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Zenphoto Cross Site Scripting / SQL Injection

Zenphoto Cross Site Scripting / SQL Injection
Posted Oct 3, 2013
Authored by Sojobo Dev Team

Zenphoto version suffers from cross site scripting and remote SQL injection vulnerabilities.

tags | exploit, remote, vulnerability, xss, sql injection
SHA-256 | 186e32de10a3e7dda397488f868c181cbea223eeaf97d5fa65c9c8a4de5db329

Zenphoto Cross Site Scripting / SQL Injection

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[SOJOBO-ADV-13-01] - Zenphoto multiple vulnerabilities

I. * Information *
Name : Zenphoto multiple vulnerabilities
Software : Zenphoto and possibly below.
Vendor Homepage : http://www.zenphoto.org/
Vulnerability Type : SQL Injection, Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
Severity : Medium (3/5)
Advisory Reference : SOJOBO-ADV-13-01 (http://www.enkomio.com/Advisories)
Credits: Sojobo dev team
Description: Multiple vulnerabilities (SQL Injection and Reflected Cross Site Scripting) was discovered during the testing of Sojobo, Static Analysis Tool.

II. * Details *
A) Cross Site Scripting in mergedRSS.php [Impact: 3/5]

Follow a trace to reach the vulnerable code.

File: zp-core\zp-extensions\mergedRSS.php
43: $MergedRSS = new MergedRSS($feeds, strip_tags(get_language_string($gallery->getTitle(), $locale)), FULLWEBPATH, strip_tags(get_language_string($gallery->getDesc(), $locale)), $feed_date);
46: $MergedRSS->export(false, true, 20);
98: public function export($return_as_string = true, $output = false, $limit = null) {
140: $xml .= "\t<atom:link href=\"http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."\" rel=\"self\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" />\n";
165: if ($output) { echo $xml; }

The variable '$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']' is considered a tainted input and can be manipulated in order to insert valid HTML code.

B) Sql Injection in wordpress_import.php [Impact: 1/5]

This vulnerability has various precondition that need to be satisfy in order to be exploited. Admin rights are necessary, also
the user must specify a valid hostname, username and password database connection (can be obtained via password guessing). Due
to this precondition the impact was lowerd to Very Low.

Follow a trace to reach the vulnerable code.

File: zp-core\zp-extensions\wordpress_import.php
76: if(isset($_REQUEST['dbname']) || isset($_REQUEST['dbuser']) || isset($_REQUEST['dbpass']) || isset($_REQUEST['dbhost'])) {
82: $wp_prefix = sanitize($_REQUEST['tableprefix']);
120: if(!isset($_GET['refresh'])) {
121: $cats = wp_query_full_array("SELECT * FROM ".wp_prefix('terms',$wp_prefix)." as terms, ".wp_prefix('term_taxonomy',$wp_prefix)." as tax WHERE tax.taxonomy = 'category' AND terms.term_id = tax.term_id",$wpdbconnection);
55: function wp_query_full_array($sql,$wpconnection) {
56: $result = mysql_query($sql,$wpconnection) or die(gettext("Query failed : ") . mysql_error());

where 'wp_prefix' is:

67: function wp_prefix($tablename,$wp_prefix) {
68: return '`'.$wp_prefix.$tablename.'`';
69: }

the function 'sanitize' is:

File: zp-core\functions-common.php
145: function sanitize($input_string, $sanitize_level=3) {
152: $output_string = sanitize_string($input_string, $sanitize_level);
177: function sanitize_string($input, $sanitize_level) {
192: case 3:
194: return strip_tags($input);

'strip_tags' doesn't validate against SQL Injection vulnerabilities.
In order to exploit this vulnerability the user must be logged as admin, this precondition severely limits the impact.

III. * Report Timeline *
17 September 2013 - First contact
01 October 2013 - Fix released

IV. * About Sojobo *
Sojobo allows you to find security vulnerabilities in your PHP web application source code before others do.
By using the state of the art tecniques Sojobo is able to identify the most critical vulnerabilities in your code
and limit the number of false positives.
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