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RedAxScript 1.1 SQL Injection

RedAxScript 1.1 SQL Injection
Posted Dec 6, 2013
Authored by KedAns-Dz

RedAxScript version 1.1 suffers from multiple remote blind SQL injection vulnerabilities.

tags | exploit, remote, vulnerability, sql injection
SHA-256 | 6b8f36199e8357cbfbdbc3b62976f84893ecd710c4ba586c66a459357a175c5e

RedAxScript 1.1 SQL Injection

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[>] Title : RedAxScript v1.1 <= Multiple Blind SQL Injection Vulnerabilities

[>] Author : KedAns-Dz
[+] E-mail : ked-h (@hotmail.com / @1337day.com)
[+] FaCeb0ok : fb.me/Inj3ct0rK3d
[+] TwiTter : @kedans

[#] Platform : PHP / WebApp
[+] Cat/Tag : Multiple , SQL Injection , Blind SQLi

[<] <3 <3 Greetings t0 Palestine <3 <3

- Blind SQL Injection ( 'POST' Query and 'GET' the full 'Information_Schema' ):

- POST Inject via HTTP headers attack's or HTTP debugger, HackBar / or use any toolkit like sqlmap, sql-ninja etc..

#### P.O.C [1] => in (login.php) | lines: ( 69 , 73.. 74) ##
$post_user = clean ($_POST['user'], 0);
$users_query = 'SELECT id, name, user, email, password, language, status, groups FROM ' . PREFIX . 'users WHERE user = \'' . $post_user . '\'';
mysql_query $users_result = mysql_query($users_query);

[+] POST Data on > : user=[ SQL Injection Here ]


#### P.O.C [2] => in (registration.php) | lines: ( 59.. 62 , 142..156)
$r['email'] = clean ($_POST['email'], 3);
$r['user'] = clean ($_POST['user'], 0);
$r['name'] = clean ($_POST['name'], 0);
mysql_query mysql_query($query);
$query = 'INSERT INTO ' . PREFIX . 'users (' . $key_string . ') VALUES (' . $value_string . ')';
$key_string .= ', '; // if($last != $key),
$key_string .= $key;
foreach($r as $key=>$value)
$value_string .= '\'' . $value . '\'';

[+] go to registration and POST Data on > : ( email, user, name ) =>
email=-[ SQL Injection Here ]--&user=-[ SQL Injection Here ]--&name=-[ SQL Injection Here ]--


#### P.O.C [3] => in (search.php) | lines: ( 47, 61, 70.. 82) ##
$search_terms = clean ($_POST['search_terms'], 1);
$query .= ')'; // if($search),
$query .= ' || '; // if($search), if($last != $key),
$query = 'SELECT id, title, alias, description, date, category, access FROM '...
foreach($search as $key=>$value) // if($search),
$search = array_filter(explode(' ', $search_terms));
mysql_query $result = mysql_query($query);
$query .= ' ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 50';

[+] in Search area : POST Data on ( search_terms )
search_terms=[ SQL Injection Here ]

#### && Other Bug/Vulnerability in (reminder.php) when u do remind passwd :p
lines : ( 57 , & 80.. 85 )
[+] POST Data on > : ( email=[ SQLi ] )

## note : you can see befor any $_POST there is a function ' clean ' ( included clean.php )
but blind sqli attacks still workin' ,the clean func replace u'r input to alpha-num output just it

#<! THE END ^_* ! , Good Luck all <3 | 1337-DAY Aint DIE ^_^ !>
#<+ Proof Of Concept & Exploit Hunted by : Khaled [KedAns-Dz] +>
#<+ Copyright © 2013 Inj3ct0r Team | 1337day Exploit Database +>
# ** Greetings : < Dz Offenders Cr3w [&] Algerian Cyber Army > *
# ** ! Hassi Messaoud <3 1850 Hood <3 , Dedicate fr0m Algeria **
# Greetings to my Homies : Indoushka , Caddy-Dz , Kalashinkov3 ,
# Chevr0sky , Mennouchi.Islem , KinG Of PiraTeS , TrOoN , T0xic,
# & Jago-dz , Over-X , Kha&miX , Ev!LsCr!pT_Dz , Barbaros-DZ , &
# & r0073r , KeyStr0ke , JF , Sid3^effectS , r4dc0re , CrosS , &
# & KnocKout , Angel Injection , The Black Divels , kaMtiEz , &
# & Evil-Dz , Elite_Trojan , MalikPc , Marvel-Dz , Shinobi-Dz, &
# =( packetstormsecurity.org * metasploit.com * OWASP & OSVDB )=

# 1337day.com id:[1337day-2013-21617]
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