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Windows 7/x86 localhost Port Scanner Shellcode

Windows 7/x86 localhost Port Scanner Shellcode
Posted Aug 2, 2016
Authored by Roziul Hasan Khan Shifat

556 bytes large Windows 7/x86 localhost port scanner shellcode.

tags | x86, shellcode
systems | windows
SHA-256 | 265d47836d04b2f6973e571051cc38405113337daf0ac49a78b9ef6d923ed8c3

Windows 7/x86 localhost Port Scanner Shellcode

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# Title : Windows x86 localhost port scanner shellcode
# Date : 29-07-2016
# Author : Roziul Hasan Khan Shifat
# Tested on : Windows 7 x86 starter



Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <_start>:
0: 31 db xor %ebx,%ebx
2: 64 8b 43 30 mov %fs:0x30(%ebx),%eax
6: 8b 40 0c mov 0xc(%eax),%eax
9: 8b 70 14 mov 0x14(%eax),%esi
c: ad lods %ds:(%esi),%eax
d: 96 xchg %eax,%esi
e: ad lods %ds:(%esi),%eax
f: 8b 58 10 mov 0x10(%eax),%ebx
12: 31 d2 xor %edx,%edx
14: 8b 53 3c mov 0x3c(%ebx),%edx
17: 01 da add %ebx,%edx
19: 8b 52 78 mov 0x78(%edx),%edx
1c: 01 da add %ebx,%edx
1e: 8b 72 20 mov 0x20(%edx),%esi
21: 01 de add %ebx,%esi
23: 31 c9 xor %ecx,%ecx

00000025 <getp>:
25: 41 inc %ecx
26: ad lods %ds:(%esi),%eax
27: 01 d8 add %ebx,%eax
29: 81 38 47 65 74 50 cmpl $0x50746547,(%eax)
2f: 75 f4 jne 25 <getp>
31: 81 78 04 72 6f 63 41 cmpl $0x41636f72,0x4(%eax)
38: 75 eb jne 25 <getp>
3a: 81 78 08 64 64 72 65 cmpl $0x65726464,0x8(%eax)
41: 75 e2 jne 25 <getp>
43: 8b 72 1c mov 0x1c(%edx),%esi
46: 01 de add %ebx,%esi
48: 8b 14 8e mov (%esi,%ecx,4),%edx
4b: 01 da add %ebx,%edx
4d: 31 f6 xor %esi,%esi
4f: 89 d6 mov %edx,%esi
51: 89 df mov %ebx,%edi
53: 31 c9 xor %ecx,%ecx
55: 68 6c 6f 63 41 push $0x41636f6c
5a: 88 4c 24 03 mov %cl,0x3(%esp)
5e: 68 61 6c 41 6c push $0x6c416c61
63: 68 47 6c 6f 62 push $0x626f6c47
68: 54 push %esp
69: 53 push %ebx
6a: ff d2 call *%edx
6c: 83 c4 0c add $0xc,%esp
6f: 31 c9 xor %ecx,%ecx
71: b1 20 mov $0x20,%cl
73: 51 push %ecx
74: 31 c9 xor %ecx,%ecx
76: 51 push %ecx
77: ff d0 call *%eax
79: 89 f1 mov %esi,%ecx
7b: 89 c6 mov %eax,%esi
7d: 89 0e mov %ecx,(%esi)
7f: 31 c9 xor %ecx,%ecx
81: 68 65 65 41 41 push $0x41416565
86: 88 4c 24 02 mov %cl,0x2(%esp)
8a: 68 61 6c 46 72 push $0x72466c61
8f: 68 47 6c 6f 62 push $0x626f6c47
94: 54 push %esp
95: 57 push %edi
96: 8b 16 mov (%esi),%edx
98: ff d2 call *%edx
9a: 83 c4 0c add $0xc,%esp
9d: 89 46 04 mov %eax,0x4(%esi)
a0: 31 c9 xor %ecx,%ecx
a2: 51 push %ecx
a3: 68 61 72 79 41 push $0x41797261
a8: 68 4c 69 62 72 push $0x7262694c
ad: 68 4c 6f 61 64 push $0x64616f4c
b2: 54 push %esp
b3: 57 push %edi
b4: 8b 16 mov (%esi),%edx
b6: ff d2 call *%edx
b8: 83 c4 0c add $0xc,%esp
bb: 89 46 08 mov %eax,0x8(%esi)
be: 31 c9 xor %ecx,%ecx
c0: 68 6c 6c 41 41 push $0x41416c6c
c5: 88 4c 24 02 mov %cl,0x2(%esp)
c9: 68 72 74 2e 64 push $0x642e7472
ce: 68 6d 73 76 63 push $0x6376736d
d3: 54 push %esp
d4: ff d0 call *%eax
d6: 83 c4 0c add $0xc,%esp
d9: 89 c7 mov %eax,%edi
db: 31 c9 xor %ecx,%ecx
dd: 51 push %ecx
de: 68 74 66 5f 73 push $0x735f6674
e3: 68 70 72 69 6e push $0x6e697270
e8: 54 push %esp
e9: 50 push %eax
ea: 8b 16 mov (%esi),%edx
ec: ff d2 call *%edx
ee: 83 c4 08 add $0x8,%esp
f1: 89 46 0c mov %eax,0xc(%esi)
f4: 31 c9 xor %ecx,%ecx
f6: 51 push %ecx
f7: 68 65 78 69 74 push $0x74697865
fc: 54 push %esp
fd: 57 push %edi
fe: 8b 16 mov (%esi),%edx
100: ff d2 call *%edx
102: 83 c4 08 add $0x8,%esp
105: 89 46 10 mov %eax,0x10(%esi)
108: 8b 56 08 mov 0x8(%esi),%edx
10b: 31 c9 xor %ecx,%ecx
10d: 68 64 6c 6c 41 push $0x416c6c64
112: 88 4c 24 03 mov %cl,0x3(%esp)
116: 68 6b 33 32 2e push $0x2e32336b
11b: 68 77 73 6f 63 push $0x636f7377
120: 54 push %esp
121: ff d2 call *%edx
123: 83 c4 0c add $0xc,%esp
126: 89 c7 mov %eax,%edi
128: 31 c9 xor %ecx,%ecx
12a: 68 75 70 41 41 push $0x41417075
12f: 88 4c 24 02 mov %cl,0x2(%esp)
133: 68 74 61 72 74 push $0x74726174
138: 68 57 53 41 53 push $0x53415357
13d: 54 push %esp
13e: 50 push %eax
13f: 8b 16 mov (%esi),%edx
141: ff d2 call *%edx
143: 89 46 14 mov %eax,0x14(%esi)
146: 83 c4 0c add $0xc,%esp
149: 68 65 74 41 41 push $0x41417465
14e: 31 c9 xor %ecx,%ecx
150: 88 4c 24 02 mov %cl,0x2(%esp)
154: 68 73 6f 63 6b push $0x6b636f73
159: 54 push %esp
15a: 57 push %edi
15b: 8b 16 mov (%esi),%edx
15d: ff d2 call *%edx
15f: 89 46 18 mov %eax,0x18(%esi)
162: 83 c4 08 add $0x8,%esp
165: 68 65 63 74 41 push $0x41746365
16a: 31 c9 xor %ecx,%ecx
16c: 88 4c 24 03 mov %cl,0x3(%esp)
170: 68 63 6f 6e 6e push $0x6e6e6f63
175: 54 push %esp
176: 57 push %edi
177: 8b 16 mov (%esi),%edx
179: ff d2 call *%edx
17b: 83 c4 08 add $0x8,%esp
17e: 89 46 1c mov %eax,0x1c(%esi)
181: 31 c9 xor %ecx,%ecx
183: 68 6b 65 74 41 push $0x4174656b
188: 88 4c 24 03 mov %cl,0x3(%esp)
18c: 68 65 73 6f 63 push $0x636f7365
191: 68 63 6c 6f 73 push $0x736f6c63
196: 54 push %esp
197: 57 push %edi
198: 8b 16 mov (%esi),%edx
19a: ff d2 call *%edx
19c: 83 c4 0c add $0xc,%esp
19f: 89 46 08 mov %eax,0x8(%esi)
1a2: 8b 56 14 mov 0x14(%esi),%edx
1a5: 31 c9 xor %ecx,%ecx
1a7: 66 b9 90 01 mov $0x190,%cx
1ab: 29 cc sub %ecx,%esp
1ad: 66 b9 02 02 mov $0x202,%cx
1b1: 8d 1c 24 lea (%esp),%ebx
1b4: 53 push %ebx
1b5: 51 push %ecx
1b6: ff d2 call *%edx
1b8: 31 ff xor %edi,%edi

