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Posted Aug 29, 2002
Site microsoft.com

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS02-028 - Heap Overrun in HTR Chunked Encoding Could Enable Web Server Compromise. Vulnerability allows attacker to execute arbitrary code on the system.

tags | web, overflow, arbitrary
SHA-256 | 04f30acb371ed80bb96e9721e7666a3a6716e0e6d5f43be0473c571f4b731489


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Microsoft Security Bulletin MS02-028
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Heap Overrun in HTR Chunked Encoding Could Enable Web Server Compromise

Originally posted: June 12, 2002
Updated: July 1, 2002


Who should read this bulletin: Customers hosting web servers
using Microsoft® Windows NT® 4.0 or Windows® 2000.

Impact of vulnerability: Run code of an attacker’s choice on
the system

Maximum Severity Rating: Critical

Recommendation: Customers who have a business-critical reason
for retaining HTR scripting should apply the patch
immediately. All others should ensure HTR is disabled.

Affected Software:

* Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0
* Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.0

Technical details

Technical description:

On June 12, 2002, Microsoft released the original version of
this bulletin. On July 1, 2002, the bulletin was updated to
revise the severity rating. Specifically, Microsoft has
increased the severity rating of this issue to "critical ."
The revision is in response to a significant change in the
threat environment due to an increased focus on chunked
encoding vulnerabilities in general, and the discovery of
hostile code attempting to exploit similar vulnerabilities on
other platforms. Customers who have already disabled HTR or
applied this patch need not take any action. Customers who
have not disabled HTR should do so as soon as possible.
Alternately, customers who cannot disable HTR should apply the
patch immediately.

This patch eliminates a newly discovered vulnerability
affecting Internet Information Services. Although Microsoft
typically delivers cumulative patches for IIS, in this case we
have delivered a patch that eliminates only this new
vulnerability, while completing a cumulative patch. When the
cumulative patch is customer-ready, we will update this
bulletin with information on its availability. The FAQ
provides information on the circumstances surrounding the
vulnerability, and why we believe releasing a singleton patch
immediately is in customers’ best interests. To ensure that
servers are fully protected against past as well as current
vulnerabilities, we strongly recommend installing the previous
cumulative patch (discussed in Microsoft Security Bulletin
MS02-018) before installing this patch.

The vulnerability is similar to the first vulnerability
discussed in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS02-018. Like that
vulnerability, this one involves a buffer overrun in the
Chunked Encoding data transfer mechanism in IIS 4.0 and 5.0,
and could likewise be used to overrun heap memory on the
system, with the result of either causing the IIS service to
fail or allowing code to be run on the server. The chief
difference between the vulnerabilities is that the newly
discovered one lies in the ISAPI extension that implements HTR
– an older, largely obsolete scripting technology – where the
previous one lay in the ISAPI extension that implements ASP.

Mitigating factors:

* Microsoft has long recommended disabling HTR
functionality unless there is a business-critical reason
for retaining it. Systems on which HTR is disabled would
not be at risk from this vulnerability.
* The IIS Lockdown Tool disables HTR by default in all
server configurations.
* The current version of the URLScan tool provides a means
of blocking chunked encoding transfer requests by
* On default installations of IIS 5.0, exploiting the
vulnerability to run code would grant the attacker the
privileges of the IWAM_computername account, which has
only the privileges commensurate with those of an
interactively logged-on unprivileged user.

Severity Rating:
Internet Servers Intranet Servers Client Systems

IIS 4.0 Critical Critical Critical

IIS 5.0 Critical Critical Critical
The above assessment is based on the types of systems affected
by the vulnerability, their typical deployment patterns, and
the effect that exploiting the vulnerability would have on
them. Although the vulnerability would grant varying degrees
of control to a successful attacker, depending on the
particular version in use, a server configured using any of
the Microsoft security checklists or security tools would not
have the HTR functionality enabled.

Vulnerability identifier: CAN-2002-0364

Tested Versions:
Microsoft tested IIS 4.0, 5.0 and 5.1 to assess whether they
are affected by these vulnerabilities. Previous versions are
no longer supported, and may or may not be affected by these
vulnerabilities. IIS 6.0 is a beta product, and beta products
are typically not eligible for security patches; however, we
have confirmed that no beta versions of IIS 6.0 are affected
by the vulnerability.

Frequently asked questions

Why was this bulletin updated?

