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Posted May 15, 2002
Authored by Floydman | Site securit.iquebec.com

Logagent is a Windows tool in Perl which monitors several ascii logfiles and redirect any change made to a central location. Supports remote logging.

tags | remote, perl
systems | windows
SHA-256 | a644d6b393a1f7bf9c90966cb62683ca5a4f11ddb0426bf0e5ec94a801fc811d


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LogAgent 2.0 beta
By Floydman, floydian_99@yahoo.com
May 14th, 2002

This paper is available online at www.geocities.com/floydian_99

This paper can be freely distributed and reproduced, as long as correct credentials are maintained, and that no modifications are made to this file. For corrections, suggestions or comments, please send me an e-mail.

1. What is LogAgent?
2. History behind LogAgent
3. Improvements since version 1.0
4. Known issues
5. Source code
6. Sample config.txt
7. sample mondir.txt

1. What is LogAgent?

LogAgent is a little piece of software made in Perl designed to monitor ascii log files and redirect any change made to it to a central location. The purpose of this is to add flexibility in some security (or other) applications on the choice of destination folder for the log files. The ability to specify your own destination folder for log files could be a crucial requirement in your specification for a security software, and good products can be overlooked simply because they lack this single feature. LogAgent tries to fill that gap by monitoring the log files on the local machine, and then redirects the last line of the log file (as a modification is assumed to be an addition to the file made by the associated software, more about this later) to the destination of your choice, either on another folder on the same machine or to a remote server for network-wide log file centralization.

2. History behind LogAgent

LogAgent 1.0 was created in september 2000. At the time, I had written a paper about antivirus protection and deployment in an enterprise network, and one of the topics covered in this paper was the benefits from the centralization of the antivirus logfiles on the network. As I played with other antivirus products and some personnal firewalls, I found out that some of them had their log file destination path hardcoded in the software, making it impossible to choose a different location, and thus preventing the centralization of log files scattered around on a network.

The original paper of LogAgent 1.0 is available at www.geocities.com/floydian_99/logagent.html. Please refer to it if you're looking for more information and examples about what LogAgent can do. Version 2.0 works pretty much the same way as version 1.0, with the exception that you don't have to modify the code to change the configuration. Some other things have been added.

The original paper "LogAgent, log file recollection tool" have been presented at the "Seguridad en Computo 2000" conference in Mexico City.

3. Improvements since version 1.0

The biggest and most obvious change is that version 2.0 is more of a structured program compared to version 1.0, which was more of a simple script. This helps produce simpler and more flexible code, which makes it possible then to add
a couple features to make it a more interesting software.

Changes from version 1.0 include:

- the configuration is now independant of source-code (big improvement). The configuration is now handled by two files, config.txt and mondir.txt

- the programming style is procedural, so it makes it for simpler code to read

- Lots of comments in the code to make it easier to understand how the program works

- checks the config files for empty spaces, empty lines, bad characters, switch '/' to '\', ...

- can have as many output directories (local or remote) as you want (one directory path per line in mondir.txt)

- can have as many monitored directories (local) as you want, listed one directory path by line after the fourth line in config.txt

- the ability to switch on and off the logging of the IP, hostname and username (first 3 lines of config.txt)

- the ability to switch on and off the display of information on the console (the fouthr line of config.txt)

- using the SHOWCONSOLE option, you can actively keep an eye on the activity in your log files by monitoring your central log directory with LogAgent

- samplex of config.txt and mondir.txt can be found at the end of this article

4. Known issues

There are some known issues with this program. Nothing too bad, but it is good for you to know about these little quirks in case you find that LogAgent is not behaving the way you expected.

- LogAgent assumes in its design that a change made to a monitored log file means that an entry has been added to the log file by the associated application. Because of this, if a cracker gets control of the machine and deletes lines containing proof of his presence in monitored log files, then you should see the same line being repeated each time the file is wrote to (assuming, of course, that the cracker have not disabled LogAgent).

- For the same reason, the same behavior will happen if changes are made to a file too quickly for LogAgent to capture the corresponding data. This is because LogAgent has to open and read the whole log file to capture the last line. This takes much more time than to simply append some data at the end of the file. For this reason, I would recommend to keep local log files small, unless somebody points me to a more efficient solution.

- If there is a binary file in the monitored directory, and this if file does change over time, then LogAgent will try to capture this data as well. This usually doesn't prevent LogAgent from working, but I am not sure about the validity of the content of the reconstituted binary file at the destination server. LogAgent is primarily conceived for ASCII files.

