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Posted Jan 25, 2002
Authored by Mindkind

Deltaflown , it is a ICMP/TCP/UDP packet forger which is very easy to use. It is coded in C and it can be compiled on a linux machine or on another UNIX if you change the name of headers.

tags | udp, tcp
systems | linux, unix
SHA-256 | 272f40e310301484bfbd2ebfbf84e05c16b9b67ec0f402fecc53c21b932812d4


Change Mirror Download
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Sorry for my english , it is not my native language ehehe :)

Here is a TCP/UDP/ICMP packets forger, it is very simple to use but you must know the meaning of
differents header's fieds.To code this soft i have read the icmp.h , the tcp.h and the udp.h file.
I have compiled and tested this program on Linux RedHat 7.1

To compile : gcc -o deltaflown deltaflown.c
To use : ./deltaflown protocol source_adress target_adress [OPTIONS]

It could be great if we could code a packets forger in GTK+ for all protocols !
If you want to take part in this project , you can send me and email at mindkind@caramail.com (i m looking for coders and if
you want to be the main coder , it is possible because i haven't lot of time to devote to coding and i m not a wizard in C language) ,

Greetz (sans ordre particulier , je ne fais aucune distinction entre mes fans) :

Bigfoot dit nab le nabot (nan je deconne)
Kevin B. , ex-dictateur Africain reconvertit dans le hacking :)
Toady (if you are living in Detroit , be ready , he comes in April to a linux expo LOL)
Ice-Breaker , l'overclocker fou pour les intimes
Peterpan , who has explain me the TCP checksum calculation (indochine rulez :))

#include <stdio.h>
#include <linux/ip.h>
#include <linux/icmp.h>
#include <linux/tcp.h>
#include <linux/udp.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <netdb.h>

char *ip_source , *ip_dest , *icmp_gateway , *protocol;
int number , delay , sock , i , argument;
int ip_ihl , ip_version , ip_tos , ip_frag_off , ip_id , ip_ttl, ip_check , ip_tot_len;
int icmp_code , icmp_id , icmp_sequence , icmp_mtu , icmp_checksum , icmp_type;
int udp_portsource , udp_portdest , udp_len , udp_check;
int tcp_syn , tcp_fin , tcp_rst , tcp_urg , tcp_psh , tcp_ack , tcp_ack_seq , tcp_seq , tcp_ece , tcp_cwr;
int tcp_res1 , tcp_doff , tcp_window , tcp_check,cwr , ece ;
int tcp_portsource , tcp_portdest , tcp_urg_ptr;

struct iphdr *ip;
struct icmphdr *icmp;
struct udphdr *udp;
struct tcphdr *tcp;

char buffer[65536];

struct {
unsigned long saddr, daddr;
char mbz;
char protocol;
unsigned short tcpl;
} pseudo_header;

u_long resolve (char *host)
struct in_addr in;
struct hostent *he;

if ((in.s_addr = inet_addr(host)) == -1)

if ((he = gethostbyname(host)) == NULL)

herror("Host not found:");

memcpy( (caddr_t) &in, he->h_addr, he->h_length);


unsigned short checksum(u_short *addr, int len)

register int nleft = len;
register u_short *w = addr;
register int sum = 0;
u_short answer = 0;

while (nleft > 1)
sum += *w++;
nleft -= 2;
if (nleft == 1)
*(u_char *) (&answer) = *(u_char *) w;
sum += answer;
sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff); /* add hi 16 to low 16 */
sum += (sum >> 16); /* add carry */
answer = ~sum; /* truncate to 16 bits */
return (answer);

void print_ip_header(void)

printf("IP HEADER :\n");
printf("| Version : %d | IHL : %d | Type of service : %d | Total lenght : %d\n" , ip->version , ip->ihl , ip->tos , ip->tot_len);
printf("| ID : %d | Frag off : %d | Offset fragment : ?\n" , ip->id , ip->frag_off);
printf("| TTL : %d | Protocol : %d | Checksum : %d\n" , ip->ttl , ip->protocol , ip->check);
printf("| IP source : %s\n" , ip_source);
printf("| IP destination : %s\n", ip_dest);

