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Posted Apr 13, 2001
Authored by Leigh Purdie, George Cora | Site intersectalliance.com

IIS 4.0 Security Checklist v1.2 - This document provides a series of recommendations for securing Internet Information Server version 4 on Windows NT. Designed to be used with WinNTConfig.txt.

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<CENTER><B><FONT FACE="Helvetica,Arial"><FONT SIZE=+2>Graded Security Configuration

<HR WIDTH="100%">
<P><B><FONT FACE="Helvetica,Arial"><FONT COLOR="#000099">Developed by Leigh Purdie
and George Cora</FONT></FONT></B>
<BR><B><FONT FACE="Helvetica,Arial"><FONT COLOR="#000099">Version 1.2</FONT></FONT></B>
<BR><B><FONT FACE="Helvetica,Arial"><FONT COLOR="#000099">Version Date 28 March 2001 </FONT></FONT></B>
<BR><B><FONT FACE="Helvetica,Arial"><FONT COLOR="#3333FF"><A HREF="http://www.intersectalliance.com">www.intersectalliance.com</A></FONT></FONT></B>
<BR><BR><IMG SRC="../images/email.gif"></B>
<hr align="Left" width="100%" size="2">
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica">This document provides a series of recommendations
on the choices or grades of security installation that are possible, using
Internet Information Server version 4 on Windows NT. This document is designed
to work hand in hand with the <a href="WinNTConfig.html">Windows NT security
configuration document</a>, also available from the InterSect Alliance
web site. Some of the settings may be dependant on the patch level and
service pack version in use, and therefore differencies may exist between
this document and the actual registry settings and values on your machine.
Users are encouraged to notify Intersect Alliance of any errors or omissions.</font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica">The security configuration parameters that
are graded according to arbitrary levels of <b><font color="#000000">PREMIUM</font></b>
, <b>STANDARD</b> or <b>BASIC</b>. These ratings are relative and should
not be read in absolute terms. A number of security grades refer to a "risk
assessment". It is strongly recommended that a security risk assessment
be used to ensure that the most appropriate grade is chosen for a given
production environment.</font>
<p><b><u><font face="Arial,Helvetica">DISCLAIMER</font></u></b></center>

<p><b><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica">CAUTION: The information contained
in this document aims to provide assistance by identifying the security
grades for the Internet Information Server. Implementing some of these
suggestions may potentially break or disrupt performance on systems on
which the modifications are made. The suggestions listed on this page may
not be suitable for your environment. It is therefore recommended that
you test all changes on a non-production system before applying them to
a production environment. All modifications are made at your own risk.
InterSect Alliance is not responsible for any damage that may result from
applying these recommendations conatined in this document.</font></i></b>
<hr align="Left" width="100%" size="2">
<br><b><u><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000"><font size=+1>Table
of Contents</font></font></font></u></b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000"><font size=+1></font></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000"><font size=+1><a href="#1.0">1.0&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Windows NT Installation Requirements</a></font></font></font>
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="#1.1">1.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Service Pack & Upgrades</a></font></div>

<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="#1.2">1.2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Security
Alerts and Updates</a></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="#1.3">1.3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Domain
Membership and Trust</a></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="#1.4">1.4&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ODBC/OLE-DB
Data Sources and Drivers</a></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="#1.5">1.5&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Minimal
Internet Services</a></font></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000"><font size=+1></font></font></font>
<p><br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000"><font size=+1><a href="#2.0">2.0&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
IIS Base Installation</a></font></font></font>
<blockquote><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="#2.1">2.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Extra Root Certificates</a></font>
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="#2.2">2.2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
HTW Mapping</a></font></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="#2.3">2.3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
IIS Password Capability</a></font></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="#2.4">2.4&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Unused Script Mappings</a></font></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="#2.5">2.5&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Remote Data Services</a></font></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="#2.6">2.6&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Parent Paths</a></font></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="#2.7">2.7&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Command shell execution</a></font></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="#2.8">2.8&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Directory Permissions</a></font></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="#2.9">2.9&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Certificate Server ASP Enrolment</a></font></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="#2.10">2.10&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Sample Applications</a></font></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="#2.11">2.11&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
COM Components</a></font></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="#2.12">2.12&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Log File Access Controls</a></font></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="#2.12">2.13&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"></font></div>

<p><br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000"><font size=+1><a href="#3.0">3.0&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Security Services</a></font></font></font>
<blockquote><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0><a href="#3.1">3.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Components of a PKI</a></font></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0><a href="#3.2">3.2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Practical Uses of a PKI in Electronic Business</a></font></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0><a href="#3.3">3.3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Identification and Authentication</a></font></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000"><font size=+0><a href="#3.4">3.4&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Privacy and Encryption, and Information Integrity</a></font></font></font>
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="#3.4.1">3.4.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Dedicated Terminals using Private Communications Lines</a></font></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="#3.4.2">3.4.2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Server Certificates / SSL</a></font></div>

<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="#3.4.3">3.4.3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Server Encryption with Password Authentication</a></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000"><a href="#3.4.4">3.4.4&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Client Certificates</a></font></font></blockquote>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000"><font size=+1></font></font></font>&nbsp;
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000"><font size=+1><a href="#4.0">4.0&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Access Limitation</a></font></font></font></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; ">
<blockquote><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="#4.1">4.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
File Access Control</a></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="#4.2">4.2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Executable
Content Review</a></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="#4.3">4.3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Content

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000"><font size=+1></font></font></font></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000"><font size=+1><a href="#5.0">5.0&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

