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Files from jheysel-r7

First Active2021-05-17
Last Active2024-04-24
Apache Solr Backup/Restore API Remote Code Execution
Posted Apr 24, 2024
Authored by jheysel-r7, l3yx | Site metasploit.com

Apache Solr versions 6.0.0 through 8.11.2 and versions 9.0.0 up to 9.4.1 are affected by an unrestricted file upload vulnerability which can result in remote code execution in the context of the user running Apache Solr. When Apache Solr creates a Collection, it will use a specific directory as the classpath and load some classes from it. The backup function of the Collection can export malicious class files uploaded by attackers to the directory, allowing Solr to load custom classes and create arbitrary Java code. Execution can further bypass the Java sandbox configured by Solr, ultimately causing arbitrary command execution.

tags | exploit, java, remote, arbitrary, code execution, file upload
advisories | CVE-2023-50386
SHA-256 | 982c87ed2032bff9e2a889f42db78ed065aa2707c068813f76b1c3875193d49d
FortiNet FortiClient EMS 7.2.2 / 7.0.10 SQL Injection / Remote Code Execution
Posted Apr 23, 2024
Authored by Spencer McIntyre, jheysel-r7, James Horseman, Zach Hanley | Site metasploit.com

A remote SQL injection vulnerability exists in FortiNet FortiClient EMS (Endpoint Management Server) versions 7.2.0 through 7.2.2 and 7.0.1 through 7.0.10. FortiClient EMS serves as an endpoint management solution tailored for enterprises, offering a centralized platform for overseeing enrolled endpoints. The SQL injection vulnerability is due to user controller strings which can be sent directly into database queries. FcmDaemon.exe is the main service responsible for communicating with enrolled clients. By default it listens on port 8013 and communicates with FCTDas.exe which is responsible for translating requests and sending them to the database. In the message header of a specific request sent between the two services, the FCTUID parameter is vulnerable to SQL injection. It can be used to enable the xp_cmdshell which can then be used to obtain unauthenticated remote code execution in the context of NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. Upgrading to either 7.2.3, 7.0.11 or above is recommended by FortiNet. It should be noted that in order to be vulnerable, at least one endpoint needs to be enrolled / managed by FortiClient EMS for the necessary vulnerable services to be available.

tags | exploit, remote, code execution, sql injection
advisories | CVE-2023-48788
SHA-256 | 5dc08a7c993a962915dd2867b371b86d2696d585975c16dd1ce9c50691286b53
Sharepoint Dynamic Proxy Generator Remote Command Execution
Posted Mar 27, 2024
Authored by Jang, jheysel-r7 | Site metasploit.com

This Metasploit module exploits two vulnerabilities in Sharepoint 2019 - an authentication bypass as noted in CVE-2023-29357 which was patched in June of 2023 and CVE-2023-24955 which was a remote command execution vulnerability patched in May of 2023. The authentication bypass allows attackers to impersonate the Sharepoint Admin user. This vulnerability stems from the signature validation check used to verify JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) used for OAuth authentication. If the signing algorithm of the user-provided JWT is set to none, SharePoint skips the signature validation step due to a logic flaw in the ReadTokenCore() method. After impersonating the administrator user, the attacker has access to the Sharepoint API and is able to exploit CVE-2023-24955. This authenticated remote command execution vulnerability leverages the impersonated privileged account to replace the /BusinessDataMetadataCatalog/BDCMetadata.bdcm file in the webroot directory with a payload. The payload is then compiled and executed by Sharepoint allowing attackers to remotely execute commands via the API.

tags | exploit, remote, web, vulnerability
advisories | CVE-2023-24955, CVE-2023-29357
SHA-256 | 3b1724367c87a328eb0a2106c305037f2a413ec6310fe39613f91e443e4e1a9c
QNAP QTS / QuTS Hero Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution
Posted Feb 22, 2024
Authored by Spencer McIntyre, jheysel-r7, sfewer-r7 | Site metasploit.com

There exists an unauthenticated command injection vulnerability in the QNAP operating system known as QTS and QuTS hero. QTS is a core part of the firmware for numerous QNAP entry and mid-level Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices, and QuTS hero is a core part of the firmware for numerous QNAP high-end and enterprise NAS devices. The vulnerable endpoint is the quick.cgi component, exposed by the device's web based administration feature. The quick.cgi component is present in an uninitialized QNAP NAS device. This component is intended to be used during either manual or cloud based provisioning of a QNAP NAS device. Once a device has been successfully initialized, the quick.cgi component is disabled on the system. An attacker with network access to an uninitialized QNAP NAS device may perform unauthenticated command injection, allowing the attacker to execute arbitrary commands on the device.