On July 1, 2002, we updated this bulletin to advise customers
of a revision in the severity rating of this issue.
Specifically, we have increased the rating for this issue to
"critical" because of new information that materially changes
the threat environment. Specifically, we have become aware of
increased interest and activity surrounding chunked encoding
vulnerabilities in general, and are aware of attempts to
exploit similar issues on other platforms. While Microsoft is
not currently aware of any attempts to maliciously exploit
this specific issue, we feel that this activity constitutes an
increased threat. We have proactively revised the severity
rating to "critical" to more accurately represent this threat
and we are urging all customers to immediately disable HTR
mappings if at all possible. Those customers who cannot
disable HTR mappings are urged to apply the patch immediately.
Customers who have already taken steps to address this issue
need not take any action.

Is this a cumulative patch?

No. This patch eliminates a newly discovered security
vulnerability, but it is not cumulative. A cumulative patch
for this issue and others is under development, and will be
completed shortly. When it is available, we will update this
bulletin to provide information on how to obtain it.

Because this patch is not cumulative, we recommend that
customers ensure that they have installed the most recent
cumulative patch (delivered in Microsoft Security Bulletin
MS02-018) before installing this patch.

I thought Microsoft’s policy was to provide cumulative patches
for IIS. Why isn’t this patch cumulative?

Microsoft’s normal policy is to provide security fixes for IIS
via cumulative patches. In fact, a cumulative patch has been
underway for several weeks. However, cumulative patches
require extensive testing because of their scope and wide
deployment. As a result, the cumulative patch is several weeks
away from being customer-ready.

The newly discovered vulnerability is similar to another
vulnerability (discussed in Microsoft Security Bulletin
MS02-018), for which exploit tools are already available. At
the same time, eliminating the vulnerability required only a
small amount of code change, in a component with few
dependencies on other code. As a result, we concluded that
there was high value in developing a singleton patch and that
we could do so in a much shorter timeframe than usual.

If I don’t want to install the patch, is there a workaround
procedure for this vulnerability?

Yes. As discussed below, the vulnerability can be eliminated
by disabling a rarely used feature in IIS. Customers who have
already disabled this feature don’t need to take any
additional action.

What’s the scope of the vulnerability?

This is a buffer overrun vulnerability affecting IIS 4.0 and
5.0. By sending a specially chosen request to an affected web
server, an attacker could either disrupt web services or gain
the ability to run a program on the server. Such a program
would run with full system privileges in IIS 4.0, and with
fewer but nevertheless significant privileges in IIS 5.0

Microsoft has long recommended that customers remove the
functionality that contains the vulnerability unless there is
a business-critical reason for retaining it, and customers who
have done so would be at no risk from this vulnerability. The
IIS Lockdown Tool disables this functionality by default.
Customers who have retained the functionality but deployed the
URLScan tool as discussed in Microsoft Security Bulletin
MS02-018 would likewise be protected against the

What causes the vulnerability?

The vulnerability results because of an arithmetic error in
the ISAPI extension that implements the HTR functionality.
Specifically, the error lies in a function that enables data
to be uploaded to a web server via chunked encoding, and
causes IIS to allocate a buffer of the wrong size to hold
incoming data, with the result that the data could overrun the
end of the buffer.

What is an ISAPI extension?

ISAPI (Internet Services Application Programming Interface) is
a technology that enables web developers to extend the
functionality of their web servers by writing custom code that
provides new services for a web server. Such code can be
implemented in either of two forms:

* As an ISAPI filter -- a dynamic link library (.dll) that
uses ISAPI to respond to events that occur on the server.
* As an ISAPI extension -- a dynamic link library that uses
ISAPI to provide a set of web functions above and beyond
those natively provided by IIS.

In the case of this vulnerability, the affected code is an
ISAPI extension that implements scripting via HTR.

What is HTR?

HTR is a first-generation advanced scripting technology
delivered as part of IIS 2.0. HTR was never widely adopted,
largely because a far superior technology, Active Server Pages
(.ASP), was introduced in IIS 4.0 and became popular before
customers had invested significant development resources in
HTR. However, all versions of IIS through version 5.1 do
provide support for HTR, for purposes of backward

Microsoft has long advocated that customers disable HTR on
their web servers, unless there is a business-critical need
for the technology. By default, the IIS Lockdown Tool disables
HTR support, by unmapping the HTR ISAPI extension.

Are there any widespread uses for HTR?