void send_udp_packet()

struct sockaddr_in sin;
char *packet;
int optval;

packet = (char *) malloc(sizeof(struct iphdr) + sizeof(struct udphdr));
ip = (struct iphdr *) packet;
udp = (struct udphdr *) (packet + sizeof(struct iphdr));

ip->ihl = (ip_ihl == -1) ? 5 : ip_ihl;
ip->version = (ip_version == -1) ? 4 : ip_version;
ip->tos = (ip_tos == -1) ? 0 : ip_tos;
ip->protocol = IPPROTO_UDP;
ip->tot_len = (ip_tot_len == -1) ? (sizeof(struct iphdr) + sizeof(struct udphdr)) : ip_tot_len;
ip->ttl = (ip_ttl == -1) ? 255 : ip_ttl;
ip->id = (ip_id == -1) ? htons(random()) : ip_id;
ip->frag_off = (ip_frag_off == -1) ? 0 : ip_frag_off;
ip->saddr = inet_addr(ip_source);
ip->daddr = resolve(ip_dest);

memcpy(buffer, ip, 4*ip->ihl);
memcpy(buffer+4*ip->ihl, udp, sizeof(*udp));

ip->check = (ip_check == -1) ? checksum((unsigned short*)buffer, 4*ip->ihl + sizeof(*udp) + 1) : ip_check;

memset(buffer , 0 , 65536);

udp->source = (udp_portsource == -1) ? htons(10) : htons(udp_portsource);
udp->dest = (udp_portdest == -1) ? htons(80) : htons(udp_portdest);
udp->len = (udp_len == -1) ? htons(sizeof(struct udphdr) + sizeof(struct iphdr)) : htons(udp_len) ;


memcpy(buffer, &pseudo_header, sizeof(pseudo_header));
memcpy(buffer+sizeof(pseudo_header), udp, sizeof(*udp));

udp->check = (udp_check == -1) ? checksum((unsigned short*)buffer, sizeof(pseudo_header)+(sizeof(*udp)+1)&~1) : udp_check;


printf("\n UDP HEADER :\n");
printf("| Source port : %d | Destination port %d\n" , udp->source , udp->dest);
printf("| Len : %d | Checksum : %d\n" , udp->len , udp->check);

setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, (char *)&optval, sizeof(int));

sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
sin.sin_addr.s_addr = resolve(ip_source);

for ( i = 0 ; i < number ; i++ )
if (sendto(sock, packet, ip->tot_len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&sin , sizeof(struct sockaddr)) < 0)

printf("Packet n° %d sent !\r" , i+1);


printf("%d UDP packets sent !\n" , number);


void send_tcp_packet()
struct sockaddr_in sin;
char *packet;
int optval;

packet = (char *) malloc(sizeof(struct iphdr) + sizeof(struct tcphdr));
ip = (struct iphdr *) packet;
tcp = (struct tcphdr *) (packet + sizeof(struct iphdr));

ip->ihl = (ip_ihl == -1) ? 5 : ip_ihl;
ip->version = (ip_version == -1) ? 4 : ip_version;
ip->tos = (ip_tos == -1) ? 0 : ip_tos;
ip->protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
ip->tot_len = (ip_tot_len == -1) ? (sizeof(struct iphdr) + sizeof(struct tcphdr)) : ip_tot_len;
ip->ttl = (ip_ttl == -1) ? 255 : ip_ttl;
ip->id = (ip_id == -1) ? htons(random()) : ip_id;
ip->frag_off = (ip_frag_off == -1) ? 0 : ip_frag_off;
ip->saddr = inet_addr(ip_source);
ip->daddr = resolve(ip_dest);

memcpy(buffer, ip, 4*ip->ihl);
memcpy(buffer+4*ip->ihl, tcp, sizeof(*tcp));

ip->check = (ip_check == -1) ? checksum((unsigned short*)buffer, 4*ip->ihl + sizeof(*tcp) + 1) : ip_check;

memset(buffer , 0 , 65536);