tags | exploit, web, arbitrary, cgi
advisories | CVE-2023-47218
SHA-256 | 512c538bc485b9095fb0fb14daba0e91a985496262d3017dc3aaf05f8005e9ad
WordPress Backup Migration 1.3.7 Remote Command Execution
Posted Jan 18, 2024
Authored by jheysel-r7, Valentin Lobstein, Nex Team | Site metasploit.com

This Metasploit module exploits an unauthenticated remote command execution vulnerability in WordPress Backup Migration plugin versions 1.3.7 and below. The vulnerability is exploitable through the Content-Dir header which is sent to the /wp-content/plugins/backup-backup/includes/backup-heart.php endpoint. The exploit makes use of a neat technique called PHP Filter Chaining which allows an attacker to prepend bytes to a string by continuously chaining character encoding conversions. This allows an attacker to prepend a PHP payload to a string which gets evaluated by a require statement, which results in command execution.

tags | exploit, remote, php
advisories | CVE-2023-6553
SHA-256 | 1feecca12306422ebe993c3821d87be77ad3056e719f9dcbae7c033f156e447f
Glibc Tunables Privilege Escalation
Posted Dec 21, 2023
Authored by Blasty, jheysel-r7, Qualys Threat Research Unit | Site metasploit.com

A buffer overflow exists in the GNU C Library's dynamic loader ld.so while processing the GLIBC_TUNABLES environment variable. It has been dubbed Looney Tunables. This issue allows an local attacker to use maliciously crafted GLIBC_TUNABLES when launching binaries with SUID permission to execute code in the context of the root user. This Metasploit module targets glibc packaged on Ubuntu and Debian. Fedora 37 and 38 and other distributions of linux also come packaged with versions of glibc vulnerable to CVE-2023-4911 however this module does not target them.

tags | exploit, overflow, local, root
systems | linux, debian, fedora, ubuntu
advisories | CVE-2023-4911
SHA-256 | e48ab23fe12076a6f076606de74abf4141a72444bfb88e5c9ea8bf73a3f2b891
Atlassian Confluence Improper Authorization / Code Execution
Posted Dec 19, 2023
Authored by Atlassian, jheysel-r7 | Site metasploit.com

This improper authorization vulnerability allows an unauthenticated attacker to reset Confluence and create a Confluence instance administrator account. Using this account, an attacker can then perform all administrative actions that are available to the Confluence instance administrator. This Metasploit module uses the administrator account to install a malicious .jsp servlet plugin which the user can trigger to gain code execution on the target in the context of the of the user running the confluence server.

tags | exploit, code execution
advisories | CVE-2023-22518
SHA-256 | 26d73b4952befcec0a56b50c408cd4fd4e5babeec09700eba379dfb85cf91c39
Juniper SRX Firewall / EX Switch Remote Code Execution
Posted Oct 2, 2023
Authored by Ron Bowes, Jacob Baines, jheysel-r7 | Site metasploit.com

This Metasploit module exploits a PHP environment variable manipulation vulnerability affecting Juniper SRX firewalls and EX switches. The affected Juniper devices running FreeBSD and every FreeBSD process can access their stdin by opening /dev/fd/0. The exploit also makes use of two useful PHP features. The first being auto_prepend_file which causes the provided file to be added using the require function. The second PHP function is allow_url_include which allows the use of URL-aware fopen wrappers. By enabling allow_url_include, the exploit can use any protocol wrapper with auto_prepend_file. The module then uses data:// to provide a file inline which includes the base64 encoded PHP payload. By default this exploit returns a session confined to a FreeBSD jail with limited functionality. There is a datastore option JAIL_BREAK, that when set to true, will steal the necessary tokens from a user authenticated to the J-Web application, in order to overwrite the root password hash. If there is no user authenticated to the J-Web application this method will not work. The module then authenticates with the new root password over SSH and then rewrites the original root password hash to /etc/master.passwd.

