Tsmim Lessons Library suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability.
# Exploit Title: Lessons library sql injection
# Date: 06.10.2011 - 18.53
# Author: Mr.PaPaRoSSe
# Download Script: http://up.tsmim.com/uploads/files/tsmim-e47615d4bd.zip
# Tested On: BackTrack 5 - Windows xp sp3
# Platform: Php
Vunl file : show.php
http://localhost/droos/show.php?cid=2&page=Sql İnjection
# We attempted to work, you can not imagine.
# Contact: paparosse.blogspot.com
# Greetz: Http://DarkDevilz.in/
Mr.PaPaRoSSe Black_Umo ALEXTRAX Brs_BaRoN ZyX x-Leader
L4NETLY GrayTendriL DARKCOD3R Santiq0 53rh4t PerS
[And DD'z Family]
[DarkDevilz - Defence And Destruction Group'z - TURKEY]