<hr WIDTH="100%">
<br><a NAME="1.0"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000"><font size=+1>1.0&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Windows NT Installation Requirements</font></font></font></b>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Follow
the <a href="WinNTConfig.html">Windows NT security configuration document</a>
at a level as indicated by your security risk assessment. As a general
guide, internal systems protected by a firewall, can generally be configured
at the standard level, while systems on a demilitarized zone (DMZ) connected
to the Internet or other public networks, are likely to require 'Premium'settings.</font>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">The
following exceptions and additions to the <a href="WinNTConfig.html">Windows
NT recommended security configuration document</a> should also be applied:</font>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><a NAME="1.1"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">1.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Service Pack & Upgrades</font></b>
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">The
latest IIS service packs should be downloaded and installed for any new
IIS installation. To date, IIS service packs have been included within
the Windows NT service pack installation. As such, follow the directions
within the <a href="WinNTConfig.html">Windows NT recommended security configuration</a>
relating to server upgrades.</font></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Server
upgrades over and above those provided by the service packs can be found
from the following URL: <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/NTServer/all/downloads.asp">http://www.microsoft.com/NTServer/all/downloads.asp</a></font></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"></font></b>&nbsp;
<br><a NAME="1.2"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">1.2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Security Alerts and Updates</font></b></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">The
Microsoft security alerts will provide IIS and system administrators some
indication as to the criticality of bugs in the IIS server, or underlying
NT infrastructure, that significantly affect the security of the system.
Access to the security alerts is via email, and users can subscribe by
going to the following URL: <u><font color="#000080"><a href="http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/notify.asp">http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/notify.asp</a></font></u>
, and following the directions included therein.</font></div>

<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="496" bordercolor="#000000" >

<td ROWSPAN="3" WIDTH="64">
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Security Alerts</font></font></td>

<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Premium</font></font></center>

<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Subscribe
to Microsoft Security Alerts</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="3" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Standard</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Subscribe
to Microsoft Security Alerts if identified as a requirement in the security

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="4" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Basic</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">&nbsp;</td>

<center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Table 1.2 Security
Alerts and Updates</font></font></b></center>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><a NAME="1.3"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">1.3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Domain Membership and Trust</font></b></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Configuring
a server that provides services to public networks as a primary or backup
domain controller can introduce additional risk to any servers or workstations
that trust the PDC/BDC infrastructure. In general, a server that makes
services available to public networks like the Internet should not be configured
as a PDC/BDC.</font></div>
<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="496" bordercolor="#000000" >

<td ROWSPAN="3" WIDTH="64">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Domain

<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Premium</font></font></center>

<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Servers
that supply services to public networks should not be configured as PDC
or BDC</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="3" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Standard</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Servers
that supply services to the internal organisational network may be configured
as PDC or BDC subject to security plan recommendations.</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="4" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Basic</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">&nbsp;</td>

<center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Table 1.3 Domain
Membership and Trust</font></font></b></center>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; ">&nbsp;
<p><a NAME="1.4"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">1.4&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
ODBC/OLE-DB Data Sources and Drivers</font></b></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Some
sample applications install ODBC data sources for sample databases, while
others may install unused ODBC/OLE-DB database drivers. It is prudent to
remove any unwanted data sources and drivers using the ODBC Data Source
Administrator tool.</font></div>
<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="496" bordercolor="#000000" >

<td ROWSPAN="3" WIDTH="64">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>ODBC/OLE-DB
Data Sources and Drivers</font></font></div>

<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Premium</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#FFFFBF">&nbsp;</td>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="3" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Standard</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Remove
unwanted ODBC/OLE-DB data sources and drivers.</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="4" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8"><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>&nbsp;&nbsp;

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">&nbsp;</td>

<center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Table 1.4 ODBC/OLE-DB
Data Sources and Drivers</font></font></b></center>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; ">&nbsp;
<p><a NAME="1.5"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">1.5&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Minimal Internet Services</font></b></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">As
specified in the <a href="WinNTConfig.html">NT Security configuration document</a>,
it is generally considered good practice to reduce the number of entry
points into a server. Disable unneeded services using the Service Configuration

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">The
following services must be running to use all IIS capabilities. However,
only a subset of these services will be required in a normal IIS installation.</font></div>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">Event&nbsp; Log</font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">License&nbsp; Logging Service</font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">Windows&nbsp; NTLM Security Support Provider</font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">Remote&nbsp; Procedure Call (RPC) Service</font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">Windows&nbsp; NT Server or Windows NT Workstation</font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">IIS&nbsp; Admin Service</font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">MSDTC</font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">World&nbsp; Wide Web Publishing Service</font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">Protected&nbsp; Storage</font></li>

<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="496" bordercolor="#000000" >

<td ROWSPAN="3" WIDTH="64">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Minimal
Internet Services</font></font></div>

<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Premium</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#FFFFBF">&nbsp;</td>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="3" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Standard</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>As
per NT Configuration document, remove all unneeded services from the system.</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="4" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Basic</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">&nbsp;</td>

<center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Table 1.5 Minimal
Internet Services</font></font></b></center>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; ">
<hr WIDTH="100%"></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><a NAME="2.0"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000"><font size=+1>2.0&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
IIS Base Installation</font></font></font></b>
<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000"><font size=+1></font></font></font></b>&nbsp;</div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><a NAME="2.1"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">2.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Extra Root Certificates</font></b></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">The
IIS server implicitly trusts any certificates generated by root certificate
authorities (CA's) that have been installed in the IIS CA list. If there
are CA certificates installed that are not 'trusted, then it is recommended
that they be removed. The process of removing CA certificates depends on
the version of IIS, IE and Windows NT.</font></div>

<div style="margin-left: 1.27cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><b><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica">a.
IIS4 + IE4 + Windows NT 4 + SP4 or better</font></i></b></div>

<blockquote><font face="Arial,Helvetica">In this scenario, all root CA
certificates are handled by schannel.dll, which stores its data in the
registry. There will be a series of registry keys under the following "CertificationAuthorities"
key, one for each preinstalled CA. Each CA key has an "Enabled" entry under
it, set to 0x1 if the CA is trusted and 0x0 if the CA is not trusted.</font></blockquote>

<blockquote><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">Hive: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">Key: CurrentControlSet\Control\Security\Providers\SCHANNEL\</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">Name: CertificationAuthorities</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">Type: REG_DWORD</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000099">Value: 0</font></font></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><b>Note:</b> Do not delete these registry
entries, as Schannel will notice that they're missing and recreate them.</font></blockquote>

<p><br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><b><i>b</i></b>. <b><i>IIS4 + IE5 +
Windows NT 4 + SP4 or better</i></b></font>
<blockquote><font face="Arial,Helvetica">For this scenario, perform the
steps noted above and modify trusted root certificates in IE5:</font></blockquote>

