This paper describes a technique for tracing anonymous attacks in the Internet back to their source. This work is motivated by the increased frequency and sophistication of denial-of-service attacks and by the difficulty in tracing packets with incorrect, or "spoofed", source addresses. In this paper we describe a general purpose traceback mechanism based on probabilistic packet marking in the network. Our approach allows a victim to identify the network path(s) traversed by an attacker without requiring interactive operational support from Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Moreover, this traceback can be performed "post-mortem" -- after an attack has completed. We present one implementation of this technology that is incrementally deployable, (mostly) backwards compatible and can be efficiently implemented using conventional technology. In pdf and postscript format.
This Metasploit module exploits a vulnerability in the FOLD command of the University of Washington ipop2d service. By specifying an arbitrary folder name it is possible to retrieve any file which is world or group readable by the user ID of the POP account. This vulnerability can only be exploited with a valid username and password. The From address is the file owner.
This paper describes a vulnerability in several implementations of the Secure Hash Algorithm 3 (SHA-3) that have been released by its designers. The vulnerability has been present since the final-round update of Keccak was submitted to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) SHA-3 hash function competition in January 2011, and is present in the eXtended Keccak Code Package (XKCP) of the Keccak team. It affects all software projects that have integrated this code, such as the scripting languages Python and PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP). The vulnerability is a buffer overflow that allows attacker-controlled values to be eXclusive-ORed (XORed) into memory (without any restrictions on values to be XORed and even far beyond the location of the original buffer), thereby making many standard protection measures against buffer overflows (e.g., canary values) completely ineffective.
uWSGI versions prior to 2.0.17 suffer from a directory traversal vulnerability.
This paper describes an attack which can lead to Windows credentials theft, affecting the default configuration of the most popular browser in the world today, Google Chrome, as well as all Windows versions supporting it.
This paper describes the results of the research conducted by SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab on the security of McAfee Application Control. This product is an example of an application whitelisting solution which can be used to further harden critical systems such as server systems in SCADA environments or client systems with high security requirements like administrative workstations. Application whitelisting is a concept which works by whitelisting all installed software on a system and after that prevent the execution of not whitelisted software. This should prevent the execution of malware and therefore protect against advanced persistent threat (APT) attacks. McAfee Application Control is an example of such a software. It can be installed on any system, however, the main field of application is the protection of highly critical infrastructures. While the core feature of the product is application whitelisting, it also supports additional security features including write and read protection as well as different memory corruption protections.
This paper describes some of the common problems faced in biometrics and possible solutions to these problems.
This paper describes the PE (Portable Executable) file format used by Windows executables (.exe), dynamic link libraries (.dll) and other files: system drivers or ActiveX controls. It is written in Romanian.
This paper describes a pre-auth server-side NULL pointer dereference vulnerability in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, which is due to an issue related to the DemonWare6 query packets. This vulnerability can be exploited to perform Denial of Service (DoS) attacks against game servers.
The University of Wisconsin suffers from a cross site scripting vulnerability on
This paper describes an attack of the iterated use of hashing functions used as key stretching algorithms where the state of a hash can be transferred to the next hash function.
Whitepaper called Indexed Blind SQL Injection. Time based blind SQL attacks suffer from low bit/request ratios. Each request produces only one valuable bit of information. This paper describes a tweak that produces higher yield at the expense of a longer runtime. Along the way, some issues and notes of applicability are also discussed.
This paper describes the results of a thorough examination of Sophos Antivirus internals. The author presents a technical analysis of claims made by the vendor, and publishes the tools and reference material required to reproduce their results. Furthermore, they examine the product from the perspective of a vulnerability researcher, exploring the rich attack surface exposed, and demonstrating weaknesses and vulnerabilities.
This paper describes the basic process of using the proxmark3 to clone Proxcards and then introduces ProxBrute, a new tool for brute forcing valid proxcard values.
uwss is a web security scanner and used for testing security holes in web applications. It can act as a fuzzer whose objective is to probe the application with various crafted attack strings. uwss is built upon a modular concept.
The revised Google Chrome Math.random algorithm (included in version 3.0 of Google Chrome) is predictable. This paper describes how Google Chrome 3.0 Math.random's internal state can be reconstructed, and how it can be rolled forward and backward, and how (in Windows) the exact seeding time can be extracted.
Whitepaper called Cisco IOS Router Exploitation. This paper describes the challenges with the exploitation of memory corruption software vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS. The goal is to map out the problem space in order to allow for the anticipation of developments in the future, as current research suggests that exploitation of such vulnerabilities in the wild is not currently the case. By understanding the challenges that an attacker faces, defensive strategies can be better planned, a required evolution with the current state of Cisco IOS router networks.
uwss is a web security scanner and used for testing security holes in web applications. It can act as a fuzzer whose objective is to probe the application with various crafted attack strings. uwss is built upon a modular concept.
This paper describes a practical attack against the protocol used by SAP for client server communication. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the fact that the protocol does not sufficiently protect sensitive information like user names and passwords.
University of Washington IMAP c-client remote format string exploit.
For My Next Trick: Client-Side Hacking - This paper describes numerous techniques for attacking Clients-side technologies. The content of the paper is based the research that has been conducted over past year by the GNUCITIZEN Ethical Hacker Outfit.
This paper describes how to detect Honeypots / Honeywalls by using hping to send an ICMP packet containing shellcode and analyzing the response.
Detecting the Presence of Virtual Machines Using the Local Data Table - This paper describes a method for determining the presence of virtual machine emulation in a non-privileged operating environment. This attack is useful for triggering anti-virtualization attacks and evading analysis.
Story of a dumb patch - This paper describes a mistake made by Microsoft in patch MS05-018 where Microsoft failed to properly fix a vulnerability having to release a new patch MS05-049. Hopefully this paper will open the eyes of software vendors to not repeat these kind of mistakes.
This paper describes an attempt to write Win32 shellcode that is as small as possible, to perform a common task subject to reasonable constraints. The solution presented implements a bindshell in 191 bytes of null-free code, and outlines some general ideas for writing small shellcode.
This paper describes several techniques for exposing file contents using the site search functionality. It is assumed that a site contains documents which are not visible/accessible to external users. Such documents are typically future PR items, or future security advisories, uploaded to the website beforehand. However, the site is also searchable via an internal search facility, which does have access to those documents, and as such, they are indexed by it not via web crawling, but rather, via direct access to the files. Therein lies the security breach.