tags | exploit, web, root, php, protocol
systems | freebsd, bsd, juniper
advisories | CVE-2023-36845
SHA-256 | 23552b23e1cc0e2022181944f8894c8f7203e6893e7d1127561c3ffd867b9517
Lexmark Device Embedded Web Server Remote Code Execution
Posted Sep 19, 2023
Authored by jheysel-r7, James Horseman, Zach Hanley | Site metasploit.com

An unauthenticated remote code execution vulnerability exists in the embedded webserver in certain Lexmark devices through 2023-02-19. The vulnerability is only exposed if, when setting up the printer or device, the user selects "Set up Later" when asked if they would like to add an Admin user. If no Admin user is created, the endpoint /cgi-bin/fax_change_faxtrace_settings is accessible without authentication. The endpoint allows the user to configure a number of different fax settings. A number of the configurable parameters on the page fail to be sanitized properly before being used in a bash eval statement, allowing for an unauthenticated user to run arbitrary commands.

tags | exploit, remote, arbitrary, cgi, code execution, bash
advisories | CVE-2023-26067, CVE-2023-26068
SHA-256 | 55b25ea44278a5136992f906756ff24cc7e2991ab7847a6388c6522fffc7a70a
Windows Common Log File System Driver (clfs.sys) Privilege Escalation
Posted Sep 14, 2023
Authored by Ricardo Narvaja, jheysel-r7, Esteban.kazimirow | Site metasploit.com

A privilege escalation vulnerability exists in the clfs.sys driver which comes installed by default on Windows 10 21H2, Windows 11 21H2 and Windows Server 20348 operating systems. This Metasploit module exploit makes use to two different kinds of specially crafted .blf files.

tags | exploit
systems | windows
advisories | CVE-2023-28252
SHA-256 | 9aa5ede2ea03c876775407f0098c013dfd3c503cc4ebb1ee7306284def339699
Ivanti Sentry Authentication Bypass / Remote Code Execution
Posted Sep 13, 2023
Authored by jheysel-r7, James Horseman, Zach Hanley | Site metasploit.com

This Metasploit module exploits an authentication bypass in Ivanti Sentry which exposes API functionality which allows for code execution in the context of the root user.

tags | exploit, root, code execution
advisories | CVE-2023-38035
SHA-256 | ea4bf146aae20e6532518f5f14a0339f6c32348de42b3b15936e869ed48d8e04
Apache RocketMQ 5.1.0 Arbitrary Code Injection
Posted Jul 7, 2023
Authored by h00die, jheysel-r7, Malayke | Site metasploit.com

RocketMQ versions 5.1.0 and below are vulnerable to arbitrary code injection. Broker component of RocketMQ is leaked on the extranet and lack permission verification. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by using the update configuration function to execute commands as the system users that RocketMQ is running as. Additionally, an attacker can achieve the same effect by forging the RocketMQ protocol content.

tags | exploit, arbitrary, protocol
advisories | CVE-2023-33246
SHA-256 | b33a501b649fb4900d4cb03d01bea674dda00bc78e807afce60061fd47ecfcea
Pentaho Business Server Authentication Bypass / SSTI / Code Execution
Posted May 11, 2023
Authored by jheysel-r7, dwbzn, Harry Withington | Site metasploit.com

Hitachi Vantara Pentaho Business Analytics Server prior to versions and, including 8.3.x is vulnerable to an authentication bypass (CVE-2022-43939) and a Server Side Template Injection (SSTI) vulnerability (CVE-2022-43769) that can be chained together to achieve unauthenticated code execution as the user running the Pentaho Business Analytics Server. The first vulnerability (CVE-2022-43939) is an authentication bypass which stems from a regex that allows any URL that ends in "/", followed by "require", optionally "-js" or "-cfg", any character, and then the string "js" followed optionally by "?" and then any characters of the attacker's choice. The second (CVE-2022-43769) is a server side template injection. This vulnerability allows remote code execution by making a GET request to /api/ldap/config/ldapTreeNodeChildren and setting the url parameter to ThymeLeaf template code. By abusing the ability to execute arbitrary Java classes within Thymeleaf templates, an attacker can execute arbitrary commands as the user running the Pentaho Business Analytics Server.