<div style="margin-left: 2.54cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">-
Open IE5</font></div>

<p><br><font face="Arial,Helvetica">- Select Tools | Internet Options</font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica">- Click on the Content tab</font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica">- Click on the Certificates button</font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica">- Click on the Trusted Root Certification
Authorities tab</font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica">- Remove any untrusted root certificates</font></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica">Stop and start IIS:</font>
<blockquote><font face="Arial,Helvetica">- net stop iisadmin /y</font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica">- net start w3svc</font></blockquote>

<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="496" bordercolor="#000000" >

<td ROWSPAN="3" WIDTH="64">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Ancilliary
Root Certificates</font></font></div>

<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Premium</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#FFFFBF">&nbsp;</td>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="3" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Standard</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Remove
all certification authorities for which you do not intend to install certificates.</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="4" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Basic</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">&nbsp;</td>

<center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Table 2.1 Extra Root

<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><a NAME="2.2"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">2.2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
HTW Mapping</font></b>
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">The
.htw extension enables a series of functions on the IIS server, such
as the webhits.dllpage counter. Unfortunately, many of these functions
contain known exploitable vulnerabilities that allow users to browse protected
source code for ASP scripts, amongst others.</font></div>

<p><br><font face="Arial,Helvetica">To unmap the '.htw' extension for all
functions, use the IIS Management Console.</font>
<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="496" bordercolor="#000000" >

<td ROWSPAN="3" WIDTH="64">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>HTW

<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Premium</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#FFFFBF">&nbsp;</td>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="3" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Standard</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5"><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Remove
mapping for .htw functions using the IIS Management Console.</font></font></td>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="4" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Basic</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">&nbsp;</td>

<center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Table 2.2 HTW Mapping</font></font></b></center>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><a NAME="2.3"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">2.3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
IIS Password Capability</font></b>
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">The
existence of the IISADMPWD virtual directory generally implies the ability
to reset Windows NT passwords. This capability and should not generally
be used when alternatives are available.</font></div>
<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="496" bordercolor="#000000" >

<td ROWSPAN="3" WIDTH="64">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>IIS
Password Reset</font></font></div>

<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Premium</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#FFFFBF">&nbsp;</td>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="3" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Standard</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Remove the capability
to change NT passwords via IIS</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="4" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Basic</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">&nbsp;</td>

<center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Table 2.3 IIS Password

<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><a NAME="2.4"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">2.4&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Unused Script Mappings</font></b>
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Unused
script mappings should generally be removed. If the server does not require
some or all script capabilities (eg: .ASP, .SHTML), then remove them from
the IIS Management Console. Remove the mappings by opening Internet Services
Manager then right-clicking the <b><font color="#3333FF">Web server | Properties
| Master Properties | WWW Service | Edit | HomeDirectory | Configuration</font></b>
and remove these references:</font></div>

<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="451" >

<td WIDTH="316" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><b><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>If
you don't use&nbsp;</font></font></i></b></div>

<td WIDTH="129" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><b><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Remove
this entry&nbsp;</font></font></i></b></div>

<td WIDTH="316">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Web-based
Password Reset&nbsp;</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="129">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>.htr&nbsp;</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="316">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Internet
Database Connector (new Web sites don't use this, they use ADO from Active
Server Pages)</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="129">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>.idc&nbsp;</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="316">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Server-side

<td WIDTH="129">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>.shtm,
.stm, .shtml&nbsp;</font></font></div>

<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="496" bordercolor="#000000" >

<td ROWSPAN="3" WIDTH="64">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Unused
Script Mapping</font></font></div>

<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Premium</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#FFFFBF">&nbsp;</td>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="3" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Standard</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5"><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Remove
unused script mappings</font></font></td>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="4" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Basic</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">&nbsp;</td>

<center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Table 2.4 Unused
Script Mappings</font></font></b></center>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><a NAME="2.5"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">2.5&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Remote Data Services</font></b>
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">The
IIS RDS capability contains known vulnerabilities. When incorrectly configured,
RDS can make a server vulnerable to denial of service and arbitrary code
execution attacks.</font></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">It
should either be removed or restricted using ACLs. IIS logs will reveal
if users have attempted to exploit this feature  the log will take the

<blockquote><tt>1999-10-24 20:38:12 - POST /msadc/msadcs.dll ...</tt></blockquote>

<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="496" bordercolor="#000000" >

<td ROWSPAN="3" WIDTH="64">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Remote
Data Services</font></font></div>

<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Premium</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#FFFFBF">&nbsp;</td>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="3" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Standard</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Disable
Remote Data Services</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="4" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Basic</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Restrict
RDS to authenticated and authorised administrators ONLY</font></font></div>

<center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Table 2.5 Remote
Data Services</font></font></b></center>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><a NAME="2.6"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">2.6&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Parent Paths</font></b>
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">ParentPaths
allows the ''<b>..'</b>' function in file or directory access functions
within application code. Beware that if programmers have used '<b>'..'</b>'
in their scripts, disabling this capability may cause problems. To disable
this option go to the root of the Web site in question, right click select
<b><font color="#3333FF">Properties
| Home Directory | Configuration | App Options</font></b> and uncheck Enable
Parent Paths.</font></div>
<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="496" bordercolor="#000000" >

<td ROWSPAN="3" WIDTH="64">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Parent

<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Premium</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#FFFFBF">&nbsp;</td>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="3" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Standard</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Disable
Parent Paths</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="4" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Basic</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">&nbsp;</td>

<center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Table 2.6 Parent

<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><a NAME="2.7"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">2.7&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Command shell execution</font></b>
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">The
#exec facility can be used to call arbitrary commands from within a HTML
document. IIS disables this function by default, but it can be verified
by checking that the following key is set to zero, or has been removed

<blockquote><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#3333FF">Hive: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#3333FF">Key: CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\Parameters\</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#3333FF">Name: SSIEnableCmdDirective</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#3333FF">Type: REG_DWORD</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#3333FF">Value: 0</font></font></blockquote>