Virtually the only purpose for which HTR technology is still
used today is web-based password management services. IIS
ships with a set of HTR scripts that, if deployed, make it
possible for users to change their Windows NT passwords via a
web server, and make it possible for administrators to perform
password management through the web.

In general, Microsoft recommends against performing password
management over the web. However, for customers who must do
this, we recommend converting any needed HTR scripts to ASP.

What is chunked encoding?

Web servers frequently need the ability to accept data from a
user. For instance, when a visitor to a web site fills in a
form and submits it, the data needs to be uploaded to the
server so it can be processed. In cases like this, the amount
of data that will be transferred is known in advance, and the
server can allocate a buffer of the right size. However, in
other scenarios, it’s impossible to know beforehand how much
data will need to be transferred. For instance, an application
might be generating data as it runs, and there might be no way
to know exactly how much data it will produce.

The HTTP protocol specification provides a way to handle data
like this, through a process called chunked encoding. In
chunked encoding, the client generates a variable-sized
quantity of data called a chunk; it then tells the web server
how big the chunk is and sends it. The server allocates a
buffer to accommodate the incoming chunk, then receives and
processes it. As the client generates additional data, it
continues agglomerating it into chunks and delivering them to
the server.

What’s wrong with the way the HTR ISAPI extension in IIS 4.0
and 5.0 performs chunked encoding transfers?

There’s an arithmetic error in the IIS 4.0 and 5.0 HTR
implementations, that causes them to miscalculate the size of
the buffer that’s needed for an incoming chunk and allocate
one that’s too small. The result is that the data in the chunk
can overlap the end of the buffer and overwrite other data in
system memory, potentially allowing the operation of IIS to be

How much data could be overwritten?

By design, the client can specify a chunk of any size – if the
server can’t accommodate a chunk that large, it should send an
error message to the client. However, in addition to causing
the wrong-sized buffer to be allocated, the arithmetic error
also prevents IIS 4.0 and 5.0 from placing any real limits on
the size of a chunk. As a result, it would be possible for a
client to send a chunk that would overwrite most or all of the
memory in the IIS process

This is a critical point, because it goes to the heart of why
this vulnerability poses a threat to servers. This
vulnerability is an example of so-called heap overrun; because
of the dynamic nature of system memory, these can be more
difficult to exploit than stack overruns and may require more
sophisticated skills. Data on the server can change locations
from one moment to the next, impeding the attacker's ability
to overwrite selected programs or data. However, in this case,
the attacker wouldn't need to know where programs were
located, but could instead simply overwrite large portions of
system memory indiscriminately.

What would this enable an attacker to do?

An attacker who exploited this vulnerability could use it for
either of two purposes.

* Service disruption. By overrunning the buffer with random
data, the attacker could corrupt program code and cause
the IIS service to fail, thereby preventing the server
from providing useful service.
* Change the operation of the server. By overrunning the
buffer with carefully selected data, the attack could
overwrite program code on the server with new program
code, in essence modifying the functionality of the
server software.

Who could exploit the vulnerability?

Any user who was able to establish a web session with an
affected server could exploit the vulnerability.

If the vulnerability were exploited to cause the IIS service
to fail, what would be needed to restore normal operation?

On IIS 4.0, the administrator would need to restart the IIS
service. On IIS 5.0, the service would automatically restart

Why could the vulnerability only be used to cause the IIS
service to fail? If the attacker were able to overwrite system
memory indiscriminately, why not overwrite all memory on the
server and cause the entire operating system to fail?

Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 and Windows XP operate in
protected mode. In protected mode, processes can only write to
sections of memory they own. As a result, it would not be
possible for the attacker to overwrite the memory belonging to
the operating system.

If the vulnerability were exploited to change the operation of
the server software, what would the attacker be able to do?

In a nutshell, the attacker’s code would gain the privileges
of the software that called it – the HTR ISAPI extension. The
privileges that the attacker could gain would depend on the
version of IIS in use on the server:

* On IIS 4.0, the HTR ISAPI extension runs by default
in-process – that is, as part of the IIS Service, which
runs as part of the operating system itself. As a result,
exploiting the vulnerability on a default IIS 4.0
installation would give the attacker complete control
over the server.
* On IIS 5.0, the HTR ISAPI extension runs by default
out-of-process – that is, in the security context of a
special user account called the Web Application Manager.
(Web administrators may know this account better as
IWAM_computername, where computername is the name of the
server). This account has significantly fewer privileges
than the IIS service.