tags | exploit, java, remote, arbitrary, code execution
advisories | CVE-2022-43769, CVE-2022-43939
SHA-256 | 85e7f9076fc208c9c4ebe24ee580c0390563fe0f0db89e01aa897a906b078801
VMware Workspace ONE Access Privilege Escalation
Posted Apr 19, 2023
Authored by mr_me, jheysel-r7 | Site metasploit.com

This Metasploit module exploits CVE-2022-22960 which allows the user to overwrite the permissions of the certproxyService.sh script so that it can be modified by the horizon user. This allows a local attacker with the uid 1001 to escalate their privileges to root access.

tags | exploit, local, root
advisories | CVE-2022-22960
SHA-256 | c980fde4ce08516646fb2f75d7208c7f0bc88dcc1103403bca06bec378b78a76
VMware Workspace ONE Remote Code Execution
Posted Apr 18, 2023
Authored by mr_me, jheysel-r7 | Site metasploit.com

This Metasploit module combines two vulnerabilities in order achieve remote code execution in the context of the horizon user. The first vulnerability, CVE-2022-22956, is an authentication bypass in OAuth2TokenResourceController ACS which allows a remote, unauthenticated attacker to bypass the authentication mechanism and execute any operation. The second vulnerability, CVE-2022-22957, is a JDBC injection remote code execution vulnerability specifically in the DBConnectionCheckController class's dbCheck method which allows an attacker to deserialize arbitrary Java objects which can allow for remote code execution.

tags | exploit, java, remote, arbitrary, vulnerability, code execution
advisories | CVE-2022-22956, CVE-2022-22957
SHA-256 | 7c29d90e3f3e9d482ff4bcd4e44dc3c7f3847da9e1f2f563dc1812dc6362bcd4
Fortinet FortiNAC keyUpload.jsp Arbitrary File Write
Posted Mar 15, 2023
Authored by jheysel-r7, Zach Hanley, Gwendal Guegniaud | Site metasploit.com

This Metasploit module uploads a payload to the /tmp directory in addition to a cron job to /etc/cron.d which executes the payload in the context of the root user. The core vulnerability is an arbitrary file write issue in /configWizard/keyUpload.jsp which is accessible remotely and without authentication. When you send the vulnerable endpoint a ZIP file, it will extract an attacker controlled file to a directory of the attackers choice on the target system. This issue is exploitable on FortiNAC versions 9.4 prior to 9.4.1, FortiNAC versions 9.2 prior to 9.2.6, FortiNAC versions 9.1 prior to 9.1.8, all versions of FortiNAC 8.8, all versions of FortiNAC 8.7, all versions of FortiNAC 8.6, all versions of FortiNAC 8.5, and all versions of FortiNAC 8.3.

tags | exploit, arbitrary, root
advisories | CVE-2022-39952
SHA-256 | b72056fdc9840a37268bab3325c1941ddb0082c5918cf14fec39001b268b461d
Froxlor 2.0.6 Remote Command Execution
Posted Feb 23, 2023
Authored by Askar, jheysel-r7 | Site metasploit.com

Froxlor versions 2.0.6 and below suffer from a bug that allows authenticated users to change the application logs path to any directory on the OS level which the user www-data can write without restrictions from the backend which leads to writing a malicious Twig template that the application will render. That leads to remote command execution under the user www-data.

tags | exploit, remote
advisories | CVE-2023-0315
SHA-256 | a4048c5b1f41c4347f4543f9ad125a92d70622eb396c52b2aaf555132f774674
Lenovo Diagnostics Driver Memory Access
Posted Feb 3, 2023
Authored by jheysel-r7, alfarom256 | Site metasploit.com

This Metasploit module demonstrates how an incorrect access control for the Lenovo Diagnostics Driver allows a low-privileged user the ability to issue device IOCTLs to perform arbitrary physical/virtual memory reads and writes.

tags | exploit, arbitrary
advisories | CVE-2022-3699
SHA-256 | 4d81e8f2ae72805082f511a1afa0427bff321c86d10fa56019672dac926e51f8
Apache CouchDB Erlang Remote Code Execution
Posted Nov 2, 2022
Authored by 1F98D, jheysel-r7, Konstantin Burov, _sadshade, Milton Valencia | Site metasploit.com

In Apache CouchDB versions prior to 3.2.2, an attacker can access an improperly secured default installation without authenticating and gain admin privileges.