<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="496" bordercolor="#000000" >

<td ROWSPAN="3" WIDTH="64">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Command

<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Premium</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#FFFFBF">&nbsp;</td>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="3" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Standard</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Verify
that Command shell execution is disabled.</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="4" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Basic</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">&nbsp;</td>

<center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Table 2.7 Command
shell execution</font></font></b></center>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><a NAME="2.8"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">2.8&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Directory Permissions</font></b>
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Unless
it is intended to run either a FTP or SMTP mail server on the same machine
as the IIS server, there are two directories which may need to have access
controls set over and above the default settings:</font></div>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">c:\inetpub\ftproot (FTP server)</font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">c:\inetpub\mailroot (SMTP server)</font></li>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Both
directories are set for Everyone (Full Control). In general, there are
two major options available from a security perspective:</font></div>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">Lock down the access controls to remove access
to these directories.</font></li>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">This
will remove, or restrict, the capability to use the ftp and mail functionality.</font></div>

<li style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; ">
<font face="Arial,Helvetica">Create a separate logical servers to handle
the FTP / SMTP functions.</font></li>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">This
will put some level of logical separation between the FTP/SMTP and HTTP

<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="496" bordercolor="#000000" >

<td ROWSPAN="3" WIDTH="64">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Directory

<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Premium</font></font></center>

<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Logically
separate FTP / SMTP and IIS servers.</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="3" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Standard</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Lock
down permissions on the identified directories unless such security impacts
upon the functionality of the intended system.</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="4" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Basic</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">&nbsp;</td>

<center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Table 2.8 Directory

<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><a NAME="2.9"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">2.9&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Certificate Server ASP Enrolment</font></b>
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">By
default the installed ASP pages for Certificate Server are not secured.
Either remove the pages or set very limited ACLs on the pages. Certificate
Server ASP pages are located in the </font><tt>%systemroot%/certsrv</tt><font face="Arial,Helvetica">
<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="496" bordercolor="#000000" >

<td ROWSPAN="3" WIDTH="64">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Certificate
Server Enrolment</font></font></div>

<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Premium</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#FFFFBF">&nbsp;</td>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="3" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Standard</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Set
the Certificate Server ASP ACLs to:</font></font></div>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Administrators (Full Control)&nbsp;</font></font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Certificate Issuers (Full Control)&nbsp;</font></font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>SYSTEM (Full Control)&nbsp;</font></font></li>

<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Once
the ACLs have been applied, add trusted certificate operators to the Certificate
Issuers group if appropriate.</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="4" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Basic</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">&nbsp;</td>

<center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Table 2.9 Certificate
Server ASP Enrolment</font></font></b></center>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><a NAME="2.10"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">2.10&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Sample Applications</font></b>
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">The
sample applications contain known exploitable bugs, and should not be installed
on a production system. This includes documentation (the SDK docs include
sample code), the Exploration Air sample site and others. Here are the
default locations for some of the samples.</font></div>

<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="480" >

<td WIDTH="91" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><b><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Technology&nbsp;</font></font></i></b></div>

<td WIDTH="383" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><b><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Location&nbsp;</font></font></i></b></div>

<td WIDTH="91">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>IIS&nbsp;</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="383">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>c:\inetpub\iissamples&nbsp;</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="91">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>IIS

<td WIDTH="383">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>c:\inetpub\iissamples\sdk&nbsp;</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="91">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Admin

<td WIDTH="383">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>c:\inetpub\AdminScripts&nbsp;</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="91">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Data

<td WIDTH="383">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>c:\Program
Files\Common Files\System\msadc\Samples&nbsp;</font></font></div>

<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="496" bordercolor="#000000" >

<td ROWSPAN="3" WIDTH="64">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Sample

<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Premium</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#FFFFBF">&nbsp;</td>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="3" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Standard</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Remove
all sample applications.</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="4" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Basic</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">&nbsp;</td>

<center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Table 2.10 Sample

<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><a NAME="2.11"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">2.11&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
COM Components</font></b>
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">As
identified in the NT recommended security configuration document, disable
or remove all unneeded COM components. Many COM components are not required
for particular installs of IIS, and should be removed. Most notably consider
disabling the File System Object component, however, this will also remove
the Dictionary object. (Be aware that some programs may require components.
For example, Site Server 3.0 uses the File System Object.)</font></div>

<p><br><font face="Arial,Helvetica">The following will disable the File
System Object: </font><tt>regsvr32 scrrun.dll /</tt>
<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="496" bordercolor="#000000" >

<td ROWSPAN="3" WIDTH="64">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>COM

<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Premium</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#FFFFBF">&nbsp;</td>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="3" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Standard</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Remove
unneeded COM components.</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="4" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Basic</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">&nbsp;</td>

<center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Table 2.11 COM Components</font></font></b></center>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><a NAME="2.12"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">2.12&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Log File Access Controls</font></b>
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Access
to the IIS log files could allow a potential attacker to determine information
relating to the installation and configuration of the IIS server. Appropriate
IIS log file access controls should be implemented if appropriate. The
log files are generally located at: </font><tt>%systemroot%\system32\LogFiles</tt></div>
<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="496" bordercolor="#000000" >

<td ROWSPAN="3" WIDTH="64">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Log
File Access Controls</font></font></div>

<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Premium</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#FFFFBF">&nbsp;</td>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="3" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Standard</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Set
access controls on the Log directory as follows:</font></font></div>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Administrators (Full Control)</font></font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>System (Full Control)</font></font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Creator/Owner (Full Control)&nbsp;</font></font></li>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="4" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Basic</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">&nbsp;</td>

<center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Table 2.12 Log File
Access Controls</font></font></b></center>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><a NAME="2.13"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">2.13&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">The
content-location header contains an IP address that may expose internal
IP addresses that may be hidden or masked behind the organisational firewall
/ gateway if network address translation is used.</font></div>
<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="496" bordercolor="#000000" >

<td ROWSPAN="3" WIDTH="64">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Content-Location</font></font></div>

<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Premium</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#FFFFBF">&nbsp;</td>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="3" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Standard</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Remove
IP addresses from the content-location field within the IIS management