tcp->source = (tcp_portsource == -1) ? htons(10) : htons(tcp_portsource);
tcp->dest = (tcp_portdest == -1) ? htons(80) : htons(tcp_portdest);
tcp->window = (tcp_window == -1) ? htons(512) : htons(tcp_window);
tcp->seq = (tcp_seq == -1) ? htons(rand()) : tcp_seq;
tcp->doff = (tcp_doff == -1) ? sizeof(*tcp)/4 : tcp_doff;
tcp->ack_seq = (tcp_ack_seq == -1) ? 0 : tcp_ack_seq;
tcp->res1 = (tcp_res1 == -1) ? 0 : tcp_res1;
tcp->fin = (tcp_fin == -1) ? 0 : tcp_fin;
tcp->syn = (tcp_syn == -1) ? 1 : tcp_syn;
tcp->rst = (tcp_rst == -1) ? 0 : tcp_rst;
tcp->psh = (tcp_psh == -1) ? 0 : tcp_psh;
tcp->ack = (tcp_ack == -1) ? 0 : tcp_ack;
tcp->urg = (tcp_urg == -1) ? 0 : tcp_urg;
tcp->urg_ptr = (tcp_urg_ptr == -1) ? 0 : tcp_urg_ptr;
tcp->cwr = (tcp_cwr == -1) ? 0 : tcp_cwr;
tcp->ece = (tcp_ece == -1) ? 0 : tcp_ece;


memcpy(buffer, &pseudo_header, sizeof(pseudo_header));
memcpy(buffer+sizeof(pseudo_header), tcp, sizeof(*tcp));
tcp->check = (tcp_check == -1) ? checksum((unsigned short*)buffer, sizeof(pseudo_header)+(sizeof(*tcp)+1)&~1) : tcp_check;


printf("\nTCP HEADER\n");
printf("| Source port : %d | Destination port : %d\n" , tcp->source , tcp->dest);
printf("| Sequence number : %d\n" , tcp->seq);
printf("| ACK Sequence : %d\n" , tcp->ack_seq);
printf("|Offset's difference:%d|URG:%d|ACK:%d|PSH:%d|RST:%d|SYN:%d|FIN:%d|Window:%d\n",tcp->doff,tcp->urg,tcp->ack,tcp->psh,tcp->rst,tcp->syn,tcp->fin,tcp->window);
printf("| Checksum : %d | Urgency pointer : %d\n" , tcp->check , tcp->urg_ptr);
printf("| Res1 : %d | Cwr : %d | Ece : %d\n" , tcp->res1 , tcp->cwr , tcp->ece);

setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, (char *)&optval, sizeof(int));

sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
sin.sin_addr.s_addr = resolve(ip_source);

for ( i = 0 ; i < number ; i++ )
if (sendto(sock, packet, ip->tot_len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&sin , sizeof(struct sockaddr)) < 0)

printf("Packet n° %d sent !\r" , i+1);


printf("%d TCP packets sent !\n" , number);


void send_icmp_packet (void)

struct sockaddr_in sin;
char *packet;
int optval;

packet = (char *) malloc(sizeof(struct iphdr) + sizeof(struct icmphdr));
ip = (struct iphdr *) packet;
icmp = (struct icmphdr *) (packet + sizeof(struct iphdr));

ip->ihl = (ip_ihl == -1) ? 5 : ip_ihl;
ip->version = (ip_version == -1) ? 4 : ip_version;
ip->tos = (ip_tos == -1) ? 0 : ip_tos;
ip->protocol = IPPROTO_ICMP;
ip->tot_len = (ip_tot_len == -1) ? (sizeof(struct iphdr) + sizeof(struct icmphdr)) : ip_tot_len;
ip->ttl = (ip_ttl == -1) ? 255 : ip_ttl;
ip->id = (ip_id == -1) ? htons(random()) : ip_id;
ip->frag_off = (ip_frag_off == -1) ? 0 : ip_frag_off;
ip->saddr = inet_addr(ip_source);
ip->daddr = resolve(ip_dest);

memcpy(buffer, ip, 4*ip->ihl);
memcpy(buffer+4*ip->ihl, icmp, sizeof(*icmp));

