LFI Fuzzploit is a simple tool to help in the fuzzing for, finding, and exploiting of local file inclusion vulnerabilities in Linux-based PHP applications. Using special encoding and fuzzing techniques, lfi_fuzzploit will scan for some known and some not so known LFI filter bypasses and exploits using some advanced encoding/bypass methods to try to bypass security and achieve its goal which is ultimately, exploiting a local file inclusion.
Lost and Found Information System version 1.0 suffers from a cross site request forgery vulnerability.
Lost and Found Information System version 1.0 suffers from a reflective cross site scripting vulnerability.
Lost and Found Information System version 1.0 suffers from a persistent cross site scripting vulnerability.
Lost and Found Information System version 1.0 suffers from an insecure direct object reference vulnerability that allows for account takeover.
Lost and Found Information System version 1.0 suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability.
WordPress Direct Download for WooCommerce versions up to 1.15 suffer from a local file inclusion vulnerability.
The intent of this document is to help penetration testers and students identify and test LFI vulnerabilities on future penetration testing engagements by consolidating research for local file inclusion LFI penetration testing techniques. LFI vulnerabilities are typically discovered during web app penetration testing using the techniques contained within this document. Additionally, some of the techniques mentioned in this paper are also commonly used in CTF style competitions.
This is a simple script to infect images with PHP Backdoors for local file inclusion attacks.
This perl script leverages /proc/self/environ to attempt getting code execution out of a local file inclusion vulnerability.
This perl script leverages /proc/self/environ to attempt getting code execution out of a local file inclusion vulnerability.
LFI Fuzzploit is a simple tool to help in the fuzzing for, finding, and exploiting of local file inclusion vulnerabilities in Linux-based PHP applications. Using special encoding and fuzzing techniques, lfi_fuzzploit will scan for some known and some not so known LFI filter bypasses and exploits using some advanced encoding/bypass methods to try to bypass security and achieve its goal which is ultimately, exploiting a local file inclusion.
Whitepaper explaining how PHPInfo can be used to assist with the exploitation of LFI vulnerabilities on PHP when combined with the file upload handling feature that is enabled by default.
This is a simple perl script called Viper LFI Scanner that enumerates local file inclusion attempts when given a specific target.
This is a simple perl script called Viper LFI Scanner that enumerates local file inclusion attempts when given a specific target.
This tool helps discover local file inclusion vulnerabilities. It creates a random user agent for the connection, supports nullbytes, supports common Unix systems, and more.
LFImap is a python script that tests leverages local file inclusion vulnerabilities to figure out the root of a file system, looks inside of some files and more.
The Simple Local File Inclusion Exploiter tool helps you exploit LFI (Local File Inclusion) vulnerabilities. Post discovery, simply pass the affected URL and vulnerable parameter to this tool. You can also use this tool to scan a URL for LFI vulnerabilities.
Whitepaper called Local File Inclusion, Step By Step. Written in Indonesian.
This is a short and descriptive guide about various methods for exploiting local file inclusion vulnerabilities.
This paper discuss local and remote file inclusion testing and exploiting using fimap.
Simple perl script for checking a variable for local file inclusion.
Local / Remote file inclusion scanner that attempts to make use of a c99 shell on a vulnerable host.
Local File Inclusion to Remote Code Execution with a perl script.