An issue was discovered in Luvion Grand Elite 3 Connect through 2020-02-25. Authentication to the device is based on a username and password. The root credentials are the same across all devices of this model.
[Suggested description]
An issue was discovered in Luvion Grand Elite 3 Connect through 2020-02-25.
Authentication to the device is based on a username and password. The
root credentials are the same across all devices of this model.
[Vulnerability Type]
Incorrect Access Control
[Vendor of Product]
[Affected Product Code Base]
Luvion Grand Elite 3 Connect - Could not be determined
[Affected Component]
Underlying linux system.
[Attack Type]
[Impact Code execution]
[Attack Vectors]
Any attacker with network access can exploit this vulnerability.
Willem Westerhof, Jasper Nota, Jim Blankendaal, Martijn Baalman from Qbit in assignment of Consumentenbond.
Use CVE-2020-11925.