000001ba <scan>:
1ba: 31 d2 xor %edx,%edx
1bc: b2 06 mov $0x6,%dl
1be: 52 push %edx
1bf: 83 ea 05 sub $0x5,%edx
1c2: 52 push %edx
1c3: 42 inc %edx
1c4: 52 push %edx
1c5: 8b 56 18 mov 0x18(%esi),%edx
1c8: ff d2 call *%edx
1ca: 89 c3 mov %eax,%ebx
1cc: 31 d2 xor %edx,%edx
1ce: 52 push %edx
1cf: 52 push %edx
1d0: 52 push %edx
1d1: 52 push %edx
1d2: 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax
1d4: b0 ff mov $0xff,%al
1d6: 40 inc %eax
1d7: f7 e7 mul %edi
1d9: c6 04 24 02 movb $0x2,(%esp)
1dd: 89 44 24 02 mov %eax,0x2(%esp)
1e1: 8d 14 24 lea (%esp),%edx
1e4: 31 c9 xor %ecx,%ecx
1e6: b1 10 mov $0x10,%cl
1e8: 53 push %ebx
1e9: 51 push %ecx
1ea: 52 push %edx
1eb: 53 push %ebx
1ec: 8b 46 1c mov 0x1c(%esi),%eax
1ef: ff d0 call *%eax
1f1: 5b pop %ebx
1f2: 83 c4 10 add $0x10,%esp
1f5: 31 c9 xor %ecx,%ecx
1f7: 51 push %ecx
1f8: 68 20 20 20 0a push $0xa202020
1fd: 68 3e 20 25 64 push $0x6425203e
202: 68 25 64 20 2d push $0x2d206425
207: 54 push %esp
208: 59 pop %ecx
209: 50 push %eax
20a: 57 push %edi
20b: 51 push %ecx
20c: 8b 46 0c mov 0xc(%esi),%eax
20f: ff d0 call *%eax
211: 83 c4 10 add $0x10,%esp
214: 53 push %ebx
215: 8b 46 08 mov 0x8(%esi),%eax
218: ff d0 call *%eax
21a: 47 inc %edi
21b: 83 ff 65 cmp $0x65,%edi
21e: 75 9a jne 1ba <scan>
220: 8b 46 04 mov 0x4(%esi),%eax
223: 8b 7e 10 mov 0x10(%esi),%edi
226: 56 push %esi
227: ff d0 call *%eax
229: 50 push %eax
22a: ff d7 call *%edi



section .text
global _start

xor ebx,ebx
mov eax,[fs:ebx+0x30]
mov eax,[eax+0xc]
mov esi,[eax+0x14]
xchg esi,eax
mov ebx,[eax+0x10] ;kernel32.dll base address

xor edx,edx
mov edx,[ebx+0x3c]
add edx,ebx
mov edx,[edx+0x78]

mov esi,[edx+0x20]
add esi,ebx ;AddressOfNames

xor ecx,ecx
inc ecx
add eax,ebx
cmp dword [eax],'GetP'
jnz getp
cmp dword [eax+4],'rocA'
jnz getp
cmp dword [eax+8],'ddre'
jnz getp

mov esi,[edx+0x1c]
add esi,ebx ;AddressOfFunctions

mov edx,[esi+ecx*4]
add edx,ebx ;GetProcAddress()


xor esi,esi
mov esi,edx ;GetProcAddress()
mov edi,ebx ;kernel32 base address


;finding address of GlobalAlloc()
xor ecx,ecx
push 0x41636f6c
mov [esp+3],byte cl
push 0x6c416c61
push 0x626f6c47

push esp
push ebx
call edx
add esp,12
;GlobalAlloc(0x00,4*8) sizeof every function address 4 byte and i will store address of 8 functions

xor ecx,ecx
mov cl,32
push ecx
xor ecx,ecx
push ecx
call eax


mov ecx,esi
mov esi,eax

mov [esi],dword ecx ;GetProcAddress() at offset 0

;finding address of GlobalFree()
xor ecx,ecx
push 0x41416565
mov [esp+2],byte cl
push 0x72466c61
push 0x626f6c47