- Not really an issue, but more of an installation note, you need to install the AdvNotify and Win32 API Perl modules available at http://www.generation.net/~aminer/Perl/. However, this site now appears to be down, so you can find the perl modules at http://www.geocities.com/floydian_99/Win32-AdvNotify.tar.gz and http://www.geocities.com/floydian_99/Win32-API-0.20.zip.

5. Source code

#! C:\perl\bin\perl.exe
# LogAgent 2.0 beta

# LogAgent 2.0 beta #
# by Floydman floydian_99@yahoo.com #
# Copyright 2002 SecurIT Informatique Inc. http://securit.iquebec.com #
# #
# This program gets its configuration from the file config.txt, and the list of #
# directories to be monitored from the file mondir.txt. These two files have to be in #
# the same directory as LogAgent. The config file lets you specify if you want to #
# include the IP of the machine, the hostname and the username in the log files, in #
# these cases where the software generating the log doesn't provide these credentials. #
# You can also specify if you want to display entries captured by LogAgent to be #
# displayed on the console or not. Then, the program starts the monitoring threads for #
# each entry in mondir.txt, and then enters in an infinite-loop, waiting for signals #
# from the threads. When a signal is trigerred (ie: a file as changed in the directory #
# you are monitoring), it gets the last line from the log file, and sends it to the #
# specified outputs. Output dirs can be remote or local, and as many as you want. #
# #
# note about config.txt: Do not modify the headers LOGIP, LOGHOST, LOGUSER and #
# SHOWCONSOLE, or the program will stop working. Only change the Y or N at the end of #
# the line. #

# This software is Open Source. This means that its source code is open, free and avai-#
# lable for anyone to look into, make modifications, correct bugs (let me know, please) #
# and use for their personal use. This is a beta version, so this software is NOT for #
# commercial use. You can create your own binaries, provided you rightfully own a #
# compiler (if you don't, then you are stealing them, not me), and to distribute it in- #
# side your organisation for internal usage only. DO NOT distribute compiled copies of #
# this software to external parties other than the one you work for. If you wish to be #
# a licensed distributor for the final version, send an e-mail to securit.iquebec.com. #

# Main Program #
# This is the main structure of LogAgent. #
# This procedure takes note of the machine credentials, LogAgent's configuration and #
# the list of directories to monitor. #
# Then, we start a thread for each entry in mondir.txt and we enter in the main loop. #
# This loop waits for signals from the threads, and when a signal is received, it #
# captures the last line of the modified log file. This line is then sent to the #
# various outputs specified in config.txt. #
# At the end of the loop (CTRL-C) we destroy our threads and memory objects, for clean #
# programming purposes. #

# Using Win32::AdvNotify
# By Amine Moulay Ramdane <aminer@generation.net>
# Website: http://www.generation.net/~aminer/Perl/
# This Perl module is the core engine of LogAgent. This module contains all the funtionalities
# For monitoring the changes made to files and folders on the system
# You will also need to install the Win32 API Perl module in order to use AdvNotify

use Win32::AdvNotify qw(FILE_NAME SIZE INFINITE Yes No
All %ActionName %ActionColor);

# Declaration of needed components for machine identification
use Socket;
use Sys::Hostname;
my $element;

# Creation of the AdvNotify object
my $obj = new Win32::AdvNotify()|| die "Can't create object\n";

# Creation of machine ID table
@id = getid();

# Creation of config table
my @config = getconfig();

# Creation of mondir table
my @mondir = getmondir();

# Creation of threads table. Threads are started, and then launched, this is the way the AdvNotify module works
my $index=0;
foreach $element (@mondir)
$threads[$index] = $obj->StartThread(Directory => $mondir[$index],
Filter => All ,
WatchSubtree => No ) || die "Can't start thread\n";
$threads[$index]->EnableWatch() || die "Problem starting EnableWatch()\n";

print "Log Agent 2.0, brought to you by Floydman\n";
print "Copyright 2002 SecurIT Informatique Inc.\n";
print "http://securit.iquebec.com\n";

# Enters the main monitoring loop

# termination of the threads.
for ($a; $a<$index; $a++)
{ $threads[$a]->Terminate(); }

# destruction of the object
undef $obj;

# End of program#

# procedure getid() #
# This procedure gets the IP address, the host name and the username of the machine. #

sub getid
# Define username, IP address and hostname of the local machine
my $addr = inet_ntoa(scalar(gethostbyname($name)) || 'localhost');
my $host = hostname() || "hostname not defined";
my $login = getlogin || getpwuid($<) || "not logged";
my @id_table = ($addr, $host, $login);
return (@id_table);