ip->check = (ip_check == -1) ? htons(checksum((unsigned short*)buffer, (4*ip->ihl + sizeof(*icmp)+1)&~1)) : ip_check;

memset(buffer , 0 , 65536);

icmp->type = (icmp_type == -1) ? 8 : icmp_type;
icmp->code = (icmp_code == -1) ? 0 : icmp_code;
icmp->un.frag.mtu = (icmp_mtu == -1) ? 0 : icmp_mtu;
if(icmp_gateway == (char *)-1)
icmp->un.echo.id = (icmp_id == -1) ? 0 : icmp_id;
icmp->un.echo.sequence = (icmp_sequence == -1) ? 0 : icmp_sequence;
icmp->un.gateway = resolve(icmp_gateway);


memcpy(buffer, &pseudo_header, sizeof(pseudo_header));
memcpy(buffer+sizeof(pseudo_header), icmp, sizeof(*icmp));

icmp->checksum= (icmp_checksum == -1) ? htons(~(icmp->type << 8)) : icmp_checksum;


printf("\nICMP HEADER\n");
printf("| Type : %d | Code : %d | Checksum : %d\n" , icmp->type , icmp->code , icmp->checksum);
if(icmp_gateway == (char *)-1)
printf("| ID : %d | Sequence : %d\n" , icmp->un.echo.id , icmp->un.echo.sequence);
printf("| Gateway adress : %s\n" , icmp_gateway);

setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, (char *)&optval, sizeof(int));

sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
sin.sin_addr.s_addr = resolve(ip_source);

for ( i = 0 ; i < number ; i++ )
if (sendto(sock, packet, ip->tot_len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&sin , sizeof(struct sockaddr)) < 0)

printf("Packet n° %d sent !\r" , i+1);


printf("%d ICMP packets sent !\n" , number);


usage(u_char *name)

"Usage : %s protocol source_adress target_adress [OPTIONS]\n"
"\nGeneral options :\n"
" -d delay in ms (default 1000)\n"
" -h display this help\n"
" -n number of packet to send (default 1)\n"
"\nIP options :\n"
" -ip-version version ot the IP protocol (default 4)\n"
" -ip-tos type of service (default 0)\n"
" -ip-tot_len size of the packet(by default it is calculed by the program.)\n"
" -ip-ttl time to live of the packet (default 255)\n"
" -ip-id id of the packet (default random)\n"
" -ip-frag_off value of the frag flag (default 0)\n"
" -ip-check checksum of the packet (by default it is calculed by the program.)"
"\nICMP options :\n"
" -icmp-type type of the icmp packet (default 8)\n"
" -icmp-code code of the icmp packet (default 0)\n"
" -icmp-id id of the icmp packet (default 0)\n"
" -icmp-sequence sequence of the icmp packet (default 0)\n"
" -icmp-checksum checksum of the icmp packet (by default it is calculed by the program.)\n"
" -icmp-mtu mtu of the icmp packet (default 0)\n"
" -icmp-gateway gateway adress of the icmp packet (default 0)\n"
"\nUDP options :\n"
" -udp-portsource source port of the packet (default 10)\n"
" -udp-portdest destination port of the packet (default 80)\n"
" -udp-len size of the packet (default 0)\n"
" -udp-check checksum of the packet (by default it is calculed by the program.)\n"
"\nTCP options :\n"
" -tcp-portsource source port of the packet (default 10)\n"
" -tcp-portdest destination port of the packet (default 80)\n"
" -tcp-window window of the packet (default 512)\n"
" -tcp-seq sequence of the packet (default random)\n"
" -tcp-doff offset's difference (default 4)\n"
" -tcp-ack_seq ACK_SEQ flag of the tcp header (default 0)\n"
" -tcp-res1 RES1 option of the tcp header (default 0)\n"
" -tcp-fin FIN flag of the tcp header (default 0)\n"
" -tcp-syn SYN flag of the tcp header (default 1)\n"
" -tcp-rst RST flag of the tcp header (default 0)\n"
" -tcp-psh PSH flag of the tcp header (default 0)\n"
" -tcp-ack ACK flag of the tcp header (default 0)\n"
" -tcp-urg URG flag of the tcp header (default 0)\n"
" -tcp-check checksum of the tcp header (by default it is calculed by the program.)\n"
" -tcp-urg_ptr urg pointer of the tcp header (default 0)\n"
" -tcp-cwr CWR option of the tcp header (default 0)\n"
" -tcp-ece ECE option of the tcp header (default 0)\n" , name