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="4" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Basic</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">&nbsp;</td>

<center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Table 2.13 Content-Location</font></font></b></center>

<hr WIDTH="100%">
<a NAME="3.0"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000"><font size=+1>3.0&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Security Services</font></font></font></b>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">The
basic protocols that allow the Internet and its users to share information
do not provide security functionality sufficient to conduct electronic
business transactions without additional security controls. Security services
must be provided in addition to the base grade "communications" services.
The basic security services include:</font></font>
<blockquote><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">Authentication</font></font></b>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">Authentication
is the process of verifying that the parties involved in a business transaction
are "who they are claiming to be". Obviously, each party's claims to an
identity can only be verified by an independent and trusted third party.
Any 'token' used in the authentication process that is trusted by both
parties must be very difficult or impossible to reproduce. Once verified,
authentication information can then be used to allow or deny individual
or group access to particular resources.</font></font>
<p><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">Digital
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">Digital
signatures are, in principle, very closely aligned with the 'real' signatures
that are commonly encountered on traditional paper documents. However,
a digital signature IS NOT a scanned image of a real signature. It is in
fact, a large number, which mathematically represents the attached document,
and provides cryptographic authentication of the signatory. Further discussions
on how digital signatures function are outside the scope of this document.
Nevertheless, digital signatures allow for an end user to verify that a
document or any other piece of information has been sent by a particular
user AND has not been altered between signing the document and delivery.</font></font>
<p><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">Encryption</font></font></b>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">The
confidentiality of data transmitted via the Internet cannot be assured.
Appropriate encryption technology significantly reduces the risk to data
confidentiality. Encryption is the process of rendering traffic unreadable
by using a data scrambling process that can only be reversed by using a
secure token or key, chosen to be highly difficult to guess or determine.
Encryption using a PKI can therefore provide an encrypted pipe or tunnel
between two parties across an untrusted (or public) network, or can provide
a method to encrypt information that can only be decrypted by a handful
of agreed recipients.</font></font>
<p><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">Authentication
token management</font></font></b>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">A
critical component of providing the above services is the appropriate management
of the tokens used to authenticate parties involved in the electronic business
transaction. A Public Key Infrastructure generally provides a central location
for users to access other users' authentication information in order to
facilitate secure transmissions. By having a central trusted management
point, some level of control over the validity of the authentication tokens
can be maintained. If a situation occurs where there is a requirement to
notify and revoke users in event of a compromise, the central management
point will be able to facilitate this process.</font></font></blockquote>

<p><br><a NAME="3.1"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">3.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Components of a PKI</font></font></b>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">The
above functions of a PKI rely on different components that are discussed
below. These components may or may not be required, and this will depend
on how the PKI is employed. The key components of a PKI are discussed below.</font></font>
<blockquote><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">Public/Private
Key Pair.</font></font></b>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">These
two keys are in fact large numbers that are mathematically linked. The
public key can (and usually is) published openly, whereas a private key
is held in strict secrecy by the owner of the key pair. Information encrypted
with any one of the keys, can only be decrypted using the other key. A
private key is used to decrypt information intended for the owner of the
public key, but is also used to digitally sign documents. A private key
is usually stored securely on a smartcard or within a user's home directory,
and usually requires a password, PIN or passphrase to access.</font></font>
<p><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">Digital
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">As
mentioned in the previous paragraph, a public key is usually published
openly, so that all relevant users may send the recipient encrypted information,
and/or verify receipt of sensitive documents. A digital certificate is
essentially a package of information which contains the user's identify,
their public key, and most importantly, a verification from a trusted third
party that the user as listed on the certificate has been validated as
the actual person, server, organisation or entity. Note that a digital
certificate can, and usually is, issued to organisations, or servers, as
well as people. Digital certificates have a recommended expiry date, which
should be checked by the application that uses the certificates. The date
is set by the certification authority (see below), once the certificate
is issued.</font></font>
<p><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">Certification
Authority (CA)</font></font></b>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">The
CA is the component that generates the public and private key pairs, and
binds this pair to the entity (eg; user) that will appear on the certificate.
Once the CA binds the key pair to the entity, the CA then 'stamps' the
certificate with it's own digital signature, which ensures that the generated
certificate cannot be tampered or altered in any way without being detected.
The CA should be strictly controlled and maintained by a trusted entity,
and in cases where a large number of certificates will be issued, it is
usually recommended that the parent agency control and operate the CA.</font></font>
<p><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">Registration
Authority (RA).</font></font></b>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">A
RA is the collection of processes and methods used to validate the identity
of the individuals or entities, before a certificate is bound to the entity.
The function of the RA, therefore, is to ensure that the authenticity of
the entity, so that the CA can then undertake the follow-up work and bind
an entity with a certificate. A real-world example of an RA function is
a certified Justice of the Peace. They can verify the authenticity of a
document copy, which means that various government departments do not need
to perform the same function.</font></font>
<p><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">Directory
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">If
there is a requirement for client authentication, or 'user to user' encryption
facilities (eg: secure electronic mail), there needs to be a central location
that makes a potential recipient's public keys available to information
senders. This directory server also facilitates a central certificate management
and revocation capability. A certificate issued to a user is usually granted
for a set period of time; usually between 1 and 3 years, depending on the
application. If a user certificate is compromised (ie; the private 'signing'
key is lost or stolen), a user leaves the organisation and is no longer
authorised to hold the certificate, or the issuing CA is compromised in
some way, then the trust placed in the affected certificates will need
to be revoked. The list of revoked certificates is placed on a Certificate
Revocation List (CRL) on the central directory server, so that other entities
that need to trust the CA or agency, are aware of those certificates that
should no longer be trusted.</font></font></blockquote>

