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TeeChart Professional Integer Overflow

TeeChart Professional Integer Overflow
Posted Aug 12, 2011
Authored by mr_me

TeeChart Professional suffers from an integer overflow vulnerability.

tags | advisory, overflow
SHA-256 | 11a5c0e59ad7bf75e294c9be9be2fc042be47fd83700edf3a665816921877a4a

TeeChart Professional Integer Overflow

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TeeChart Professional Integer Overflow

Aug 11, 2011

Affected software: TeeChart Professional
Affected vendor: Steema
Issue type: Integer Overflow/Trusted Deference
Release date: 11 August 2011
Discovered by: Steven Seeley
Issue status: No patch available


stratsec has identified an integer overflow vulnerability in the TeeChart Professional ActiveX component that is later trusted, dereferenced and called upon. The vulnerability can lead to remote code execution if a user is social engineered to click on a malicious link or open a malicious HTML file.


The TeeChart Pro ActiveX charting component library offers hundreds of Graph styles in 2D and 3D, 33 mathematical and statistical Functions for you to choose from together with an unlimited number of axes and 14 toolbox components. The Charting Control can be efficiently used to create multi task dashboards.
Upon installation, the control is marked in the windows registry as ‘safe for scripting’ and ‘safe for initialisation’. Additionally, the kill bit is not set. This allows the control to be scripted remotely.


A remote attacker could social engineer a user into double clicking a malicious html file or clicking a malicious link that would likely result in remote code execution running with privileges as the currently logged in user.

Affected products

Multiple versions (including the latest version) are affected by this vulnerability that date back to as far as 2001:

TeeChart5.ocx Version (clsid: B6C10489-FB89-11D4-93C9-006008A7EED4)
TeeChart6.ocx Version (clsid: 536600D3-70FE-4C50-92FB-640F6BFC49AD)
TeeChart7.ocx Version (clsid: FAB9B41C-87D6-474D-AB7E-F07D78F2422E)
TeeChart8.ocx Version (clsid: BDEB0088-66F9-4A55-ABD2-0BF8DEEC1196)
TeeChart2010.ocx Version 2010.0.0.3 (clsid: FCB4B50A-E3F1-4174-BD18-54C3B3287258)

Additionally the software is deployed under a number of SCADA based systems including but not limited to the following packages:

Unitronics OPC server v1.3.8
BACnet Operator Workstation Version 1.0.76

Technical Details

The vulnerability is triggered via the AddSeries() method which is part of the program ID ‘TeeChart.TChart.9’ contained within the ‘TeeChart2010.ocx’ ActiveX control. The integer supplied is wrapped due to a dereferenced arithmetic operation that is later trusted and executed.

02356CEB MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+C] ; attacker controlled integer value

02356CEE MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+EDX*4] ; execute a dereferenced calculation


02356CF7 MOV DL,1

02356CF9 CALL DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+2C] ; execute attacker controlled value

Proof of concept

A proof of concept exploit has been developed. The exploit code is designed to target the vulnerability under different environments including Windows 7.


Enable the kill bit in the windows registry for this ActiveX control so that the control cannot be executed. A detailed guide can be viewed at Microsoft’s support website:


Response timeline

26/07/2011 - Initial vendor notification.
28/07/2011 - No response from the vendor. Vendor reminded of the disclosure policy.
01/08/2011 - No response from the vendor. Vendor reminded of the vulnerability.
02/08/2011 - No response from the vendor. Vendor reminded of the vulnerability.
09/08/2011 - No response from the vendor. Vendor warned of imminent disclosure date.
11/08/2011 - No response from the vendor. This advisory published.


None provided at this time.

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