int main(int argc , char *argv[])

delay = 1000;
number = 1;
ip_ihl = ip_version = ip_tos = ip_frag_off = ip_id = ip_ttl = ip_check = ip_tot_len = -1;
icmp_gateway = (char *)-1;
icmp_type = icmp_code = icmp_id = icmp_sequence = icmp_mtu = icmp_checksum = -1;
udp_portsource = udp_portdest = udp_len = udp_check = -1;
tcp_syn = tcp_fin = tcp_rst = tcp_urg = tcp_psh = tcp_ack = tcp_ack_seq = tcp_seq = tcp_ece = -1;
tcp_cwr = tcp_res1 = tcp_doff = tcp_window = tcp_check = -1;
tcp_portsource = tcp_portdest = tcp_urg_ptr = tcp_cwr , tcp_ece = -1;

printf("Starting Deltaflown version 1.0 written by Mindkind (mindkind@caramail.com) ...\n\n");

if(argc < 4)

if(geteuid() != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "This program requires root, sorry!\n");

protocol = argv[1];
(char *)ip_source = argv[2];
(char *)ip_dest = argv[3];

i = 4;
while(argv[i] != NULL)

if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-h") == 0)

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-d") == 0)
delay = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-n") == 0)
number = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-ip-version") == 0)
ip_version = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-ip-tos") == 0)
ip_tos = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-ip-tot_len") == 0)
ip_tot_len = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-ip-ttl") == 0)
ip_ttl = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-ip-id") == 0)
ip_id = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-ip-frag_off") == 0)
ip_frag_off = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-ip-check") == 0)
ip_check = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-icmp-type") == 0)
icmp_type = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-icmp-code") == 0)
icmp_code = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-icmp-id") == 0)
icmp_id = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-icmp-sequence") == 0)
icmp_sequence = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-icmp-mtu") == 0)
icmp_mtu = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-icmp-gateway") == 0)
(char *)icmp_gateway = argv[++i];

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-icmp-checksum") == 0)
icmp_checksum = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-udp-portsource") == 0)
udp_portsource = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-udp-portdest") == 0)
udp_portdest = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-udp-len") == 0)
udp_len = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-udp-check") == 0)
udp_check = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-tcp-portsource") == 0)
tcp_portsource = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-tcp-portdest") == 0)
tcp_portdest = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-tcp-window") == 0)
tcp_window = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-tcp-seq") == 0)
tcp_seq = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-tcp-doff") == 0)
tcp_doff = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-tcp-ack_seq") == 0)
tcp_ack_seq = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-tcp-res1") == 0)
tcp_res1 = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-tcp-fin") == 0)
tcp_fin = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-tcp-syn") == 0)
tcp_syn = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-tcp-rst") == 0)
tcp_rst = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-tcp-psh") == 0)
tcp_psh = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-tcp-ack") == 0)
tcp_ack = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-tcp-urg") == 0)
tcp_urg = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-tcp-check") == 0)
tcp_check = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-tcp-urg_ptr") == 0)
tcp_urg_ptr = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-tcp-cwr") == 0)
tcp_cwr = atoi(argv[++i]);

else if(strcmp(argv[i] , "-tcp-ece") == 0)
tcp_ece = atoi(argv[++i]);

printf("Invalid option.\n");



if(strcmp(protocol,"icmp") == 0)
if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMP)) == -1)
perror("Error socket : ");

else if(strcmp(protocol,"udp") == 0)
if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_UDP)) == -1)
perror("Error socket : ");

else if(strcmp(protocol,"tcp") == 0)
if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_TCP)) == -1)
perror("Error socket : ");

printf("This protocol is not supported, sorry !\n");

return 0;


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