<p><br><a NAME="3.2"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">3.2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Practical Uses of a PKI in Electronic Business</font></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">The
information below details three potential Public Key Infrastructure implementation
models. These models provide a general overview of an application, the
technical infrastructure of a PKI to support the model, and examples of
how each of the models could be adapted to fulfil an electronic business
<blockquote><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">Protecting
the confidentiality of information between a user and a web site.</font></font></b>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">In
this model, a user will wish to interact with a web site, whilst ensuring
that the traffic between the user and the web site remains secured against
unauthorised access by a third party. In this instance, it is not important
that a user be authenticated, or that the integrity of the information
be maintained. However, communication between the user and web site should
remain confidential. In this model, the most suitable solution involves
the use of 'server side certificates', and an encrypted 'tunnel' between
the user and the web site. The encrypted tunnel is established using an
established, and popular protocol, namely the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
The small quantities of 'server side certificates' are likely to be acquired
from a commercial vendor. This model is currently in use in a number of
electronic business solutions including:</font></font>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">Use of
SSL to protect userid/passwords for web based mail applications (eg Hotmail,
Bigpond). In these instances, the secure tunnel is only established for
the duration of the login process (watch for the locked padlock icon
at the bottom of Internet Explorer, or the bottom left hand corner of Netscape

<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">Use of
SSL to protect Internet Banking (eg; Commonwealth Bank Netbank, St George
Bank, Colonial Mutual, etc). Unlike the above application, all transactions
are protected even though a userid/password is used to authenticate individual
<b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">Protecting
the integrity of information between a user and a web site, or via one
way email exchange.</font></font></b>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">In
this model, a user will only be concerned with the fact that information
received has not been tampered or altered by unauthorised staff. The risk
that a third party may be able to read or view the information will be
of either little or no consequence, and will therefore not be a factor
in this Ebusiness model. In this instance, the digital signature is a mathematical
relationship created from both a digital certificate and the information
in question. The PKI issues required to establish this model are trivial
in nature for situations where a single issuer is distributing
information to many recipients, but significantly more involved in situations
where multiple senders distribute information to one or more recipients.
This model is currently in use in a number of Ebusiness solutions including:</font></font>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">Use of
digital signatures by the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT www.cert.org)
for software security and viral alerts.</font></font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">Use of
digital signatures to ensure the authenticity of software security patches
by vendors such as CISCO.</font></font></li>
<b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">Authenticating
users, and protecting the confidentiality of their transactions (via email
or web, or other applications).</font></font></b>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">In
this model, the infrastructure and management required to authenticate
all parties involved in electronic business transactions can be onerous,
depending on the number of users that need to be authenticated. However,
once the infrastructure and management practices have been established,
users can not only be authenticated with a high degree of confidence, but
the digital certificates can also be used to facilitate digital signatures
(which are legally binding) and implement secure, encrypted tunnels for
sharing information. High-risk situations such as high value funds transfer
situations, bank guarantees, legal documents, transfer of sensitive documents
may be solved using this Ebusiness model, and examples may include:</font></font>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">Online
Tax submission.</font></font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">Online

<p><br><a NAME="3.3"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">3.3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Identification and Authentication</font></font></b>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">A
project that needs to release information only to specific, identified,
clients will need to implement some form of client identification mechanism.
Information that should only be released to limited groups of people, or
individual clients (such as private medical information, name and address
data, and so on), is a prime indicator of the need for some form of identification
and authentication technology.</font>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">IIS
supports several forms of user identification and authentication, of varying
security strength. The following paragraphs list the authentication schemes
supported by IIS in increasing levels of trust.</font></div>

<div style="margin-left: 1.27cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><b><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Anonymous</font></i></b></div>

<div style="margin-left: 1.27cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">No
authentication is requested from the user. This is the default setting
for normal web pages.</font></div>

<div style="margin-left: 1.27cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><b><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica">IP

<div style="margin-left: 1.27cm; text-indent: 0cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Some
servers within the organisation may benefit from basic IP Address/DNS Address
authentication. This option should be set subject to a risk assessment
analysis based on customer requirements. Use the IIS Management Console
to set the restrictions as appropriate. Note that DNS lookups allow additional
flexibility in the case of IP Address changes, but a DNS lookup can potentially
slow the performance of the IIS server.</font></div>

<div style="margin-left: 1.27cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><b><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Basic</font></i></b></div>

<div style="margin-left: 1.27cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">UserID
and Password is requested from the user, and verified against Windows NT
account information.</font></div>

<div style="margin-left: 1.27cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><b><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Windows
NT Challenge/Response</font></i></b></div>

<div style="margin-left: 1.27cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Assuming
that the user is working from a Windows NT client on the same domain as
the IIS Server, an NTLM authentication exchange takes place without the
user needing to specifically type in their user-ID and password.</font></div>

<div style="margin-left: 1.27cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><b><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Client

<div style="margin-left: 1.27cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">The
addition of client certificates implies a significant leap in the complexity
of both installation and ongoing management. Certificate generation, the
maintenance of directory entries, the preparation of certificate revocation
lists, and many other factors contribute to the complexity of this approach.
However, <b><i>SIGNIFICANT</i></b> value can be derived from a functional,
well-managed, implementation  particularly in distributed or heterogeneous

<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="496" bordercolor="#000000" >

<td ROWSPAN="3" WIDTH="64">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Identification
and Authentication</font></font></div>

<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Premium</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#FFFFBF">&nbsp;</td>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="3" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Standard</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Authentication
requirements should be based on a risk assessment produced as part of the
system security plan.</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="4" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Basic</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">&nbsp;</td>