tags | exploit
advisories | CVE-2022-24706
SHA-256 | adaa831a27cc8a7dbc13e63bb293d887542dcd7e9b4a0d6eb85acf4fc9076b08
Webmin 1.984 File Manager Remote Code Execution
Posted Nov 2, 2022
Authored by jheysel-r7, faisalfs10x | Site metasploit.com

In Webmin version 1.984, any authenticated low privilege user without access rights to the File Manager module could interact with file manager functionalities such as downloading files from remote URLs and changing file permissions. It is possible to achieve remote code execution via a crafted .cgi file by chaining those functionalities in the file manager.

tags | exploit, remote, cgi, code execution
advisories | CVE-2022-0824
SHA-256 | 174516108c4d106859887c676523c5bd94d8fe133ba6657e421890c8d9f7ef89
pfSense pfBlockerNG 2.1.4_26 Shell Upload
Posted Oct 17, 2022
Authored by IHTeam, jheysel-r7 | Site metasploit.com

This Metasploit module leverages a remote shell upload vulnerability in pfSense pfBlockerNG plugin versions 2.1.4_26 and below. Note that version 3.x is unaffected.

tags | exploit, remote, shell
advisories | CVE-2022-31814
SHA-256 | 4189e967b6b81ffffd850d9ece99fb550a29985985f2bcf2dcb9de105fffe02c
Palo Alto Networks Authenticated Remote Code Execution
Posted Sep 16, 2022
Authored by UnD3sc0n0c1d0, Mikhail Klyuchnikov, jheysel-r7, Nikita Abramov | Site metasploit.com

This Metasploit module exploits an OS command injection vulnerability in the PAN-OS management interface that allows authenticated administrators to execute arbitrary OS commands with root privileges. This issue impacts PAN-OS versions prior to 10.0.1, 9.1.4 and 9.0.10.

tags | exploit, arbitrary, root
advisories | CVE-2020-2038
SHA-256 | bd8da0b51bb49981c02de534b677f79ab91e97edd6c6f772d526bed01cfe7f69
dotCMS Shell Upload
Posted Jun 2, 2022
Authored by jheysel-r7, Hussein Daher, Shubham Shah | Site metasploit.com

When files are uploaded into dotCMS via the content API, but before they become content, dotCMS writes the file down in a temporary directory. In the case of this vulnerability, dotCMS does not sanitize the filename passed in via the multipart request header and thus does not sanitize the temporary file's name. This allows an attacker to use a specially crafted request to POST files to dotCMS via the ContentResource API that gets written outside of the dotCMS temporary directory. In the case of this exploit, an attacker can upload a specially crafted .jsp file to the webapp/ROOT directory of dotCMS which can allow for remote code execution.

tags | exploit, remote, root, code execution
advisories | CVE-2022-26352
SHA-256 | 6278f9faf70f24f5e2ce7692ddce577df263982c2d46d57858bd869409412d14
Git git-lfs Remote Code Execution
Posted Sep 16, 2021
Authored by Dawid Golunski, jheysel-r7, space-r7 | Site metasploit.com

This Metasploit modules exploits a critical vulnerability in Git Large File Storage (Git LFS), an open source Git extension for versioning large files, which allows attackers to achieve remote code execution if the Windows-using victim is tricked into cloning the attacker’s malicious repository using a vulnerable Git version control tool.

tags | exploit, remote, code execution
systems | windows
advisories | CVE-2020-27955
SHA-256 | aa2d400dab7c8721b2c5166ed34cccd536045aa8292ad9a6b5fb2e07509a8b9e
ForgeRock / OpenAM Jato Java Deserialization
Posted Jul 13, 2021
Authored by Spencer McIntyre, Michael Stepankin, bwatters-r7, jheysel-r7 | Site metasploit.com

This Metasploit module leverages a pre-authentication remote code execution vulnerability in the OpenAM identity and access management solution. The vulnerability arises from a Java deserialization flaw in OpenAM's implementation of the Jato framework and can be triggered by a simple one-line GET or POST request to a vulnerable endpoint. Successful exploitation yields code execution on the target system as the service user. This vulnerability also affects the ForgeRock identity platform which is built on top of OpenAM and thus is susceptible to the same issue.

tags | exploit, java, remote, code execution
advisories | CVE-2021-35464
SHA-256 | 7ab7e165e1eabb4c0774d5b02fa501308e44a10ac91af40c1b4ed6a62fc60ca6
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