professional about issuing a fix for this immediately. The
fixed may be obtained from the official PostNuke website at http://www.postnuke.com

<td class="content" colspan="2">
Credits go to JeiAr of the GulfTech Security Research Team.
<td class="content" colspan="2">
Related Links:<br>
<a href="http://lists.postnuke.com/pipermail/postnuke-security/2004q1/000001.html" target="_blank">



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