push esp
push edi
mov edx,dword [esi]
call edx
add esp,12

mov [esi+4],dword eax ;GlobalFree() at offset 4
;finding address of LoadLibraryA()
xor ecx,ecx
push ecx
push 0x41797261
push 0x7262694c
push 0x64616f4c

push esp
push edi
mov edx,dword [esi]
call edx

add esp,12

mov [esi+8],dword eax ;LoadLibraryA() at offset 8

;loading msvcrt.dll
xor ecx,ecx
push 0x41416c6c
mov [esp+2],byte cl
push 0x642e7472
push 0x6376736d

push esp
call eax
add esp,12

mov edi,eax ;msvcrt.dll base address
;finding address of printf()
xor ecx,ecx
push ecx
push 0x735f6674
push 0x6e697270

push esp
push eax
mov edx,dword [esi]
call edx
add esp,8
mov [esi+12],dword eax ;printf() at offset 12
;finding address of exit()
xor ecx,ecx
push ecx
push 'exit'
push esp
push edi
mov edx,dword [esi]
call edx
add esp,8
mov [esi+16],dword eax ;exit() at offset 16
;loading wsock32.dll

mov edx,dword [esi+8]
xor ecx,ecx
push 0x416c6c64
mov [esp+3],byte cl
push 0x2e32336b
push 0x636f7377

push esp
call edx
add esp,12
mov edi,eax ;wsock32.dll
;finding address of WSAStartup()
xor ecx,ecx
push 0x41417075
mov [esp+2],byte cl
push 0x74726174
push 0x53415357

push esp
push eax
mov edx,dword [esi]
call edx
mov [esi+20],dword eax ;WSAStartup() at offset 20
add esp,12
;finding address of socket()
push 0x41417465
xor ecx,ecx
mov [esp+2],byte cl
push 0x6b636f73

push esp
push edi
mov edx,dword [esi]
call edx
mov [esi+24],dword eax ;socket() at offset 24
add esp,8
;finding address connect()
push 0x41746365
xor ecx,ecx
mov [esp+3],byte cl
push 0x6e6e6f63

push esp
push edi
mov edx,dword [esi]
call edx
add esp,8
mov [esi+28],dword eax ;connect() at offset 28
;finding address of closesocket()
xor ecx,ecx
push 0x4174656b
mov [esp+3],byte cl
push 0x636f7365
push 0x736f6c63

push esp
push edi
mov edx,dword [esi]
call edx
add esp,12
mov [esi+8],dword eax ;closesocket() at offset 8

mov edx,dword [esi+20] ;edx=WSAStartup()
xor ecx,ecx
mov cx,400
sub esp,ecx
mov cx,514
lea ebx,[esp]
push ebx
push ecx
call edx

xor edi,edi ;port scanning start from 0 - 100

xor edx,edx
mov dl,6
push edx
sub edx,5
push edx
inc edx
push edx
mov edx,dword [esi+24] ;socket()
call edx
mov ebx,eax ;SOCKET
xor edx,edx
push edx
push edx
push edx
push edx

xor eax,eax
mov al,255
inc eax
mul edi
mov [esp],byte 2
mov [esp+2],word eax
;mov [esp+4],dword 0x81e8a8c0 ;Use it to scan foreign host

lea edx,[esp]

xor ecx,ecx
mov cl,16
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
push ebx

mov eax,[esi+28] ;connect()
call eax

pop ebx ;SOCKET
add esp,16
xor ecx,ecx
push ecx
push 0x0a202020
push 0x6425203e
push 0x2d206425

push esp
pop ecx

push eax
push edi
push ecx
mov eax,dword [esi+12] ;printf()
call eax

add esp,16
push ebx ;SOCKET
mov eax,dword [esi+8] ;closesocket()
call eax

inc edi
cmp edi,101
jne scan

mov eax,dword [esi+4] ;GlobalFree()
mov edi,dword [esi+16] ;exit()