What privileges does the Web Application Manager have?

Essentially, the account has the same privileges as those of
an unprivileged user who was able to log onto the server
interactively. It would not enable an attacker to take
administrative action, reconfigure the server, or access
important files such as the Security Account Manager database.

Nevertheless, it is important not to underestimate the damage
that could be caused using even these privileges. Even these
privileges could be used to cause significant damage. Worse,
the vulnerability could potentially give an attacker a
beachhead from which to conduct additional attacks and try to
obtain additional privileges.

I’m running IIS 4.0. Can I configure the HTR ISAPI extension
to run out-of-process?

You can. However, a better solution is to disable it

I used the IIS Lockdown Tool to secure my server. Does it
disable the HTR ISAPI extension?

Yes. All versions of the IIS Lockdown Tool remove the HTR
functionality by default, in all server configurations.

I’ve deployed the URLScan Tool on my server. Will it protect
my system against this vulnerability?

All versions of URLScan beginning with version 2.5 provide the
ability to block chunked encoding requests. There are two
variants of URLScan, known as “Baseline URLScan” and
“URLScan-SRP”. The latter variant blocks chunked encoding by
default. The former can be configured to block chunked
encoding, by adding an entry to the [DenyHeaders] section of
URLScan.ini that reads “Transfer-Encoding:”. (Note: the quotes
should not be included in the entry, but there is a colon at
the end of the word “Encoding”).

I’ve disabled the HTR functionality on my IIS server. Do I
need the patch?

If you’ve disabled the HTR functionality, you’re at no risk
from this vulnerability.

How does the patch eliminate this vulnerability?

The patch eliminates the arithmetic error that causes the

Patch availability

Download locations for this patch

* Microsoft IIS 4.0:
* Microsoft IIS 5.0:

Additional information about this patch

Installation platforms:

* The IIS 4.0 patch can be installed on systems running
Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6a.
* The IIS 5.0 patch can be installed on systems running
Windows 2000 Service Pack 1 or Service Pack 2.

Inclusion in future service packs:

* No additional service packs are planned for Windows NT
* The IIS 5.0 fix will be included in Windows 2000 Service
Pack 3.

Reboot needed:

* IIS 4.0: A reboot can be avoid by stopping the IIS
service, installing the patch with the /z switch, then
restarting the service. Knowledge Base article Q319733
provides additional information on this procedure.
* IIS 5.0: No.

Superseded patches: None.

Verifying patch installation:
IIS 4.0:

* To verify that the patch has been installed on the
machine, confirm that the following registry key has been
created on the machine:
* To verify the individual files, consult the file manifest
in Knowledge Base article Q321599.

IIS 5.0:

* To verify that the patch has been installed on the
machine, confirm that the following registry key has been
created on the machine:
* To verify the individual files, use the date/time and
version information provided in the following registry


Localized versions of this patch are available at the
locations discussed in "Patch Availability".

Obtaining other security patches:
Patches for other security issues are available from the
following locations:

* Security patches are available from the Microsoft
Download Center, and can be most easily found by doing a
keyword search for "security_patch".
* Patches for consumer platforms are available from the
WindowsUpdate web site
* All patches available via WindowsUpdate also are
available in a redistributable form from the
WindowsUpdate Corporate site.

Other information:


Microsoft thanks eEye Digital Security for reporting this
issue to us and working with us to protect customers.


* Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q321599 discusses this
issue and will be available approximately 24 hours after
the release of this bulletin. Knowledge Base articles can
be found on the Microsoft Online Support web site.
* Technical support is available from Microsoft Product
Support Services. There is no charge for support calls
associated with security patches.

Security Resources: The Microsoft TechNet Security Web Site
provides additional information about security in Microsoft

The information provided in the Microsoft Knowledge Base is
provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. Microsoft
disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including
the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose. In no event shall Microsoft Corporation or its
suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever including
direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of business
profits or special damages, even if Microsoft Corporation or
its suppliers have been advised of the possibility of such
damages. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation
of liability for consequential or incidental damages so the
foregoing limitation may not apply.


* V1.0 (June 12, 2002): Bulletin Created.
* V1.1 (June 13, 2002): FAQ item updated.
* V1.2 (June 20, 2002): Correction made in the Verifying
patch installation for IIS 5.0 section.
* V2.0 (July 1, 2002): Severity rating updated to reflect
changing threat environment.

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