<center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000"><font size=-1>Table
3.3 Identification and Authentication</font></font></font></b></center>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; page-break-after: avoid; "><a NAME="3.4"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">3.4&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Privacy and Encryption, and Information Integrity</font></font></b></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Due
to the way data is transmitted over public computer networks, there is
a risk that information can be intercepted by untrusted third parties.
By default, computer networks do not provide any data confidentiality mechanisms,
and will dynamically re-route data based on the fastest or most stable
path available. As such, a user of the network has no real guarantee that
no-one is listening to their data, or that information will always flow
over the paths that are considered more trusted.</font></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">There
are several ways to reduce the risk of information being intercepted and
misused by a third party. The common factor for each option is the establishment
of a 'secure' and trusted pathway between the client and the web site.
This pathway may be physical, such as network infrastructure between the
client and the web site that is owned and operated by the owner of the
web site, or virtual, in the case of encrypted information tunnels over
public networks like the Internet.</font></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">When
there needs to be some level of assurance that information passed between
the host organisation and the client has not been altered in transit, some
information integrity controls may also be required.</font></div>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Very
basic levels of information integrity are already available in most network
protocols. Information that has been accidentally corrupted in transit
between the client and the department is detected using a 'checksum' mechanism.
The corrupted information will usually be discarded, and a 'retransmit'
is requested. However, there is nothing to stop someone who knows enough
about the network protocol to fake information with the correct checksum.
As such, in order to disregard messages from unauthorised users, information
integrity is usually linked inextricably with the requirement for appropriate
identification and authentication.</font>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><a NAME="3.4.1"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">3.4.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Dedicated Terminals using Private Communications Lines</font></b>
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Although
perhaps not a viable option in situations where there are a large number
of geographically separate clients, the concept of an owned or 'leased'
encrypted, communications infrastructure may be appropriate in some situations.
This option would conceptually be like running an extremely long cable
between the organisation supplying the data, and the client.</font></div>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Private
communications lines provide privacy, client identification and information
integrity commensurate with the physical security of the communications
infrastructure. If the organisation can be reasonably certain that only
a limited subset of people have access to the physical infrastructure associated
with one particular communications link, then the applications can be instructed
to take this into account when releasing information down that particular
communications path.</font>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">It
should be noted that some applications may not have the capability to restrict/allow
access based on source 'IP address.</font>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><a NAME="3.4.2"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">3.4.2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Server Certificates / SSL</font></b>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica">The infrastructure that supports the World
Wide Web has grown under the influence of international electronic commerce,
which allows any Internet (or Intranet) web site to facilitate encrypted
connections to clients who utilise their service, without significant effort
on the part of the client. Many electronic commerce sites use web encryption
to protect credit card information for online purchases, for example.</font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica">In situations where the organisation wishes
to request information from a client that may be considered private or
confidential, but has no need to comprehensively identify or authenticate
the client user, the use of a web based form or application that uses web
encryption, may be an appropriate solution. The application can potentially
receive data from ,and submit data to, the organisational data storage
areas to enable a more efficient service.</font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica">There are many advntages to using a web
server encryption process;</font>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica">The security components are very simple to
implement, and come at extremely low cost.</font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">Privacy and information integrity is maintained
by infrastructure set up by the organisation. To the client, the process
of encryption is transparent. A client who is already online usually will
not require extra software, or need to perform configuration changes.</font></li>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) is used to establish an encrypted tunnel between user
and the web server. Without the addition of client-level certificates,
SSL does not provide any user-level authentication. Be aware that SSL will
noticeably affect transaction speed, particularly during initial the SSL
establishment process, and the requirement should be evaluated with this
in mind.</font></div>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">To
set up SSL on the Web server (<b>NOTE</b>: A valid Server side certificate
is required!!)</font>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica">In the Internet Information Services snap-in,
select the Web site that you want to protect with SSL and open its property
sheets. On the <b><font color="#3333FF">Web Site</font></b> property sheet,
under <b><font color="#3333FF">Web Site Identification</font></b> select
<b><font color="#3333FF">Advanced</font></b>.</font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">In the <b><font color="#3333FF">Advanced Multiple
Web Site Configuration</font></b> dialog box, under <b><font color="#3333FF">Multiple
SSL identities of this Web Site</font></b>,&nbsp; make sure that the Web
site IP address is assigned to port <b>443</b>, the default port for secure

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">There can be multiple SSL ports per Web site.
To configure more SSL ports, click <b><font color="#3333FF">Add</font></b>
under <b><font color="#3333FF">Multiple SSL identities of this Web Site</font></b>.</font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">On the <b><font color="#3333FF">Directory
Security</font></b> or <b><font color="#3333FF">File Security</font></b>
property sheet, under <font color="#3333FF"><b>Secure Communications</b>,</font>
click <b><font color="#3333FF">Edit</font></b>.</font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">On the <b><font color="#3333FF">Secure Communications</font></b>
dialog box, configure your Web server to require a secure channel. If you
require 128-bit key encryption, make sure your users' Web browsers support
128-bit encryption.</font></li>

<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Under <b><font color="#3333FF">Secure
Communications</font></b> , click <b><font color="#3333FF">Edit</font></b>.
There is the option of enabling your Web server's SSL client certificate
authentication and mapping features.</font></ol>

<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="496" bordercolor="#000000" >

<td ROWSPAN="3" WIDTH="64">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Encryption</font></font></div>

<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Premium</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#FFFFBF">&nbsp;</td>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="3" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Standard</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Encryption
requirements should be based on a risk assessment produced as part of the
system security plan.</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="4" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Basic</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">&nbsp;</td>

<center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000"><font size=-1>Table
3.4 Privacy and Encryption</font></font></font></b></center>

<p><a NAME="3.4.3"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">3.4.3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Server Encryption with Password Authentication</font></b>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica">This option combines the privacy features
of the web encryption option discussed above, with a basic level of user
authentication. The technology itself is almost identical to that used
by major banks to protect funds for clients that use online banking facilities.</font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica">For the host organisation, the identification
facilities would be appropriate for protecting sensitive information, short
of significant financial transactions. Additional identification and authentication
(such as a full client public key infrastructure) may be required for transactions
involving a significant commitment of organisational resources or money,
although this is at the discretion of the business unit in consultation
with organisations management and IT Security.</font>
<p><a NAME="3.4.4"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">3.4.4&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Client Certificates</font></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">Full client identification
and encryption is facilitated by a public key infrastructure (PKI). PKIs,
with various supporting mechanisms, are used in a wide range of business
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">A PKI is often used
in organisations that wish to access the significant benefits of using
web technology, whilst still retaining a high degree of identification,
authentication and confidentiality. PKI is an essential component for many
systems used to protect electronic financial transactions running into
millions of dollars.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">A PKI supplies the
organisation, and the client, with an excellent solution to identification,
authentication, confidentiality and integrity requirements, but can be
costly in terms of initial and recurring financial outlay, and ongoing
management and staff resources.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">The implementation
expense is highly variable, depending on whether the organisation wishes
to outsource the 'certificate' generation process or not. In house generation
of certificates is extremely inexpensive, but can potentially involve significant
ongoing management.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">It should be noted
that despite the common conception that certificates of any form imply
an increase in ambient security, the inconsidered use of software certificates
that are not themselves password protected, may potentially be LESS secure
than an well chosen, SSL-protected, userid/password combination.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">Although the risk
of password related attacks are reduced, the dangers associated with trojan
software are potentially increased. The use of client certificates migrates
the authentication functionality away from the server system, back to the
client computer. The trust placed in the client certificate should be commensurate
with the trust you assign to the client, and the clients computer system.</font></font>
<hr WIDTH="100%">
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><a NAME="4.0"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000"><font size=+1>4.0&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Access Limitation</font></font></font></b>
<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000"><font size=+1></font></font></font></b>&nbsp;</div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><a NAME="4.1"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">4.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
File Access Control</font></b></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Virtual
directory permissions in the web application space should be set according
to the system risk assessment, and the system security plan. Access control
requirements are generally application dependent, but the following rules-of-thumb

