This Metasploit module exploits an unauthenticated command injection vulnerability in the yrange parameter in OpenTSDB through 2.4.0 (CVE-2020-35476) in order to achieve unauthenticated remote code execution as the root user. The module first attempts to obtain the OpenTSDB version via the api. If the version is 2.4.0 or lower, the module performs additional checks to obtain the configured metrics and aggregators. It then randomly selects one metric and one aggregator and uses those to instruct the target server to plot a graph. As part of this request, the yrange parameter is set to the payload, which will then be executed by the target if the latter is vulnerable. This module has been successfully tested against OpenTSDB version 2.3.0.
Graudit is a simple script and signature sets that allows you to find potential security flaws in source code using the GNU utility, grep. It's comparable to other static analysis applications like RATS, SWAAT, and flaw-finder while keeping the technical requirements to a minimum and being very flexible.
WordPress Yith WooCommerce Gift Cards Premium plugin versions 3.19.0 and below suffer from a remote shell upload vulnerability.
Stock Management System 2022 version 1.0 from Erick Cesar suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability.