TimeLive Time and Expense Tracking version 4.1.1 suffers from directory traversal, database download, and source code disclosure vulnerabilities.
# Exploit Title : TimeLive Time and Expense Tracking <= Multiple Vulnerabilities
# Vulnerability : Directory Traversal / Remote Database Download / File Download / Source Code Disclosure
# Date : 28/09/2011
# Author : Nathaniel Carew
# Impact : High
# Software Link : http://www.livetecs.com/Release/TimeLiveWebSetup.exe
# Platform : ASP.NET
# Version : 4.1.1
# Tested on : Windows Server Standard 2003 SP 2 / IIS 6
# Thanks : Peregrinus & shiznat
When using the import/export feature for csv/project/quickbooks files under:
You are able to modify the file download URL you are redirected too
and traverse directories to download the hosted files including the TimeLive database:
Proof of Concept:
Successful exploitation could allow an attacker to download the complete database of users information
including email addresses, usernames and passwords and associated timesheet and expense data along with
any files contained within the subfolder of wwwroot.