<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="416" >

<td WIDTH="208" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><b><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>File

<td WIDTH="202" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><b><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>ACL&nbsp;</font></font></i></b></div>

<td WIDTH="208">
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>CGI
etc .EXE, .DLL, .CMD, .PL</font></font></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b>Script
Files </b>.ASP etc</font></font></div>

<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b>Include
Files </b>.INC, .SHTML, .SHTM</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="202">
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Everyone

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Administrators
(Full Control)&nbsp;</font></font></div>

<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>System
(Full Control)</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="208">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Static
Content .HTML, .GIF, .JPEG</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="202">
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Everyone

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Administrators
(Full Control)&nbsp;</font></font></div>

<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>System
(Full Control)</font></font></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Rather
than setting ACLs on each file, it is much more efficient setting new directories
for each type of file and setting ACLs on the directory; and therefore
allow the ACLs to inherit to the files. For example a directory structure
may look like this:</font></div>

<div style="margin-left: 1.27cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><tt>c:\inetpub\wwwroot\myserver\static

<div style="margin-left: 1.27cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><tt>c:\inetpub\wwwroot\myserver\include

<div style="margin-left: 1.27cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><tt>c:\inetpub\wwwroot\myserver\script

<div style="margin-left: 1.27cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><tt>c:\inetpub\wwwroot\myserver\executable

<div style="margin-left: 1.27cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><tt>c:\inetpub\wwwroot\myserver\images

<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="496" bordercolor="#000000" >

<td ROWSPAN="3" WIDTH="64">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>File
Access Control</font></font></div>

<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Premium</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#FFFFBF">&nbsp;</td>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="3" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Standard</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Determine
appropriate file access control settings based on the system security plan,
and risk assessment. Permissions should be generally set based on the 'least
privilege' principal.</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="4" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Basic</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">&nbsp;</td>

<center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Table 4.1 File Access

<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><a NAME="4.2"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">4.2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Executable Content Review</font></b>
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Bugs
in active server content are one of the most often exploited system vulnerabilities
on the Internet.</font></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Executable
content, particularly for servers that are made available to users on public
networks, should be critically examined for potential security problems
and vulnerabilities. In particular, the peer review portion of your organisations
quality assurance or change control procedures should be followed implicitly,
with consideration given to having a third reviewer from the security cell
examine the code.</font></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Code
for which the source is not available may be evaluated in the context of
a risk assessment.</font></div>

<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Any
content that accepts input from the user, or is otherwise under user control
can be potentially misused to perform actions that may contravene the site
security policy, and may lead to server or information compromise.</font></div>

<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="496" bordercolor="#000000" >

<td ROWSPAN="3" WIDTH="64">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>File
Access Control</font></font></div>

<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Premium</font></font></center>

<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>In
addition to the normal organisational quality assurance and change control
procedures, ensure that executable content is reviewed for security vulnerabilities
by an experienced and qualified IT professional who is aware of the various
ways in which code may be exploited.</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="3" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Standard</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Code
should be subject to the normal peer review process and quality assurance
procedures used within the organisation.</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="4" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Basic</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">&nbsp;</td>

<center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Table 4.2 Executable
Content Review</font></font></b></center>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><a NAME="4.3"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">4.3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Content Export</font></b>
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Verify
that the Index Server is not indexing any documents that you wish to keep
secure. In particular, verify that the Index Server does NOT traverse those
directories in which you store executable source code content such as ASP

<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="496" bordercolor="#000000" >

<td ROWSPAN="3" WIDTH="64">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Content

<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Premium</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#FFFFBF">&nbsp;</td>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="3" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Standard</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Site
indexing processes should be limited to those directories that contain
information that is not subject to access controls, or need to know principals.</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="4" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Basic</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">&nbsp;</td>

<center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Table 4.3 Content

<hr WIDTH="100%">

<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><a NAME="5.0"></a><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000"><font size=+1>5.0&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<div style="margin-bottom: 0cm; widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Auditing
and Logging facilities are an important part of verifying the security
and integrity of the IIS server. W3C logging format is preferred. To enable
W3C Logging, load the IIS Management Console | Right-click on site in question
<font color="#3333FF">Properties
| Web Site | Enable Logging (W3C Extended Log)</font></b>, then set the
following properties:</font></div>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">Date</font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">Time</font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">Client IP Address</font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">User Name (only if any form of authentication
is used)</font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">Method</font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">URI Stem</font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">HTTP Status</font></li>

<font face="Arial,Helvetica">Bytes Sent</font></li>

<center><table BORDER CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="496" bordercolor="#000000" >

<td ROWSPAN="3" WIDTH="64">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Auditing</font></font></div>

<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Premium</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#FFFFBF">&nbsp;</td>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="3" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Standard</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#E5E5E5">
<div style="widows: 2; orphans: 2; "><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Enable
W3C auditing for IIS servers.</font></font></div>

<td WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="4" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">
<center><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Basic</font></font></center>

<td WIDTH="359" BGCOLOR="#EBD8D8">&nbsp;</td>

<center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000"><font size=-1>Table
5.0 Auditing</font></font></font></b></center>

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