SimpleRmiDiscoverer is a JMX RMI scanning tool for unsecured (without enabled authentication) instances of JAVA JMX. It does not use standard Java RMI/JMX classes like other available tools but rather communicates directly over TCP. The tool is written in Java and is very useful in red teaming operations because JVM is still ubiquitous in corporate environments. It can be executed by unprivileged (non-admin) users.
Pega Platform versions 8.1.0 through 8.7.3 suffer from a remote code execution vulnerability. If an on-premise installation of the Pega Platform is configured with the port for the JMX interface exposed to the Internet and port filtering is not properly configured, then it may be possible to upload serialized payloads to attack the underlying system. This does not affect systems running on PegaCloud due to its design and architecture.
Microsoft Windows RPC Locator Service remote exploit. Binds cmd.exe to port 5151. Tested again Windows 2000 SP3 and Windows NT 4 SP6a.