push esi
call eax

push eax
call edi



char shellcode[]="\x31\xdb\x64\x8b\x43\x30\x8b\x40\x0c\x8b\x70\x14\xad\x96\xad\x8b\x58\x10\x31\xd2\x8b\x53\x3c\x01\xda\x8b\x52\x78\x01\xda\x8b\x72\x20\x01\xde\x31\xc9\x41\xad\x01\xd8\x81\x38\x47\x65\x74\x50\x75\xf4\x81\x78\x04\x72\x6f\x63\x41\x75\xeb\x81\x78\x08\x64\x64\x72\x65\x75\xe2\x8b\x72\x1c\x01\xde\x8b\x14\x8e\x01\xda\x31\xf6\x89\xd6\x89\xdf\x31\xc9\x68\x6c\x6f\x63\x41\x88\x4c\x24\x03\x68\x61\x6c\x41\x6c\x68\x47\x6c\x6f\x62\x54\x53\xff\xd2\x83\xc4\x0c\x31\xc9\xb1\x20\x51\x31\xc9\x51\xff\xd0\x89\xf1\x89\xc6\x89\x0e\x31\xc9\x68\x65\x65\x41\x41\x88\x4c\x24\x02\x68\x61\x6c\x46\x72\x68\x47\x6c\x6f\x62\x54\x57\x8b\x16\xff\xd2\x83\xc4\x0c\x89\x46\x04\x31\xc9\x51\x68\x61\x72\x79\x41\x68\x4c\x69\x62\x72\x68\x4c\x6f\x61\x64\x54\x57\x8b\x16\xff\xd2\x83\xc4\x0c\x89\x46\x08\x31\xc9\x68\x6c\x6c\x41\x41\x88\x4c\x24\x02\x68\x72\x74\x2e\x64\x68\x6d\x73\x76\x63\x54\xff\xd0\x83\xc4\x0c\x89\xc7\x31\xc9\x51\x68\x74\x66\x5f\x73\x68\x70\x72\x69\x6e\x54\x50\x8b\x16\xff\xd2\x83\xc4\x08\x89\x46\x0c\x31\xc9\x51\x68\x65\x78\x69\x74\x54\x57\x8b\x16\xff\xd2\x83\xc4\x08\x89\x46\x10\x8b\x56\x08\x31\xc9\x68\x64\x6c\x6c\x41\x88\x4c\x24\x03\x68\x6b\x33\x32\x2e\x68\x77\x73\x6f\x63\x54\xff\xd2\x83\xc4\x0c\x89\xc7\x31\xc9\x68\x75\x70\x41\x41\x88\x4c\x24\x02\x68\x74\x61\x72\x74\x68\x57\x53\x41\x53\x54\x50\x8b\x16\xff\xd2\x89\x46\x14\x83\xc4\x0c\x68\x65\x74\x41\x41\x31\xc9\x88\x4c\x24\x02\x68\x73\x6f\x63\x6b\x54\x57\x8b\x16\xff\xd2\x89\x46\x18\x83\xc4\x08\x68\x65\x63\x74\x41\x31\xc9\x88\x4c\x24\x03\x68\x63\x6f\x6e\x6e\x54\x57\x8b\x16\xff\xd2\x83\xc4\x08\x89\x46\x1c\x31\xc9\x68\x6b\x65\x74\x41\x88\x4c\x24\x03\x68\x65\x73\x6f\x63\x68\x63\x6c\x6f\x73\x54\x57\x8b\x16\xff\xd2\x83\xc4\x0c\x89\x46\x08\x8b\x56\x14\x31\xc9\x66\xb9\x90\x01\x29\xcc\x66\xb9\x02\x02\x8d\x1c\x24\x53\x51\xff\xd2\x31\xff\x31\xd2\xb2\x06\x52\x83\xea\x05\x52\x42\x52\x8b\x56\x18\xff\xd2\x89\xc3\x31\xd2\x52\x52\x52\x52\x31\xc0\xb0\xff\x40\xf7\xe7\xc6\x04\x24\x02\x89\x44\x24\x02\x8d\x14\x24\x31\xc9\xb1\x10\x53\x51\x52\x53\x8b\x46\x1c\xff\xd0\x5b\x83\xc4\x10\x31\xc9\x51\x68\x20\x20\x20\x0a\x68\x3e\x20\x25\x64\x68\x25\x64\x20\x2d\x54\x59\x50\x57\x51\x8b\x46\x0c\xff\xd0\x83\xc4\x10\x53\x8b\x46\x08\xff\xd0\x47\x83\xff\x65\x75\x9a\x8b\x46\x04\x8b\x7e\x10\x56\xff\xd0\x50\xff\xd7";


printf("shellcode length %ld\n",(unsigned)strlen(shellcode));
(* (int(*)()) shellcode) ();

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