Pentaho allows users to create and manage Data Sources. Users can select a Data Source when creating a Dashboard through the Pentaho User Console. When a Data Source is added, Pentaho makes a HTTP request to the dashboards editor (/pentaho/api/repos/dashboards/editor) in order to test the connection by executing a test SQL query. However, further examination revealed that by utilizing CVE-2021-31602, an authentication bypass of Spring APIs, it is possible for an unauthenticated user to execute arbitrary SQL queries on any Pentaho datasource and thus retrieve data from the related databases.
Pentaho implements a series of web services using the SOAP protocol to allow scripting interaction with the backend server. HAWSEC identified that the services userRoleListService and ServiceAction exposed through the /pentaho/webservices/userRoleListService and /pentaho/ServiceAction?action=SecurityDetails endpoints are not enforcing sufficient access controls. Specifically, an authenticated user can list all application usernames present in the Jackrabbit Repository.
Pentaho Business Analytics and Pentaho Business Server versions 9.1 and below suffer from an authentication bypass vulnerability related to Spring APIs.
Pentaho implements a series of web services using the SOAP protocol to allow scripting interaction with the backend server. While most of the interfaces correctly implement ACL, the Data Source Management Service located at /pentaho/webservices/datasourceMgmtService allows low-privilege authenticated users to list the connection details of all data sources used by Pentaho.
Pentaho allows users to upload various files of different file types. The upload service is implemented under the /pentaho/UploadService endpoint. The file types allowed by the application are csv, dat, txt, tar, zip, tgz, gz, gzip. When uploading a file with an extension other than the allowed file types, the application responds with the error message of UploadFileServlet.ERROR_0011 - File type not allowed. Allowable types are csv,dat,txt,tar,zip,tgz,gz,gzip. However, the file extension check can be bypassed by including a single dot "." at the end of the filename.
Pentaho allows users to create and run Pentaho Report Bundles (.prpt). Users can create PRPT reports by utilizing the Pentaho Designer application and can include BeanShell Script functions to ease the production of complex reports. However, the BeanShell Script functions can allow for the execution of arbitrary Java code when Pentaho PRPT Reports are run by Pentaho Business Analytics. This functionality allows any user with sufficient privileges to upload or edit an existing Pentaho Report Bundle (through Pentaho Designer) and execute arbitrary code in the context of the Pentaho application user running on the web server.