# procedure getconfig() #
# This procedure gets the configuration file config.txt. #

sub getconfig
my @configtable;
my @dirtable;
$index = 0;
$numarg = 0;

open(CONFIGFILE,"<config.txt") || die "Can't open config.txt";
$logip = <CONFIGFILE> || die "Can't read logip from config.txt";
($logip=~m/LOGIP/i) || die "LOGIP entry missing in config.txt";

$loghost = <CONFIGFILE> || die "Can't read loghost from config.txt";
($loghost=~m/LOGHOST/i) || die "LOGHOST entry missing in config.txt";

$loguser = <CONFIGFILE> || die "Can't read loguser from config.txt";
($loguser=~m/LOGUSER/i) || die "LOGUSER entry missing in config.txt";

$showconsole = <CONFIGFILE> || die "Can't showconsole read from config.txt";
($showconsole=~m/SHOWCONSOLE/i) || die "SHOWCONSOLE entry missing in config.txt";

while (defined($dir = <CONFIGFILE>))
($index==0) && die "No destination directory specifed in config.txt.";
close (CONFIGFILE) || die "Can't close config.txt";

@configtable = ($logip, $loghost, $loguser, $showconsole, @dirtable);
@configtable = parse(@configtable);

(($numarg=@configtable)<5) && die "Not enough parameters in config.txt. Check file for errors.";

# Tranformation of the first 4 lines of configtable to boolean value

return (@configtable);

# procedure getmondir() #
# This procedure gets the configuration file mondir.txt. #

sub getmondir
my @dirtable;
my $index = 0;

open(MONDIRFILE,"<mondir.txt") || die "Can't open mondir.txt";
while (defined($dir = <MONDIRFILE>))
($index==0) && die "No destination directory specifed in config.txt.";
close (MONDIRFILE) || die "Can't close mondir.txt";

@dirtable = parse(@dirtable);

return (@dirtable);

# procedure parse(table_file) #
# This procedure cleans the files from non-valid and blank characters that could be #
# placed in the config files. The procedure returns the file as a table. #

sub parse
{ my (@table) = @_;

#check for invalid characters in table_file
chomp @table;

foreach $element (@table)
@char = split (//, $element);

foreach $char (@char)
{ $char=~s%\\%/%; }
$element = join ('',@char);

my @tabletemp;
my $index = 0;

foreach $element (@table)
if ($element ne '') {

@table = @tabletemp;
return (@table);

# procedure startmonitoringloop() #
# This procedure is the main monitoring loop. When a change is detected in a file #
# located in a monitored directory (preferably ASCII files), the procedure calls #
# getlastline() with the name of the modified file. The captured line is then sent #
# via the procedure sendoutput(), along with LogAgent's configuration table. #

sub startmonitoringloop

while($threads[0]->Wait(INFINITE))# exit with [Ctrl-C] signal
while($threads[0]->Read(\@data))# exit when the list is empty

# procedure getlastline(filename) #
# This procedure gets the last line (non-blank) of the file received as the argument. #
# It returns the filename (whitout path) and the last line of the file. #

sub getlastline
{my ($data) = @_;

open (LOGFILE, $data->{Directory}.$data->{FileName}) or die "Can't open log file";
flock (LOGFILE, 1) or die "Can't lock file";
@lines = <LOGFILE>;
close (LOGFILE) or die "Can't close file"; # To unlock the file as fast as possible for new entries

@lines = parse(@lines);
$lastline = $lines[-1];

return ($data->{FileName}, $lastline);

# procedure sendoutput(line, config) #
# This procedure receives as arguments: the name of the modified file, the last line #
# of the logfile, and then the config table (LOGIP, LOGHOST, LOGUSER, SHOWCONSOLE, and #
# the various destination directories). The procedure checks the configuration to see #
# if it has to append any information to the original line or not. If SHOWCONSOLE in #
# enabled, then the line is printed on the screen, if not it simply passes to the next #
# step which is to forward this line to all mentionned destinations in config.txt. #

sub sendoutput
{ my ($filename, $line, $logip, $loghost, $loguser, $showconsole, @dest) = @_;

my $newline="";

if ($logip) {$newline=$newline.$id[0]." ";}
if ($loghost) {$newline=$newline.$id[1]." ";}
if ($loguser) {$newline=$newline.$id[2]." ";}


if ($showconsole) {print "$newline\n";}

foreach $destdir (@dest)
open (DEST, ">>".$destination) || die "Can't open master log file $destination";
flock (DEST, 2) || die "Can't lock file for writing";
print DEST "$newline\n" || die "Can't write to file";
close (DEST) || die "Can't close master log file";


6. Sample config.txt

7. sample mondir.txt
D:\Winnt\Internet Logs\
D:\Program Files\Antivirus Software\Log\
C:\Download Manager\Log\
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